09:02 | 20/04/2023

Are imported animal feeds required to undergo State quality inspection? What contents are included in the State inspection of animal feed quality in Vietnam?

I would like to ask whether imported animal feeds are required to undergo State quality inspection - Question from Ms. Moc Lan (Hai Phong)

Are imported animal feeds required to undergo State quality inspection?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 41 of the 2018 Law on Animal Husbandry in Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Import of animal feeds
1. Animal feeds imported must undergo State quality inspection under regulations in Clause 4 Article 43 hereof.
2. Every importer of animal feeds must own or hire a warehouse for animal feed maintenance that meets requirements for assurance of food quality and safety under law provisions and recommendation of animal feed suppliers.
3. Only animal feeds declared on the portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development are permitted for import.
Animal feed products not declared on the portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development that are intended to be displayed in fairs or exhibitions or nurture for adaption or those sampled for research or laboratory analysis or produced or processed for export purpose must be licensed by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.
4. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development shall consider and decide to check legal documents, enforcement system and conditions for production of animal feeds and testing laboratories of the exporting country under provisions of the Vietnamese laws and international agreement to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory in the following cases:
a) Assessment for mutual recognition;
b) Discovery of risk of effects on quality, environment, food safety and resistance to diseases from animal feeds imported into Vietnam.
5. The Government shall elaborate this Article.

According to the above regulations, imported animal feed must undergo State quality inspection.

Are imported animal feeds required to undergo State quality inspection? What contents are included in the State inspection of animal feed quality in Vietnam?

Are imported animal feeds required to undergo State quality inspection? What contents are included in the State inspection of animal feed quality in Vietnam?

What contents are included in the State inspection of animal feed quality in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 43 of the 2018 Law on Animal Husbandry in Vietnam stipulating the contents of State inspection of animal feed quality as follows:

Scope of state inspection of quality of domestically commercial animal feeds includes:

- Declaration of applied quality standards and conformity declaration (if any);

- Adoption of methods for animal feed quality management;

- Labeling of animal feed products;

- Sampling of animal feeds for the purpose of checking whether the animal feed product is conformable to the applied standards declared, equivalent national technical regulations and other relevant law provisions, in which inspection and assessment of safety and main components of animal feeds must be focused.

State inspection of quality of internal-use animal feeds, ordered animal feeds and traditional feeds means:

- Sampling of animal feeds for checking safety standards specified in equivalent national technical regulations and other relevant law provisions.

Scope of state inspection of quality of imported animal feeds includes:

- Inspection of import dossier;

- Physical inspection of quantity, weight, package specifications, labeling, expiry date, origin and other sensed-related standards applied for the animal feed product;

- Sampling of animal feeds for the purpose of experiment or evaluation of conformity of product quality and safety.

Scope of state inspection of exported animal feed quality includes:

- Inspection of the dossier of quality declaration and conformity declaration (if any);

- Physical inspection of package specifications, labeling, expiry date and sensory evaluation of the product;

- Analysis of quality as required by the exporter or exporting country.

Scope of state inspection of quality of exported animal feeds that are summoned or returned includes:

- Inspection of reasons why exported animal feeds are summoned or returned;

- Physical inspection of package specifications, labeling, expiry date and sensory evaluation of the product;

- Sampling of animal feeds for the purpose of checking product quality and safety.

What are the rights and obligations of importing facilities of animal feeds in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 49 of the 2018 Law on Animal Husbandry in Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Rights and obligations of trading, importing or exporting facilities of animal feeds
1. Every trading, importing or exporting facility of animal feeds is entitled to:
a) State policies related to trading in animal feeds;
b) sell or buy or import or export animal feeds under provisions hereof and other relevant law provisions;
c) make complaints or denunciations or file a lawsuit about trading in or import or export of animal feeds as per law provisions;
2. Every trading, importing or exporting facility of animal feeds must:
a) satisfy conditions applied for trading, importing or exporting facilities of animal feeds during the operation;
b) comply with law provisions regarding assurance of quality and origin of animal feeds;
c) take measures to maintain animal feed quality upon recommendation of animal feed producers with the aim of maintaining quality of animal feeds;
d) quote prices and undergo inspection of animal feed prices;
dd) undergo inspection of conditions for trading in, import or export and quality of animal feeds carried out by competent regulatory agencies;
e) not trade or import or export animal feed products containing substances prohibited from use in animal feeds;
g) trade, import or export animal feeds whose information is posted on the portal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;
h) record and store information about animal feeds during trading, importing or exporting process for the purpose of tracing their origin;
i) set up a procedure for assessment and selection of producers or supplies of imported animal feeds; prepare and implement plans for inspection of quality of imported animal feeds to ensure that their quality is conformable to the one specified in sale contracts and applied quality standards and technical regulations.

Thus, importing facilities of animal feeds in Vietnam have the rights and obligations as prescribed above.


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