Is the annual leave period of foreign employees similar to that of Vietnamese employees?

Is the annual leave period of foreign employees similar to that of Vietnamese employees? Question of Mr. Tuan Anh in Ninh Binh.

In case Vietnam's public holiday coincides with a National Day holiday of foreign countries, is there any compensatory time-off?

According to Clause 3, Article 111 of the 2019 Labor Code of Vietnam as follows:

Weekly breaks
1. Each week an employee is entitled to a break of at least 24 consecutive hours. Where it is impossible for the employee to have a weekly day off due to the work cycle, the employer has the responsibility to ensure that on average the employee has at least 04 days off per month.
2. The employer has the right to determine and schedule the weekly breaks either on Sunday or for another fixed day in a week, which must be recorded in the internal labor regulations.
3. In case a public holiday falls on an employee’s weekly break coinciding with a public holiday as prescribed in Clause 1 Article 112 of this Labor Code, he/she will have compensatory time-off on the next working days.

In addition, according to Article 112 of the 2019 Labor Code of Vietnam stipulating public holidays as follows:

Public holidays
1. Employees shall be entitled to fully paid days off on the following public holidays:
a) Gregorian Calendar New Year Holiday: 01 day (the 1st of January of the Gregorian calendar);
b) Lunar New Year Holidays: 05 days;
c) Victory Day: 01 day (the 30th of April of the Gregorian calendar);
d) International Labor Day: 01 day (the 1st of May of the Gregorian calendar);
dd) National Day: 02 days (the 2nd of September of the Gregorian calendar and the previous or next day);
e) Hung Kings Commemoration Day: 01 day (the 10th of the third month of the Lunar calendar).
2. Foreign employees in Vietnam are entitled to 01 traditional public holiday and 01 National Day of their country, in addition to the public holidays stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article.

The above regulations only stipulate that if a public holiday falls on an employee’s weekly break coinciding with a public holiday of Vietnam, foreign employees will have compensatory time-off on the next working days. In case Vietnam's public holiday coincides with a National Day holiday of foreign countries, there is no provision on compensatory time-off.

Is the annual leave period of foreign employees similar to that of Vietnamese employees?

Is the annual leave period of foreign employees similar to that of Vietnamese employees?

Is the annual leave period of foreign employees similar to that of Vietnamese employees?

Specifically, Article 113 of the 2019 Labor Code of Vietnam stipulates annual leave as follows:

Annual leave
1. Any employee who has been working for an employer for 12 months is entitled to fully-paid annual leave, which is stipulated in his/her employment contract as follows:
a) 12 working days for employees who work in normal working conditions;
b) 14 working days for employees that are minors, the disabled, employees who do laborious, toxic or dangerous works;
c) 16 working days for employees who do highly laborious, toxic or dangerous works.
2. An employee who has been working for an employer for less than 12 months will have a number of paid leave days proportional to the number of working months.
3. An employee who, due to employment termination or job loss, has not taken or not entirely taken up his/her annual leave shall be paid in compensation for the untaken leave days.
4. The employer has the responsibility to regulate the timetable for annual leaves after consultation with the employees and must give prior notice to the employees. An employee may reach an agreement with the employer on taking annual leave in instalments or combining annual leave over a maximum period of up to 03 years.

Thus, the period of annual leave of foreign employees is similar to that of Vietnamese employees according to the above regulations.

What are the rights and obligations of foreign employees working in Vietnam?

According to Article 5 of the 2019 Labor Code of Vietnam as follows:

Rights and obligations of employees
1. An employee has the rights to:
a) work; freely choose an occupation, workplace or occupation; participate in basic and advanced occupational training; develop professional skills; suffer no discrimination, forced labor and sexual harassment in the workplace;
b) receive a salary commensurate with his/her occupational skills on the basis of an agreement with the employer; be provided with personal protective equipment and work in an occupationally safe and healthy environment; take statutory sick leaves, annual paid leaves and receive collective welfare benefits;
c) establish, join an representative organization of employees, occupational associations and other organizations in accordance with law; request and participate in dialogues with the employer, implementation of democracy regulations and collective bargaining with the employer; receive consultancy at the workplace to protect his/her legitimate rights and interests; participate in management activities according to the employer’s regulations;
d) refuse to work if he/she finds that the work directly threatens his/her life or health;
dd) unilaterally terminate the employment contract;
e) go on strike;
g) exercise other rights prescribed by law.
2. An employee has the obligations to:
a) implement the employment contract, collective bargaining agreement and other lawful agreements;
c) obey internal labor regulations, the lawful management, administration and supervision by the employer;
c) implement regulations of laws on labor, employment, vocational education, social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, occupational safety and health.

Thus, foreign employees working in Vietnam have the above rights and obligations.


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