Vietnamese National Standard: The activating temperature on the heat detector of fire extinguisher according to TCVN 12314-2:2022

It’s said that there was a heat detector in the fire extinguisher. For the fire extinguisher to work properly, what is the activating temperature of the heat detector in fire extinguisher according to the Vietnamese National Standard? Thank you!

Vietnamese National Standard: What is a heat detector?

According to Section 4 of the Vietnamese National Standard TCVN 12314-2:2022 on Fire prevention - Automatic activated fire extinguisher - Part 2: Fire suppression cylinder specify the heat detector in the Fire suppression cylinder as follows:

- The heat detector has the following forms: Using fusible element sprinklers or glass bulbs. The heat detector and valve assembly can be monolithic or assembled, but must be sure and leak-free at the mounting position.

Vietnamese National Standard on activating temperature of heat sensing element in fire extinguisher according to TCVN 12314-2:2022

Vietnamese National Standard: Activating temperature of heat detector in fire extinguisher in 2022

According to Section 4 of the Vietnamese National Standard TCVN 12314-2:2022 on Fire prevention - Automatic activated fire extinguisher - Part 2: Fire suppression specify the heat detector in the Fire suppression cylinder as follows:

- Thermistor shall operate within the temperature range t = I ± (0.035I + 0.62)°C where I is the nominal operating temperature of the thermocouple.

The nominal operating temperature of the sensing element shall be in accordance with Table 1 .

Vietnamese National Standard: The activating temperature of the heat detector in fire extinguisher

According to Section 4 of the Vietnamese National Standard TCVN 12314-2:2022 on Fire prevention - Automatic activated fire extinguisher - Part 2: Fire suppression cylinder specify the heat detector in the Fire suppression cylinder as follows:

- The heat detector must have an activating temperature that meets the requirements when tested according to 6.4 of this Standard.

"6.4 Thermostat operating temperature test
6.4.1 In case of using fusible element sprinkler as a heat detector:
Place the heat detector in a water bath and start from the nominal activating temperature minus 10°C, increasing by 1°C every minute, the actual measured value of the heat detector activation temperature should be within ±3% of the nominal operating temperature.
6.4.2 In case of using glass bulb as heat detector:
Place the glass bulb heat detector in the water bath and start from the nominal activating temperature minus 10°C, increasing by 1°C every minute, the actual measured value of the heat detector activation temperature should be between 95% and 115% of the nominal activating temperature."


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