Test the maximum area and maximum height of the extinguisher according to TCVN 12314-2:2022?

May I ask how is the maximum area and maximum height of a fire extinguisher in Vietnam tank according to Vietnamese standards? I hope the editor can answer my questions, thank you!

How to test the maximum area and maximum height of the extinguisher?

According to Annex B of the National Standard TCVN 12314-2:2022 on Fire prevention - Automatically activated fire extinguisher in Vietnam- Part 2: Extinguishers specify:

"B.1 Test arrangement
B.1.1 The automatic extinguishing gas cylinder is kept at the minimum operating temperature according to the manufacturer's instructions for 24 h.
B.1.2 Carry out the test with the test room with the maximum volume according to the fire extinguishing efficiency of the vessel. The maximum installation height and maximum protected area of ​​the cylinders and cylinders are determined based on the following fire test:
B.1.2.1 The height (H) and protection area of ​​the laboratory according to the registered value of the production unit are calculated as follows.
a x b = Vt/H, H= Vt/ (a*b)
(1) Of which:
Vt: Laboratory volume (m3)
H: Height (m)
axb: Protected area of ​​the gas tank as announced by the manufacturer (m2)
a, b: Dimensions of length and width to ensure fire fighting efficiency as announced by the manufacturer (m)
B.1.2.2 The laboratory volume (Vt) is calculated as follows:
Vt = V/1.3
(2) Of which:
V: Volume of hazardous area (volume of fire incident area) in m3
1.3: A factor of safety of 1.3 is associated with a 30% increase from extinguishing concentration to design concentration
B.1.3 Test room layout
B. 1.3.1 Arrangement of n-heptane beakers (as described in A.4), positioned within 50 mm of the corner of the test room and directly below the bulkhead, and positioned vertically within 300 mm of the test chamber. ceiling or floor of the test room, or both on the ceiling and the floor where such positions are possible."


1: Cup of n-heptane

2: Nozzles

3: Barrier (Installed at the height of the fire test room, from the floor to the ceiling, located along the discharge door direction, and must reach 20% of the short wall of the test room).

4. Lid opens and closes

a, b: Length, width of fire testing room

Figure B1 - Fire test room layout for 360° . nozzles


(1): Cup n-heptan

(2): Nozzle

(3): Barrier (Installed at the height of the fire test room, from the floor to the ceiling, located along the discharge door direction, and must reach 20% of the short wall of the test room).

(4). Lid opening and closing

(a, b): Length, width of fire test room

Figure B2 - Fire test room layout for 180° . nozzle

(B.1.3.2) Where 180° type nozzles are used, when testing the nozzles shall be placed on the shorter side of the test room.

For 180° nozzles, the nozzle orientation is to be installed as declared by the manufacturer. In case the nozzle is facing down (ceiling mounted), the manufacturer must declare the installation distance from the nozzle to the wall. In any case, the distance from the nozzle to the ceiling of the test room should not exceed 300 mm.

The opening next to the n-heptane cups is opened. Ignite n-heptane beakers for free burning for 30 s. After the free fire time, close the openings and manually activate the extinguisher and make an observation of the fire activation time.

The test is considered passed when visible fires are extinguished within 30 s after the end of the exhaust process

Test the maximum area and maximum height of the extinguisher according to TCVN 12314-2:2022?

Test the maximum area and maximum height of the extinguisher according to TCVN 12314-2:2022?

How to record the test results of the maximum area and maximum height of the extinguisher?

According to Appendix B of National Standard TCVN 12314-2:2022 on Fire prevention - Automatic fire extinguisher in Vietnam - Part 2: Extinguishers specifying test results of fire extinguishers:

"B.3 Recording of test results
After the required pre-ignition period the following data should be recorded for each test:
a) Time from opening the tank valve to stopping spraying;
b) Time required to achieve fire extinguishing, in s; this time shall be determined by visual observation or other suitable means;
c) Total mass of extinguishant sprayed inside the test enclosure;
Extinguisher immersion time (time from the end of the discharge of an automatically activated extinguisher to the opening of the test enclosure)."

How to test automatic operation of fire extinguisher in Vietnam?

According to Annex C of the National Standard TCVN 12314-2:2022 on Fire Prevention - Automatic Fire Extinguisher in Vietnam- Part 2: Extinguishing Extinguishers stipulate:

"Automatic operation test
C.1 Test arrangement
C.1.1 Auto-activated extinguishers are kept at the minimum operating temperature according to the manufacturer's instructions for 24 h.
C.1.2 Carry out the test with a test room with dimensions of at least 3 m in each direction, minimum test room volume of 27 m3, and the height of the test room according to the maximum mounting height declared by the manufacturer.
C.1.3 Test room layout
These tests are carried out with each room using 01 n-heptane test tray as described in A.4 placed in the center of the test room at a height of 600 mm from the laboratory floor and conducting the test;
C.2 Test sequence
The oxygen supply opening is opened. Ignite the n-heptane tray for free combustion, close the test room door. Observe the fire activation time."

The above is the test of the maximum area and maximum height of the extinguisher according to TCVN 12314-2: 2022.


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