Vietnam: What are the professional standards and qualifications of officials with the rank of senior specialists at central or provincial agencies from August 15, 2022?

What are the standards to apply for the position of senior specialists in Vietnam according to the latest regulations? Thank you!

What are the responsibilities of senior specialists in Vietnam?

According to Clause 1, Clause 2, Article 5 of Circular 2/2021/TT-BNV, stipulating the responsibilities and duties of senior specialists as follows:

- Responsibilities:

+ An official with the highest professional qualification in one or several fields of state management in an administrative agency or organization at the central or provincial level, responsible for research and general advice , appraise and plan macro policies and strategies by industry or field or perform the task of leading, directing and organizing the implementation of policies and laws within the scope of ministries, branches and localities.

- Duties:

+ Preside over the development and improvement of institutions or legal documents, socio-economic undertakings and policies, political, economic and security strategic projects, programs and projects national security, defense, culture and social affairs of ministries and branches nationwide, or socio-economic general schemes, programs and projects of provinces and centrally run cities;

+ Organize, direct, guide and inspect the implementation of professional management institutions and propose measures and solutions for effective implementation;

+ Organize summarizing, evaluating and proposing plans to amend, supplement and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the management;

+ Assume the prime responsibility for researching topics, schemes and scientific research works at the state, ministerial and provincial levels in order to renew and perfect the management mechanism, and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the agency's operations, organization;

+ Assume the prime responsibility for organizing the compilation and development of professional guidance documents of the industry or field; organize thematic training, refresher courses or disseminate knowledge and experience of the industry or field.

Vietnam: What are the professional standards and qualifications of officials with the rank of senior specialists at central or provincial agencies from August 15, 2022? (Image from the internet)

What are the standards for professional competence and qualifications of senior specialists in Vietnam?

According to Clause 3, Clause 4, Article 5 of Circular 2/2021/TT-BNV, as amended and supplemented by Circular 06/2022/TT-BNV, stipulating standards of professional competence as follows:

(1) Standards of professional competence:

- Understand the guidelines and guidelines of the Party, laws and development orientations, strategies and policies of the industry and field of work; master the political system, the organizational system of state agencies, the regime of civil service and officials, and professional knowledge and skills in the management sectors and fields;

- Capable of researching and developing legal documents, schemes, projects and action programs; capacity to advise on strategic planning, master plans, plans and policies associated with professional expertise of the sector, field or locality where they work;

- Be able to analyze, synthesize, systematize and propose solutions to complete or solve practical problems posed within the scope of management by industry, field or locality;

- Master the situation and development trends of domestic and international industries and fields; capable of organizing research for management and processing management information;

- Have skills in drafting, presenting, defending, building and implementing projects, schemes and programs related to the state management of the sector, field or locality where they work;

- BA able to organize and direct the application of scientific and technical advances to improve and improve the quality and efficiency of work in the industry, field or locality;

- Have basic information technology skills and use foreign languages ​​or use ethnic minority languages ​​for officials working in ethnic minority areas as required by the job position.

(2) Standards of training and retraining qualifications:

- Possess a university degree or higher with a major or training discipline relevant to the industry or field of work;

- Have an advanced degree in political theory or an advanced degree in political-administrative theory or a certificate confirming the level of political theory equivalent to high-level political theory issued by a competent authority;

- Possess a certificate of state management knowledge and skills training for officials with the rank of senior expert and equivalent or have an advanced degree in political-administrative theory.

What are the requirements for officials to take the promotion exam of senior specialist in Vietnam?

According to Clause 5, Article 5 of Circular 2/2021/TT-BNV stipulating the requirements for officials to take the promotion exam of senior specialist as follows:

- Have held the rank of chief specialist and equivalent for a full 06 years or more. In case the period is equivalent to the rank of chief specialist, the period of holding the rank of chief specialist shall be at least 01 year (full 12 months) by the end of the time limit for submitting the application for registration for the promotion exam;

- During the time of holding the rank of chief specialist and equivalent has presided over the development and appraisal of at least 02 legal documents or scientific research topics, schemes, projects, programs at the state, ministerial or departmental levels, at the branch or provincial level that the agency employing officials assigned to preside over the research and construction has been promulgated or accepted by a competent authority. Specifically:

- There is a decision of a competent person to appoint a member of the Drafting Board or a Team for drafting legal documents or a document assigning the task of presiding over the construction of a competent person to the case where it is not required to be a member. Set up a Drafting Board and Drafting Team in accordance with the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents.

- There is a decision of the person competent to appoint to participate in the Steering Committee, the Managing Board, the Drafting Committee of the topic, scheme, project, scientific research program at the state, ministerial, departmental, branch, provincial level or have a document assigning tasks of a competent person to assume the prime responsibility for elaborating reports on appraisal, verification and adjustment of legal documents.

Thus, the above are regulations on professional standards and qualifications of officials with the rank of senior specialists at central or provincial agencies from August 15, 2022.

Circular 06/2022/TT-BNV takes effect from August 15, 2022.


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