08:06 | 23/08/2024

How to conduct elections in the trade union congresses at all levels leading up to the 13th term of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor for the term 2023-2028?

How to conduct elections in the trade union congresses at all levels leading up to the 13th term of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor for the term 2023-2028? - Ms. Ý (Hue).

How to conduct elections in the trade union congresses at all levels leading up to the 13th term of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor for the term 2023-2028?

In sub-section 5, Section 2 of Guidelines 56 /HD-TLD 2022, the implementation of elections in the congress of trade unions at all levels leading up to the congress is clearly stated as follows:

(1) The Presidium of the congress reports the personnel project prepared by the incumbent executive committee, including:

- Orientation to the configuration of the executive committee (quantity, standards, and structure) for the congress to discuss, consider, and approve.

- Results of the personnel preparation process of the executive committee and the personnel list introduced by the incumbent executive committee for the congress's reference.

(2) Organizing discussion and nomination for the executive committee:

- Based on the configuration plan of the new executive committee approved by the congress, referencing the personnel list introduced by the incumbent executive committee, proceed with nomination and discussion, unifying the list of nominees.

- The nomination, recommendation within the congress follows the regulations of the Communist Party (for party members), the Charter and Implementation Guidelines of the Vietnam Trade Union Charter.

- If the discussion results and the personnel list proposed for the positions of president, vice president, do not align with the personnel project approved by the competent authority, the presidium of the congress promptly reports to consult the directive opinion of the higher-level party committee and trade union for the next steps before conducting the election. The election list approved by the congress through voting is arranged alphabetically in Vietnamese for the entire list and according to the structure.

- After the congress elects the new executive committee, the organization of the first meeting of the executive committee to elect the standing committee, president, vice president, and inspection committee follows the regulations of the Vietnam Trade Union Charter 12th Tenure and Section 10 of Guidelines 03/HD-TLD 2020.

- If the comrade expected to be introduced for the position of president, vice president, inspection committee chairperson, fails to be elected to the executive committee, standing committee, or inspection committee of the same level, the presidium of the congress reports to consult the directive opinion of the higher-level trade union on the plan to introduce new personnel; after receiving the directive opinion, continue the election, or propose to temporarily suspend to continue the preparation.

Note: In case of direct election of the president of the grassroots trade union at the congress, the personnel process follows Guidelines 28/HD-TLD 2021.

How to Conduct Elections in the Congress of Trade Unions at All Levels Leading up to the 13th Congress of Vietnam Trade Unions for the Term 2023-2028

How to conduct elections in the trade union congresses at all levels leading up to the 13th term of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor for the term 2023-2028?

What are procedures for personnel and budget execution in the trade union congresses at all levels leading up to the 13th term of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor for the term 2023-2028?

Based on the regulations in sub-section 4, Section 2 of Guidelines 56 /HD-TLD 2022, the procedures for implementation of the personnel process and surplus are clearly stated as follows:

Regarding the sequence of implementation of the personnel process:

- Implement the personnel process for the re-elected members of the executive committee, inspection committee, and positions in the executive committee, and inspection committee first.

- After determining the number of re-elected members meeting the standards and conditions, continue to introduce personnel for the first-time participation in the executive committee, inspection committee, and positions in the executive committee, and inspection committee.

The personnel process of the executive committee, inspection committee, and positions in the executive committee, inspection committee at the provincial level, central industry, and equivalent levels follow Appendix 2 attached to Guidelines 56 /HD-TLD 2022.

Provincial, central industry, and equivalent trade unions base Appendix 2 to guide the personnel process of the congress of subordinate trade unions.

About the surplus:

- The personnel project of the executive committee, standing committee, inspection committee of higher-level trade unions directly governing the grassroots must ensure the introduction of surplus personnel ranging from 10%-15% compared to the total number of executive members, standing committee members, and inspection committee members, approved by the competent authority as per the regulations.

- In places with fewer than 10 members on the executive committee, standing committee, inspection committee, prepare a surplus of 1 member. If at the end of the introduction list, there are two or more persons with equal introduction votes, include all in the list introduced to the congress.

- If the introduction results do not meet the surplus rate, continue the introduction process until the surplus ratio is ensured as per the regulations.

Note: In case of direct election of the president of the grassroots trade union at the congress, the personnel process follows Guidelines 28/HD-TLD 2021.

What are the requirements for personnel files for the trade union congresses at all levels leading up to the 13th term of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor for the term 2023-2028?

In sub-section 8, Section 2 of Guidelines 56 /HD-TLD 2022, it is clearly stated as follows:

8. Personnel Dossier

- The personnel dossier of the congress of provincial, central industry, and equivalent trade unions is implemented according to Appendix 3, in which the personnel are required to declare honestly, accurately, and fully the contents stated in the sections and must be verified (or authenticated) by the competent authority as per the regulations.

- The personnel dossier of the congress of higher-level trade unions directly governing the grassroots and grassroots levels is specified by the standing committee of the provincial, central industry, and equivalent trade unions basing on Appendix 3.

- Subordinate trade unions send the personnel project, and personnel dossier of the executive committee, inspection committee for the term 2023-2028 to the higher-level trade unions at least 30 working days before the scheduled congress opening date (calculated by postmark). Besides the personnel dossier sent through official mail; it is suggested to send the soft copy stored on a USB and protected according to regulations.

The personnel dossier of the congress of provincial, central industry, and equivalent trade unions must be declared honestly, accurately, and fully for the contents stated in the sections and must be verified by the competent authority.

Subordinate trade unions send the personnel project, and personnel dossier of the executive committee, inspection committee for the term 2023-2028 to the higher-level trade unions at least 30 working days before the scheduled congress opening date (calculated by postmark). Besides the personnel dossier sent through official mail; it is suggested to send the soft copy stored on a USB and protected according to regulations.


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