When receiving a reward from a foreign individual or organization, do Vietnamese organizations or individuals need to obtain the consent of a competent State agency?

May I ask the following question: If a Vietnamese person is rewarded and awarded in the form of a reward by a foreign organization or individual, do they have to ask permission from the State agency before receiving it?

Responsibilities of agencies, organizations and units in emulation and commendation in Vietnam from January 1, 2024?

Pursuant to Article 13 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 stipulates as follows:

“Article 13. Responsibilities of agencies, organizations and units in emulation and commendation work
1. Heads of agencies, organizations or units directly lead, direct and take responsibility for the results of emulation and commendation work; detecting individuals, collectives and households with achievements to reward according to their competence or propose to superiors for commendation; typical advanced replication; performance assessment; take responsibility for the commendation decision and the submission to superiors for commendation.
2. Agencies, organizations and units are responsible for applying information technology and modernizing the management of emulation and commendation work.
3. The Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations shall, within the ambit of their tasks and powers, implement the provisions of Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article and have the following responsibilities:
a) Propagating, mobilizing and encouraging union members, members and the people to comply with the law on emulation and commendation;
b) Organize or coordinate with agencies, organizations and units to organize emulation movements;
c) Supervising the implementation of policies and laws on emulation and commendation and social criticism of draft policies and laws on emulation and commendation.
4. The press agency shall comply with the provisions of Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article and regularly propagate the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State on emulation and commendation; actively participate in detecting individuals, groups and households with outstanding achievements; popularize, set a good example, good people, good deeds, contribute to cheering and encouraging the emulation movement. The propaganda work properly reflects the results of the emulation movement and commendation work; promptly report and fight against violations of the law on emulation and commendation.
5. Agencies, organizations and units that advise and assist in the work of emulation and commendation have the following responsibilities:
a) To advise and propose the implementation of emulation and commendation work;
b) Advising on launching emulation movements; formulating emulation programs, plans and contents;
c) Guide, urge and inspect the performance of emulation and commendation; receiving, considering and appraising the application for award of emulation title and form of commendation; submit to competent authorities to decide the commendation;
d) Advise on preliminary and summary of emulation movements.”

Accordingly, agencies, organizations and units in the work of emulation and commendation in Vietnam will be responsible for implementing activities according to the above provisions.

When receiving a reward from a foreign individual or organization, do Vietnamese organizations or individuals need to obtain the consent of a competent State agency?

When receiving a reward from a foreign individual or organization, do Vietnamese organizations or individuals need to obtain the consent of a competent State agency? (Image from the internet)

Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 stipulates as follows:

“Article 14. Responsibilities of Vietnamese individuals and organizations when receiving rewards from foreign individuals and organizations
1. Vietnamese individuals and organizations, when receiving the form of commendation from foreign individuals and organizations, must obtain the consent of the competent state agency of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam or according to the provisions of this Article. international conventions to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory.
2. The Government shall detail this Article.”

Accordingly, when a Vietnamese individual or organization receives a form of commendation in Vietnam from a foreign individual or organization, the consent of a State agency must be obtained.

Is it prohibited to use in-kind rewards and rewards contrary to the nation's fine customs and traditions?

Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2003 stipulates as follows:

“Article 14”
The following acts are strictly prohibited:
1. Organizing emulation and commendation contrary to the State's policies and laws; taking advantage of emulation and commendation for personal gain;
2. Obstructing or forcing participation in emulation movements;
3. Making false declarations, falsifying dossiers, certifying or making false proposals in emulation and commendation;
4. Abusing positions and powers to propose or decide on illegal rewards;
5. Waste of State and collective property in emulation and commendation.”

The above are prohibited acts in emulation and commendation in Vietnam under current regulations.

Pursuant to Article 15 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 stipulates as follows:

“Article 15. Prohibited acts in emulation and commendation
1. Organizing emulation and commendation contrary to the State's policies and laws; take advantage of emulation and commendation for personal gain.
2. Obstruction, harassment and negativity in emulation and commendation work.
3. Making false declarations, falsifying dossiers, certifying, making false proposals in emulation and commendation.
4. Abuse of positions and powers to propose or decide to award emulation titles or commendation in illegal forms.
5. Using in-kind rewards and rewards contrary to the nation's fine customs and traditions, social morality, and adversely affecting society.
6. Using emulation and commendation funds in contravention of law.”

Thus, in the near future, the act of using in-kind rewards and rewards contrary to the nation's fine customs and traditions, social ethics, and adversely affecting society will be a prohibited act in emulation and commendation in Vietnam. .

The Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 takes effect from January 1, 2024.


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