How is the progress in formulation of plans and estimates of the state budget from the non-business funding of environmental protection in Vietnam?

How is the progress in formulation of plans and estimates of the state budget in Vietnam in 2024? - Mr. Chau (An Giang)

What are the criteria and principles for formulation of plans and estimates of state budget from the non-business funding for environmental protection in Vietnam in 2024?

On June 16, 2023, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch No. 4430/BTNMT-KHTC in 2023 guiding the formulation of plans and state budget estimates for 2024 and financial-state budget plans 03 2024-2026 from the environmental protection budget of ministries and branches.

In particular, there are regulations on criteria and principles for construction, project identification, and professional tasks in Section 2, Part II of Official Dispatch No. 4430/BTNMT-KHTC in 2023 as follows:

- Projects and tasks must show key and key contents, solve hot and urgent environmental issues; determine implementation contents and specific products in order to directly serve the state management of environmental protection. The construction of projects and tasks must be based on the functions and tasks, inheritance of the implemented results and human resources of the units.

- Proposed projects and tasks must be consistent with the contents specified in the Law on Environmental Protection and guiding documents; other documents assigned by competent authorities; fully concretize the objectives identified in the strategies and master plans approved by the Prime Minister of Vietnam, and at the same time must be consistent with the socio-economic development objectives.

- The proposed project and task are consistent with the expenditure content in the financial guiding documents.

How is the progress in formulation of plans and estimates of the state budget from the non-business funding of environmental protection in Vietnam?

How is the progress in formulation of plans and estimates of the state budget from the non-business funding of environmental protection in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the contents of regular projects and tasks according to functions for the formulation of plans and state budget estimates in 2024 from environmental protection funds?

In Section 4, Part II of Official Dispatch No. 4430/BTNMT-KHTC in 2023, regular projects and tasks according to functions are specified as follows:

- Assessing the situation of environmental pollution, degradation and incidents within the management scope of the industry or field.

- Building and maintaining the operation of the contents according to the assigned management function, connected to the national environmental information system and database; community environmental warning information system.

- Environmental monitoring ensures the operation of the environmental monitoring network in accordance with the Prime Minister of Vietnam's Decision No. 90/QD-TTg in 2016 on the approval of the Master Plan for the national environmental and natural resource monitoring network for the period 2016-2025, with a vision to 2030. Developing and implementing programs to monitor environmental status and impacts on the environment in the field of management.

- Making environmental statistics, making reports on environmental protection, responding to climate change.

- Developing reports on assessment of impacts, vulnerabilities, risks, losses and damages due to climate change by region and sector.

- Developing strategic environmental assessment report; integrating contents and requirements of environmental protection into strategies, master plans, plans and projects for the development of industries and fields to ensure compliance with the provisions of Article 25 of the 2020 Law on Environmental Protection in Vietnam.

- Inspecting, examining and supervising the implementation of the law on environmental protection and response to climate change by organizations and individuals under their management.

- Propagating the 2020 Law on Environmental Protection in Vietnam, the 2008 Law on Biodiversity in Vietnam. Organizing the implementation of information, propaganda and education on the law on environmental protection, response to climate change, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, to fulfill Vietnam's commitments at COP26, to implement international treaties related to environmental protection and response to climate change within the scope of functions and tasks of sectors and fields; organized activities to respond to World Environment Day, International Biodiversity Day, National Week of Clean Water and Sanitation, Campaign to Make the World Cleaner.

- Implementing work contents on environmental protection and response to climate change that have been signed in coordination programs and regulations on coordination with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam.

The list of proposed projects is made according to the attached form in Appendix 2, Appendix 3 and Appendix 4.

How is the progress in formulation of plans and estimates of the state budget from the non-business funding of environmental protection in Vietnam?

The progress of planning and state budget estimation is specified in Section 6, Part II of Official Dispatch No. 4430/BTNMT-KHTC in 2023:

- Before July 20, 2023: Ministries and sectors shall send written registration of plans and budget estimates for the cause of environmental protection in 2024 according to the form of Summary table and Notes on the outline of tasks and projects in the attached appendices, the decision approving the tasks and projects of the competent authorities shall be sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam. At the same time, email the official dispatch and attached appendices to the email address:

- From July 21 to July 31, 2023: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam organizes an exchange of plans and estimates of the environmental non-business budget in 2024 and the three-year state budget-financial plan from 2024-2026 with ministries and branches. The working schedule is arranged by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam and will be announced later.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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