What are the regulations on the e-customs declaration information provision? What are the principles to provide and use e-customs declaration information in Vietnam?

What are the regulations on the e-customs declaration information provision? What are the principles to provide and use e-customs declaration information in Vietnam? Q.A - Lam Dong.

What are the regulations on the e-customs declaration information provision in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 6 of the promulgation of the statute on provision and use of e-customs declaration information issued together with Decision 33/2016/QD-TTg stipulates:

Contents of provided e-customs declaration information
1. Contents of provided e-customs declaration information are defined in Annex I enclosed with this Statute.
2. Apart from contents of provided information mentioned in Clause 1 of this article, information users may, according to the list of information items required in e-customs declarations for imported/exported goods as referred to by applicable laws, request the General Department of Customs to supplement information items that must be provided in conformity with administrative requirements of each agency. Procedures for requesting additional contents of provided e-customs declaration information are specified in Clause 2 Article 9 of this Statute.
3. E-customs declaration information shall be provided under the forms of electronic records and electronic data and certified by digital signature of General Department of Customs.
4. Information of customs declarations for goods imported to serve national defense and security purpose shall only be provided with the written approval by competent authorities.

Accordingly, e-customs declaration information shall be provided under the forms of electronic records and electronic data and certified by digital signature of General Department of Customs..

What are the regulations on the e-customs declaration information provision? What are the principles to provide and use e-customs declaration information in Vietnam?

What are the principles to provide and use e-customs declaration information in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 of the promulgation of the statute on provision and use of e-customs declaration information issued together with Decision 33/2016/QD-TTg, when providing and using e-customs declaration information, entities must ensure the following principles:

- E-customs declaration information must be provided in a sufficient, accurate and timely manner to proper entities.

- E-customs declaration information must be properly used to serve professional activities according to functions and tasks of information users. The use of such information must also comply with laws on protection of national secrets.

What are the requirements for the information users’ facilities to receive e-customs declaration information in Vietnam?

According to Clause 2, Article 2 of the promulgation of the statute on provision and use of e-customs declaration information issued together with Decision 33/2016/QD-TTg, information users include:

- Regulatory bodies that use e-customs declaration information to carry out procedures for taxation, issuance of certificates of origin, and other administrative procedures, and check the legality of commodities sold in the market;

- Credit institutions that use e-customs declaration information to carry out procedures for taxation and payment made at banks;

- Organizations issuing certificates of origin under the authorization of Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Regarding the information users’ facilities to receive e-customs declaration information, in Article 8 of the promulgation of the statute on provision and use of e-customs declaration information issued together with Decision 33/2016/QD-TTg stated as follows:

Information users’ facilities to receive e-customs declaration information
1. Based on information technology infrastructure facilities, information users shall actively upgrade, build and develop their information systems as well as coordinate with the General Department of Customs to connect information systems for providing/receiving and using e-customs declaration information.
2. In order to connect to the customs information portal, information users must have information systems to receive e-customs declaration information that:
a) have digital signatures in effect as regulated by laws;
b) encrypt transmission lines;
c) ensure information security as regulated by laws; and
d) comply with specifications announced by the General Department of Customs, including information items, data format, forms of connection and information exchange frequency.

Thus, in order to connect to the customs information portal, information users must have information systems to receive e-customs declaration information that:

- have digital signatures in effect as regulated by laws;

- encrypt transmission lines;

- ensure information security as regulated by laws; and

- comply with specifications announced by the General Department of Customs, including information items, data format, forms of connection and information exchange frequency.


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