What are the regulations on job discontinuation procedures of civil servants in Vietnam? How to calculate job discontinuation allowance of civil servants in Vietnam?

I would like to ask what job discontinuation procedures of civil servants in Vietnam are. - Question of Ms. My (Duc Trong)

What are the cases in which civil servants are entitled to job discontinuation regime?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Decree 46/2010/ND-CP stipulating as follows:

Cases in which civil servants are entitled to job discontinuation regime
Civil servants will enjoy the job discontinuation regime prescribed in this Decree in the following cases:
1. At their own aspirations and with the consent of competent agencies, organizations or units.
2. Non-accomplishment of their tasks for two consecutive years as provided for in Clause 3, Article 58 of the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants.

Referring to Clause 3, Article 58 of the 2008 Law on Cadres and Civil servants in Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Evaluation-based categorization of civil servants
3. The handling of civil servants who fail to accomplish their tasks is prescribed as follows:
a) Competent agencies, organizations or units to dismiss civil servants who have been classified as failing to fulfill their tasks for 2 consecutive years;
b) A civil servant holding a leadership or managerial position for 2 consecutive years within the appointment term and is classified as having the quality level of failing to complete his/her tasks, he/she shall be assigned another job or not re-appointed;
c) A civil servant who has not held a leadership or managerial position for 3 years and has not been classified as having quality at the level of failing to fulfill his/her duties in the current position for 3 years, with 02 consecutive years being assigned to another position with lower requirements.

Thus, civil servants will enjoy the job discontinuation regime in the following cases:

- At their own aspirations and with the consent of competent agencies, organizations or units.

- Non-accomplishment of their tasks for two consecutive, the competent agency, organization or unit shall terminate his/her job.

What are the regulations on job discontinuation procedures of civil servants in Vietnam? How to calculate job discontinuation allowance of civil servants in Vietnam?

What are the regulations on job discontinuation procedures of civil servants in Vietnam? How to calculate job discontinuation allowance of civil servants in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the regulations on job discontinuation procedures of civil servants in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Decree 46/2010/ND-CP stipulating job discontinuation procedures of civil servants in Vietnam as follows:

Case of desired job discontinuation:

(1) Civil servants shall send their written applications to competent agencies, organizations or units:

(2) Within 30 days after receiving the applications, competent agencies, organizations or units, if agreeing to permit civil servant to resign, shall issue written job discontinuation decisions; if they disagree to permit civil servants to resign, they shall reply in writing and clearly state the reasons for disagreement as provided for at Point c of this Clause;

(3) Reasons for disallowing job discontinuation:

- Civil servants are currently in the period of rotation or secondment, examined for disciplines or penal liability;

- Civil servants have not yet finished the service time as committed to their agencies, organizations or units when they were recruited through selection tests;

- Civil servants have not yet fulfilled the payment of money amounts or assets under their personal liabilities towards their agencies, organizations or units:

- Due to task requirements of their agencies, organizations or units or their replacements have not yet been arranged.

Case of job discontinuation due to non-accomplishment of tasks for two consecutive years:

(1) Within 30 days after the results of civil servant categorization are available, competent agencies, organizations or units shall notify the concerned civil servants in writing of their job discontinuation, except the case defined in Clause 4. Article 59 of the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants.

(2) Within 30 days after making the written notices, competent agencies, organizations or units shall issue decisions on job discontinuation.

(3) Within 30 days after issuing job discontinuation decisions, competent agencies, organizations or units shall pay job discontinuation allowances to civil servants.

How to calculate job discontinuation allowance of civil servants in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 5 of Decree 46/2010/ND-CP stipulating as follows:

Job discontinuation allowance
Civil servants who discontinue their jobs will be entitled to a job discontinuation allowance as follows: For every working year, the allowance is equal to 1/2 (half) of their respective current monthly wages, including the wages paid according to salary ranks and grades, position allowance, extra-seniority allowance, professional seniority allowance and wage reservation difference coefficient (if any). The lowest allowance level is equal to their current I (one) month's wage.

Thus, the job discontinuation allowance of civil servants in Vietnam is calculated as follows:

For every working year, the allowance is equal to 1/2 (half) of their respective current monthly wages, including:

- Wages paid according to salary ranks and grades, position allowance, extra-seniority allowance, professional seniority allowance and wage reservation difference coefficient (if any).

- The lowest allowance level is equal to their current I (one) month's wage.

How to calculate working duration used for job discontinuation allowance calculation of civil servants in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 of Decree 46/2010/ND-CP stipulating as follows:

Working duration used for job discontinuation allowance calculation
1. The working duration used for job discontinuation allowance calculation is the total number of years of social insurance payment or the cumulated number if such working duration is interrupted for which job discontinuation or demobilization allowance has not yet been paid, including:
a/ The duration of working in agencies, organizations or units of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the State or socio-political organizations:
b/ The duration of working in the People's Army and/or the People's Public Security;
c/The duration of working in state companies under the Enterprise Law:
d/ The duration of working under payroll quotas assigned by competent agencies to socio-politico-professional organizations, social organizations or socio-professional organizations:
e/ The duration of training or retraining they attended under decisions of their respective agencies, organizations or units;
f/ The duration of paid leaves under the labor law;
g/ The duration of sickness, maternity, labor accident, occupational disease, health restoration and rehabilitation leaves as prescribed by the law on social insurance;
h/ The duration during which they were disciplined or examined for penal liability, which was concluded as unjust and wrong by competent agencies or organizations:
i/ The duration of suspension from working under Article 81 of the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants:
j/ The duration of working under suspended sentences or non-custody reform judgments or rulings of courts.
2. The working duration defined in Clause I of this Article, if having odd months, will be calculated as follows:
a/ Under 3 (three) months will not be counted;
b/ Between full 3 (three) months and full 6 (six) months will be counted as equal to 1/2 (half) of a working year;
c/ Between over 6 (six) months and 12 (twelve) months will be counted as equal to 1 (one) working year.

Thus, the working duration used for job discontinuation allowance calculation of civil servants in Vietnam is calculated according to the above regulations.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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