06:47 | 09/05/2023

What are the qualifications of accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges in Vietnam? What are the tasks, powers and responsibilities of accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges in Vietnam?

I would like to ask what the qualifications of accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges are. - Question from Mr. Thanh (Long Bien)

How long must accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges have to work in the field of education management in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of Circular No. 14/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

Qualifications of accreditors
1. Have good moral qualities, stay honest, impartial and fair in work.
2. Have professional and scientific working attitude and style; responsible and cooperative in work; abide by the law.
3. Have a deep and wide understanding and practical experience in quality assurance and accreditation of higher education and pedagogical colleges; knowledgeable about policies and laws on higher education and pedagogical colleges; have the ability to independently and autonomously make comments, assessments and recommendations on quality assurance and accreditation of educational institutions and training programs according to the standards issued by the Minister of Education and Training.
4. Have 5 years or more working as a lecturer or working in the field of management of higher education, pedagogical colleges.
5. Have a valid accreditor’s card.

According to the above regulations, accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges must have 5 years or more working in the field of management of higher education, pedagogical colleges.

Or accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges must have 5 years or more working as a lecturer.

What are the qualifications of accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges in Vietnam? What are the tasks, powers and responsibilities of accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges in Vietnam?

What are the qualifications of accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges in Vietnam? What are the tasks, powers and responsibilities of accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges in Vietnam?

What are the tasks, powers and responsibilities of accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 5 of Circular No. 14/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

Tasks, powers and responsibilities of accreditors and prohibited acts
1. Tasks and powers
a) Join the external evaluation team, the education accreditation council of the education accreditation organization as prescribed;
b) Stay independent in professional opinion, honest, objective, fair, transparent in performing tasks and powers;
c) Other tasks and powers in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and a lawful agreement with the education accreditation organization.
2. Responsibilities
a) Preserve the quality, reputation and honor of the accreditors; comply with the laws and regulations of concerned authorities, organizations and units when performing education accreditation;
b) During each 05 years (60 months) after the date of card issuance, the accreditor must participate in at least 02 (two) external evaluation teams and 01 (one) regular refresher course to improve professional capacity held by an accreditor training facility that meets the requirements of Clause 2, Article 8 of this Circular, or 01 (one) refresher course to improve the professional capacity of accreditors held by the Ministry of Education and Training;
c) Make explanations about education accreditation to regulatory bodies upon request.

Thus, accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges must have the above duties, powers and responsibilities.

What acts are the accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges prohibited?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 5 of Circular No. 14/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulating the prohibited acts for accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges as follows:

Tasks, powers and responsibilities of accreditors and prohibited acts
3. Prohibited acts
a) Abuse the tasks and powers of accreditors to commit unprincipled acts of education accreditation in order to profit from educational institutions, education accreditation organizations and relevant organizations and individuals;
b) Connect with educational institutions and education accreditation organizations to contravene the law in negotiating and signing education accreditation consultancy contracts, affecting the interests of the public interests and legitimate interests of organizations and individuals;
c) Receive or demand any other money or benefits from educational institutions and other related organizations and individuals in addition to the remuneration and expenses agreed upon under the signed contract and under the laws;
d) Insult the honor or ruin the reputation of colleagues; take advantage of their influence to illegally interfere in the activities of colleagues;
dd) Other acts prohibited by law.

Thus, accreditors of higher education and pedagogical colleges are prohibited from the above acts.

What are the cases where accreditors are not allowed to join external evaluation teams or education accreditation councils in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 of Circular No. 14/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

Cases where accreditors are not allowed to join external evaluation teams or education accreditation councils in Vietnam
1. An accreditor may not be a member of an external evaluation team or an education accreditation council if:
a) He/she has currently worked for an investment organization or individual of a training institution registered for education accreditation;
b) He/she has a spouse, father, mother, child, biological brother, sister, or younger brother; father, mother, brother, sister, brother of the spouse; guardian; ward (collectively referred to as relatives) who are working or studying at a training institution registered for education accreditation;
c) He/she has been a learner, employee at a training institution registered for education accreditation;
d) During the 24 months preceding the decision to establish the external evaluation team, he/she has made a self-assessment and provided it for the training institution registered for education accreditation.
2. Accreditors are not allowed to join external evaluation teams or education accreditation councils when they are related to complaints and recommendations that are being considered and resolved by competent authorities according to the regulations of law.

Thus, in the above cases, accreditors are not allowed to join external evaluation teams or education accreditation councils.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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