The Government of Vietnam requests to enhance responsibility, and promote the spirit of daring to speak, daring to think, and daring to act rightly? This question is from Thuong of Hanoi." /> The Government of Vietnam requests to enhance responsibility, and promote the spirit of daring to speak, daring to think, and daring to act rightly? This question is from Thuong of Hanoi." /> The Government of Vietnam requests to enhance responsibility, and promote the spirit of daring to speak, daring to think, and daring to act rightly? This question is from Thuong of Hanoi." /> The Government of Vietnam requests to enhance responsibility, and promote the spirit of daring to speak, daring to think, and daring to act rightly? This question is from Thuong of Hanoi." /> The Government of Vietnam requests to enhance responsibility, and promote the spirit of daring to speak, daring to think, and daring to act rightly? This question is from Thuong of Hanoi." />
07:47 | 23/07/2024

Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam requests to enhance responsibility, promote the spirit of daring to speak, think, and act

<pre><code class="language-markdown">The Government of Vietnam requests to enhance responsibility, and promote the spirit of daring to speak, daring to think, and daring to act rightly? This question is from Thuong of Hanoi.</code></pre>

Some ministries, agencies, localities, and a section of officials have exhibited avoidance, job-pushing, hesitation, and fear of responsibility?

Based on Official Telegram 280/CD-TTg in 2023, the following points are noted:

The Law on the Organization of the Government of Vietnam, the Law on the Organization of Local Government, and the Working Regulations of the Government of Vietnam have stipulated the functions, duties, powers, and responsibilities of each government level from the central to the grassroots level, establishing principles to ensure the implementation of a unified, smooth, continuous, democratic, modern, honest, effective, and efficient state administration that serves the people and is subject to public inspection and supervision.

However, recently, in some ministries, agencies, localities, and a section of officials, there has been a situation of avoidance, job-pushing, hesitation, fear of mistakes, fear of responsibility, not daring to advise, proposing to handle work, not deciding on matters under their authority; there have been cases of passing tasks to higher agencies or to other ministries and agencies, lacking close, prompt, and effective coordination among ministries, agencies, localities...

The result has led to prolonged job handling processes, causing hindrance and reducing the effectiveness and efficiency of the leadership and management of all levels of government; in particular cases, serious stagnation has occured, eroding the public and business's trust in state agencies, and affecting the achievement of the socioeconomic development goals set forth.

The causes of the above situation are both objective and subjective, but the main reason is subjective: the perception, awareness, and sense of responsibility of a section of officials in adhering to laws and working regulations are still limited, not meeting the task requirements; the work of monitoring, urging, and checking the execution of public duties has not been given due attention...

Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam requires enhancing responsibility, promoting the spirit of daring to speak, think, and act?

Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam requires enhancing responsibility, promoting the spirit of daring to speak, think, and act?

What does the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam require Ministers, Heads of ministry-level agencies, Heads of agencies under the Government of Vietnam to implement?

Based on Section 1 of Official Telegram 280/CD-TTg in 2023, the following content is stipulated:

- Strictly and fully implement the Working Regulations of the Government of Vietnam issued together with Decree 39/2022/ND-CP. Directly, proactively, and actively resolve tasks within the functions, duties, and powers of the ministry or agency.

Decide on matters within their authority and do not submit to the Government of Vietnam, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam, or Deputy Prime Ministers of the Government of Vietnam those tasks that fall under the authority of the Minister or Head of the agency as per the Working Regulations of the Government of Vietnam.

Take personal, direct, and comprehensive responsibility before the Government of Vietnam, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam, Deputy Prime Ministers of the Government of Vietnam, and before the law for issues within their authority, assigned, delegated, or authorized tasks.

- Do not transfer tasks within their authority to other ministries or agencies; do not resolve matters determined to be within the authority of other ministries or agencies; return documents to agencies, units, or localities seeking opinions if they are not within their authority or fall under the authority of the requesting agency or unit.

- When solving tasks, the minister or head of the presiding agency must proactively and actively coordinate effectively with the minister or head of the related agency. Do not seek opinions from irrelevant or unnecessary agencies, thereby affecting the progress of task handling. Ministries or agencies from which opinions are sought must respond on time with clear stances; do not respond vaguely, irresponsibly, or avoid responsibility.

In cases where the deadline has passed without a response or with a delayed response, it is assumed that there is agreement with the opinions and proposals of the requesting agency as per the Working Regulations of the Government of Vietnam. The requesting agency must notify in writing, and the non-responding or late-responding agency must bear responsibility before the law, the Government of Vietnam, and the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam.

- For dossiers, projects, or programs submitted to the Government of Vietnam or the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam with differing opinions among ministries and agencies on key contents, the presiding minister or head of the agency must emphasize personal responsibility, proactively work directly with the opposing ministers or heads of agencies to exchange and reach consensus before submission to the Government of Vietnam or the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam as per the Working Regulations of the Government of Vietnam.

What does the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam require Chairpersons of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to implement?

Based on Section 2 of Official Telegram 280/CD-TTg in 2023, the following content is stipulated:

To rectify existing shortcomings, enhance responsibility, and promote the spirit of daring to speak, think, and act for the benefit of the country and the people; overcome the situation of passing on or avoiding responsibility in task handling; ensure administrative discipline and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of leadership and management, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam requires the Chairpersons of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to:

- Proactively and actively fully implement tasks and powers as prescribed by law. Be responsible for deciding on matters within their authority or delegated, authorized tasks according to legal regulations; do not submit or report on tasks within their authority to the Government of Vietnam, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam, and central ministries and agencies; do not abuse seeking opinions from central agencies to avoid responsibility.

- Urgently review local tasks and promptly consider and decide according to their authority and within legally prescribed time limits, especially for overdue and prolonged tasks.


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