Vietnam: What are the standards of officials inspecting the People’s Public Security’s orders?

What are the standards of officials inspecting the People’s Public Security’s orders? Question of Hong Nhung from Ben Tre.

What are the standards of officials inspecting the People’s Public Security’s orders?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Circular 09/2021/TT-BCA of Vietnam stipulating the standards, the number of officials in charge of inspecting and investigating the People’s Police orders is as follows:

(1) General standards of officials in charge of inspecting and investigating People’s Police orders:

Having good political and moral qualities, strictly obeying the orders of the People’s Public Security; have qualifications, professional and legal capacity; master and strictly comply with regulations on command, military, martial arts and other regulations related to command, military and martial arts work.

(2) Specific criteria for officials in charge of inspecting and investigating the People’s Public Security’s orders

A full-time official in charge of inspecting orders of the People’s Police must ensure the following conditions: Being a professional official, having a police intermediate level or higher, having worked in the Public Security for more than one year. 05 years or more; have received command training, military training, martial arts in accordance with regulations on command training, military training, martial arts in the People’s Police; be issued with a Certificate of Examination of Commands;

A part-time official who inspects and investigates the People’s Public Security’s orders must satisfy the following conditions: Having a police intermediate degree or higher. If he/she graduates from a university in a foreign discipline, he/she must receive professional training in public security; have worked in the police for at least 3 years; capable of command work, military and martial arts to meet the requirements of command work;


Do not assign full-time officials to inspect and administer the People’s Public Security’s orders to the following comrades: Professional and technical officials and non-commissioned officials; being disciplined by the party, administration or mass organizations for the period of 05 years immediately preceding the time of assignment; having the results of classifying officials who have achieved the level of task completion for 2 consecutive years and have not completed their tasks in the last 1 year.

Vietnam: What are the standards of officials inspecting the People’s Public Security’s orders?

Vietnam: What are the standards of officials inspecting the People’s Public Security’s orders? (Image from the internet)

How many officials inspecting orders of the People’s Police in Vietnam are there?

The number of officials inspecting orders of the People’s Police in Vietnam is specified in Clause 2, Article 3 of Circular 09/2021/TT-BCA of Vietnam, specifically as follows:

- Police of provinces and centrally run cities (provincial police), academies and schools of People’s Public Security (except for the School of Culture) shall arrange from 3 to 5 full-time officials and a number of part-time officials.

For the Hanoi City Police and the Ho Chi Minh City Public Security, to arrange 05 full-time officials or more; the specific quantity is decided by the head of the unit;

- Units under the Ministry of Public Security shall arrange from 01 to 03 full-time officials and a number of part-time officials.

For the Guard Command, the Mobile Police Command, the Police Department managing prisons, compulsory education institutions, reformatory schools, and the Immigration Department to arrange from 3 to 5 full-time officials and a number of part-time officials; the specific quantity is decided by the head of the unit;

- Police of districts, towns, cities, stations and the equivalent under the provincial-level Public Security; regiments, crews, battalions, squadrons and independent companies of the regiment shall arrange a semi-specialized command team consisting of a number of part-time officials; the quantity is decided by the head of the unit;

- Unit-level units, communes, wards, townships, stations, based on the actual situation, the head of the unit shall assign part-time officials to inspect the People’s Police orders.

What are the duties of the People’s Police command inspection official?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Circular 09/2021/TT-BCA of Vietnam stipulating the duties of the People’s Police command inspection official as follows:

- Carrying out inspection of People’s Police orders according to regulations.

- Implementing the direction of the Ministry of Public Security, the Department of Party and Political Work and the Heads of Public Security of units and localities on the inspection and regulation of the People’s Public Security.

- Advising and guiding police units, localities and officials and soldiers of the People’s Public Security to strictly comply with regulations on command, military and martial arts.

- Proposing praise and commendation of units and individuals for well implementation of regulations on command, military and martial arts.

- Reminding, correcting or requesting timely handling of units, officials and soldiers violating regulations of the People’s Public Security.

- Proposing competent authorities to take measures to overcome problems and inadequacies in documents regulating the work of the People’s Public Security Forces.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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