07:33 | 26/06/2023

Time to take papers of high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023? What are the rules in the room of high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023?

What is the time to take papers of high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023? What are the rules in the room of high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023? Question of Mr. Trung in Nha Trang.

What is the time to take papers of national high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023?

According to the instructions in Official Dispatch No. 1515/BGDĐT-QLCL in 2023, the start and end time for papers of national high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023 is as follows:




Time to distribute papers to candidates

Start time

End time

June 28, 2023


120 minutes

07:30 a.m.

07:35 a.m.

9:35 a.m.

June 28, 2023


90 minutes

2:20 p.m

2:30 p.m

16 hours

June 29, 2023


50 minutes

07:30 a.m.

07:35 a.m.

08:25 a.m.

June 29, 2023


50 minutes

08:30 a.m.

08:35 a.m.

09:25 a.m.

June 29, 2023


50 minutes

09:30 a.m.

09:35 a.m.

10:25 a.m.

June 29, 2023


50 minutes

07:30 a.m.

07:35 a.m.

08:25 a.m.

June 29, 2023


50 minutes

08:30 a.m.

08:35 a.m.

09:25 a.m.

June 29, 2023

Civic Education

50 minutes

09:30 a.m.

09:35 a.m.

10:25 a.m.

June 29, 2023

Foreign Language

60 minutes

2:20 p.m

2:30 p.m

3:30 p.m

What are the rules in the room of high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023?

Pursuant to Clause 4, Article 14 of the Exam Regulations promulgated together with Circular No. 15/2020/TT-BGDDT (amended by Clause 6, Article 1 of Circular No. 06/2023/TT-BGDDT) stipulating that candidates must comply with the following rules in the exam room:

- Present the Candidate Card to invigilators;

- Sit on the seat allotted to his/her candidate number;

- Before doing the exam, write the candidate number and details in the question paper, the script or the multiple-choice answer sheet, scrap paper;

- After receiving the question paper, carefully check the number of pages thereof and the printing quality. Any missing, torn or blurry pages should be immediately reported to the invigilators in the exam room within 5 minutes from the distribution time of question paper;

- Refrain from communicating with or copying from exam-mates, using authorized materials or attempting to cheat or making noise in the exam room; raise one hand to ask for permission before saying/asking. Stand up and openly present their opinions when allowed to speak;

- Refrain from writing or drawing any secret mark, refrain from using pencil except for filling in circle in the multiple-choice answer sheet; write one single ink color in the script (red ink is prohibited);

- Stop writing immediately when the end of the exam session is announced;

- Protect the script and prevent other exam-mates from misusing the answer sheet; immediately report an invigilator in a case where any person misuses or intentionally interfere in the answer sheet;

- Write the number of submitted pages and sign on the acknowledgement of submission when handing in the written paper scripts. Candidates who fail to do the papers still have to hand in their answer sheets (for written exam) or multiple-choice answer sheets (for multiple-choice exam);

- Refrain from leaving the exam room throughout the allotted time given to a multiple-choice exam; may leave the exam room and area after two thirds of the allotted time given to a written exam, and submit the script/sheet together with question paper, scrap paper before leaving;

- May leave the exam room, in exceptional circumstances, with permission of invigilators and accompanied by a supervisor; in case of medical emergency, the leave of candidates must be accompanied by the police until the end of the exam session and subject to decision of the manager of the Exam Place;

- Only bring the following items into the exam room:

+ Pens, pencils, compasses, erasers, rulers, slide rules; calculator without text composing function and memory cards; geographic atlas of Vietnam for Geography paper;

Time to take papers of high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023? What are the rules in the room of high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023?

Time to take papers of high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023? What are the rules in the room of high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2023? (Image from the Internet)

How many scores will be deducted regarding a candidate who is warned when taking the high school graduation exam in 2023?

According to the provisions of Article 54 of the Regulation on high school graduation exam in Vietnam enclosed with Circular No. 15/2020/TT-BGDDT, the score deduction in the papers of national high school exam 2023 is regulated as follows:

- A candidate who is reprimanded for a paper will have 25% of total score of that paper deducted;

- A candidate who is warned for a paper will have 50% of total score of that paper deducted;

- A candidate who has a script with special symbol detected during the marking will be have 50% of total score of that script deducted;

- Scripts will be marked with 0 (zero) in the following cases: The candidate’s script is copied from any unauthorized handouts; the candidate hands in two scripts for one paper or one component subject; the script is written in two different styles of handwriting and above; answer is written on scrap paper or other kind of paper that is not in the format specified by the MOET;

- Candidate who is suspended shall be marked 0 (zero) for the suspended paper/subject and not allowed to continue taking the exam;

- The application of score deducting specified in point c and d of this clause shall be approved by the Manager of Written Paper Marking Board on the basis of report sent by the Lead of Marking Subject.

In which, reprimand shall be imposed:

- upon those who commit the following act of malpractice for the first time: peek at others' papers or communicate with other candidates;

- Reprimand shall be decided by the invigilator and recorded in writing.

For warning:

- Warning is issued for those who commit one of the following acts of malpractice: Have been reprimanded for the first time but still continue committing an act of malpractice at reprimand level; swap scripts/answer sheets or scrap papers with other candidates; copy other candidates or let other candidates copy their scripts/answer sheets;

- Warning shall be subject to decision of the invigilator, record shall be made in writing and enclosed with evidence (if any).

In addition, score cancellation is issued in the following cases:

- The candidate who has two papers marked with 0 (zero) as the exam scores of committing acts of malpractice specified in point d clause 4 Article 54 of the Regulation on high school graduation exam in Vietnam enclosed with Circular No. 15/2020/TT-BGDDT;

- Write or draw on the script any content that has no relevance to the paper;

- Allow someone to impersonate the candidate to take the exam, or engage in impersonation to take the exam for someone else;

- Make alternation, interlineations and omission to the script/answer sheet after submission;

- Submit a script/answer sheet of someone else as their own.

Director of Department of Education and Training is responsible for the decision of score cancellation on the basis of report sent by the Chairperson of Exam Council.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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