Check the contents of the emulation and commendation work in Vietnam in 2022 in the People's Court from June 10, 2022?

In recent years, court activities in our country have had certain successes. Thereby, also strengthening the legal trust of the people. For the purpose of rewarding individuals and groups with good achievements and detecting outstanding limitations. So, on what content has the Supreme People's Court launched an examination of the emulation and commendation work in Vietnam in 2022?

What is the purpose of establishing a team to inspect the work of emulation and commendation work in Vietnam in 2022 in the People's Court?

Pursuant to Section I of the Plan promulgated together with Decision 147/QD-TANDTC in 2022 stipulates as follows:

- Check the observance of the provisions of the law and of the People's Court on the work of emulation and commendation; the promulgation of documents stipulating, directing and guiding the emulation and commendation work in Vietnam of the People's Courts; the construction, organization and launch of annual emulation movements; commendation and propaganda work, building advanced examples; assessing the impact and effectiveness of the emulation movement on the completion of professional work targets of units and People's Courts in 2022.

- Through inspection to promptly detect typical collectives and individuals, who have many solutions and initiatives that are effectively applied in their work, have a long track record of achievements, and excellently complete the assigned targets. professional service to praise, propagate, popularize and replicate; At the same time, detecting units that still have limitations and shortcomings in organizing emulation movements, are still formal, ineffective, and have not fulfilled their professional task targets. From there, find out the reasons to advise the Party Personnel Committee, the Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court, and the People's Court's Emulation and Commendation Council to take timely measures to guide and help units remove difficulties and obstacles, propose solutions to organize the well implementation of the emulation movement, strive to complete well the targets of work tasks in the last months of the year and the whole year 2022.

- Assess the shortcomings and limitations in the work of emulation and commendation in order to take measures to overcome, innovate and promote the patriotic emulation movement and commendation work of the People's Court in the coming time. successfully fulfill the political tasks of the People's Court and the judicial reform tasks, contributing to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Party, the Resolutions of the Party and the National Assembly on judicial work and court work.

Check the contents of the emulation and commendation work in Vietnam in 2022 in the People's Court from June 10, 2022?

Check the contents of the emulation and commendation work in 2022 in the People's Court from June 10, 2022?

What are the requirements for establishing a team to inspect the emulation and commendation work in Vietnam in 2022 in the People's Court?

Pursuant to Section I of the Plan promulgated together with Decision 147/QD-TANDTC in 2022 stipulates as follows:

- Closely examine the leadership and direction of Party committees at all levels, leaders of the Supreme People's Court, and the guidance of the Central Committee for Emulation and Commendation, and the Council for Emulation and Commendation of the People's Court. and relevant agencies.

- Checking according to specific plans, programs and schedules; clearly define the purposes, requirements, contents, subjects, time and methods of inspection and notify the inspected unit before conducting the inspection; have focus, focus, do not check rampant. At the end of the inspection, there must be an objective and comprehensive assessment report and inspection conclusions and notify the inspected unit to learn from experience and propose definitive measures to overcome the shortcomings and limitations. , strive to complete well the targets of the year's work tasks.

- The inspection ensures objectivity, democracy, efficiency, thrift, avoid ostentatious, formal, does not obstruct the normal activities of the inspected object. Test results are one of the important bases to evaluate the results of performance of the criteria of professional work tasks, the level and scope of influence of achievements to make comments, propose rewards on occasions. summarizing the emulation movement in 2022.

On what content is the examination of the emulation and commendation work in 2022 in the People's Court?

Pursuant to Section II of the Plan issued together with Decision 147/QD-TANDTC in 2022 stipulating the contents of the inspection will be conducted as follows:

- Leadership, direction and organization to thoroughly implement the guidelines and policies of the Party, laws of the State, regulations of the People's Court on emulation and commendation work; the issuance of directing documents, regulations and guidelines on emulation and commendation work

- The organization, launch, and implementation of emulation movements of the People's Court, specifically: the emulation movement "For Justice"; emulation movement "The People's Court and the whole country join hands and unite to emulate the prevention, control and victory of the Covid-19 pandemic"; emulation movement in the last 6 months of 2022... associated with the political tasks of agencies and units, political events, holidays and commemorations of the country, the nation and the People's Court (construction) planning, organizing the launch, registering and signing emulation covenants, preliminarily and summarizing the emulation movement).

- The response to the implementation of emulation movements organized and launched by the Prime Minister, the Central Committee for Emulation and Commendation, and the campaigns of the Central and local governments (separate reports on each emulation movement). ).

- Results of implementation of emulation targets in professional work; implementing 14 solutions to improve the quality of adjudication work: implementing the Law on Mediation and dialogue at the Court; organize a trial to learn from experience; publish judgments and decisions on the Court's web portal; organize online court sessions and other works of agencies and units (with detailed statistics).

- Propagation and building of advanced examples (planning, discovery, fostering, summarizing, advanced case studies, number of advanced examples built, number of new advanced examples. detected).

- Reward work (observance of regulations on procedures, dossiers, process of commenting, recommending for commendation, emulation and commendation targets; management and use of emulation and commendation fund, number quantity of collectives and individuals rewarded; forms of commendation; proportion of individuals who do not hold positions are rewarded...).

Thus, the inspection of the emulation and commendation work in Vietnam in 2022 in the People's Court will be carried out on the above mentioned contents.

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