High school graduation exam in 2022 in Hanoi: No later than July 24, announce the exam results for candidates?

I salute you. This July, I will take the high school graduation exam in Hanoi. Could you tell me how long it takes to know the test scores in Hanoi after taking the test? How is the review time specified? I would like to thank you!

Regulations on working schedule in the high school graduation exam in 2022 in Hanoi?

Pursuant to Appendix I issued together with Plan 02/KH-BCD dated June 1, 2022 of the Steering Committee for the High School Graduation Examination in Hanoi in 2022, the working schedule is specified as follows:

Accordingly, on July 6, 2022, the test sites will receive the exam papers. From July 9, 2022 to July 22, 2022, the exam will be marked according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training. On July 24, 2022, the test results will be announced for candidates and on July 26, 2022, the consideration for recognition of high school graduation will be completed. From August 4, 2022 to August 14, 2022, the exam will be re-examined.

Thời gian tổ chức kỳ thi tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông năm 2022 trên địa bàn Thành phố Hà Nội?

Time to hold the high school graduation exam in 2022 in Hanoi city?

What are the tasks of the Department of Education and Training in the 2022 high school graduation exam in Hanoi?

Pursuant to Section III of Plan 02/KH-BCD dated June 1, 2022 of the High School Graduation Examination Steering Committee of Hanoi in 2022, stipulating the tasks of the Hanoi Department of Education and Training. as follows:

- Directing and inspecting high schools, vocational and continuing education centers to complete teaching plans, assess and classify students; direct and organize exam registration, manage exam registration dossiers in accordance with regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training. Organize training for the staff doing exam work to firmly grasp the exam skills and exam regulations. Directing educational institutions to prepare physical facilities for the exam. Organize the marking of essay exams, multiple-choice tests, re-examination of essay exams and multiple-choice tests for candidates in accordance with exam regulations and guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Training. Considering graduation recognition and granting high school diploma. Implement and recommend commendation and discipline for officials, teachers, candidates and participants in exam work according to regulations;

- Provide full information on the exam organization plan, the test scores, the Board of Copying the exam, the Examination Board, the Examination Boards, the Examination Board for the participating units to develop the test methods. exam coordination project;

- Coordinating with relevant departments, agencies and People's Committees of districts and towns to prepare fully conditions in terms of human resources, facilities and equipment to organize the exam; ensure security, order, and safety of exam venues in the city;

- Coordinating with the City Inspector to well perform the inspection and inspection; establish inspection teams, supervise and inspect the organization of the exam at the stages of preparing for the exam, printing copies of the exam questions, reviewing the exam, marking the exam, protecting the exam questions, reviewing the exam papers according to the instructions. of the Ministry of Education and Training;

- Work closely with the Department of Health, People's Committees of districts, towns and relevant units to develop a plan to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic in the process of organizing the exam according to the guidance of the Central Government. The central government and relevant ministries and branches ensure absolute safety for candidates, officials and participants in organizing the exam; have a backup plan in organizing the exam, responding to the complicated developments of the COVID-19 epidemic;

- To pay the examination expenses for the participants in the examination according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and the current financial documents;

- Report, advise and propose the City Steering Committee to handle these issues arising during the exam organization.

Thus, the Hanoi Department of Education and Training is responsible for directing and inspecting educational institutions in the area to complete the teaching plan and assess and classify students. Directing and organizing exam registration. To pay for the organization of the high school graduation exam in 2022.

What are the tasks of the People's Committees of districts, towns in organizing the high school graduation exam in 2022 in Hanoi?

Pursuant to Section III of Plan 02/KH-BCD dated June 1, 2022 of the High School Graduation Examination Steering Committee of Hanoi city in 2022, stipulates the tasks of the People's Committees of districts, urban districts and towns. communes in Hanoi city as follows:

- Establish a steering committee for high school graduation exams at the district and town levels to participate in, coordinate and inspect the organization and implementation of assigned tasks in the area. Directing the Education and Training Department to inspect and urge the examination sites in the area to prepare well in terms of facilities to ensure the exam; select officials and teachers who are qualified according to the Exam Regulations, have good capacity, have high responsibility to participate in the organization of the exam. Approving the protection plan of the police force; direct the police force, protect the safety of the exam sites in the area. Actively coordinate with the Department of Education and Training, the Department of Health and related units to strictly implement measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic in accordance with the direction of the Central Government and the City;

- Direct the commune-level local authorities to propagate and mobilize the people to be properly aware of the exam; participate in supporting the organization of exams in accordance with the examination regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training; arrange forces to stabilize order, ensure food safety and environmental sanitation in front of the school gate, around the test site in the area;

- Create favorable conditions for travel and accommodation for exam officials, candidates and their relatives at all locations where the exam is held; mobilize and support candidates who are children of poor, remote and isolated households to participate in the exam; no candidate has to drop out of the exam because of economic or travel difficulties;

- Directing the vocational education center - continuing education to well perform the work of reviewing, registering for the exam for students, performing the work on organizing the exam on schedule as prescribed in the documents. guidelines on the market of the Ministry of Education and Training, of the Department of Education and Training so as not to affect the legitimate interests of candidates and the progress of the city's exam implementation.

Thus, the People's Committees of districts, towns in Hanoi city have the task of establishing a steering committee to coordinate work and examination in the implementation of the 2022 high school exam. assigned. Directing the commune-level authorities to propagate and mobilize people to support the organization of the exam. Create favorable conditions for candidates and exam organizers to eat, drink and rest.

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