08:19 | 31/08/2024

Can independent candidates register for 2 combined exams for the Vietnam National High School Graduation Exam? What are the regulations for the Vietnam National High School Graduation Exam in 2024?

Can independent candidates register for 2 combined exams for the Vietnam National High School Graduation Exam? What are the regulations for the Vietnam National High School Graduation Exam in 2024?

Can independent candidates register for 2 combined exams for the Vietnam National High School Graduation Exam?

According to the new regulations, independent candidates who already possess a High School Graduation Diploma or an Intermediate Graduation Diploma can still register for independent exams to use the results as a basis for university admission.

Based on the provisions of Article 3 of Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT, as amended and supplemented by clause 1, Article 1 of Circular 02/2024/TT-BGDDT, the 2024 Vietnam National High School Graduation Examination consists of 05 exams, including:

- 03 independent exams: Mathematics, Literature, Foreign Language (including English, Russian, French, Chinese, German, Japanese, and Korean);

- 01 combined exam in Natural Science with component subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology;

- 01 combined exam in Social Science with:

Component subjects: History, Geography, Civic Education for candidates following the general education program at the high school level.

Component subjects: History, Geography for candidates following the continuing education program at the high school level.

According to clause 3, Article 12 of Circular 15/2020/TT/BGDDT, as amended and supplemented by clause 2, Article 1 of Circular 02/2024/TT-BGDDT regarding exam registration, candidates who have graduated from high school can register for independent exams;

For the combined exam, candidates can only register for 01 (one) combined exam or the component subjects within the same 01 (one) combined exam.

Thus, independent candidates registering for the Natural Science combined exam (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) cannot register for the Social Science combined exam (History, Geography, Civic Education) and vice versa.

Can Free Candidates Register for 2 Combined Exams for the High School Graduation Exam? What are the regulations for taking the High School Graduation Exam in 2024?

Can independent candidates register for 2 combined exams for the Vietnam National High School Graduation Exam? What are the regulations for the Vietnam National High School Graduation Exam in 2024? (Image from the Internet)

How Long is the Duration for Component Subjects of the Combined Exam?

Based on clause 4, Article 4 of the Vietnam National High School Graduation Examination Regulations issued together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT, the duration for each component subject of the Natural Science and Social Science combined exams is 50 minutes.

What Regulations Must Candidates Follow When Taking the Vietnam National High School Graduation Exam?

Based on Article 14 of the Vietnam National High School Graduation Examination Regulations issued together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT, as amended and supplemented by Article 1, Article 2 of Circular 02/2024/TT-BGDDT, candidates taking the Vietnam National High School Graduation Exam must comply with the following regulations:

(1) Register for exams (ĐKDT) according to the regulations defined in Article 13 of the Vietnam National High School Graduation Examination Regulations issued together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT and the annual guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Training for organizing the Vietnam National High School Graduation Examination.

Candidates are responsible for securing their account information and the password provided for accessing the Examination Management System.

In case a candidate forgets their account or password, they must contact the place of registration for support.

(2) Be present at the exam room on time as specified in the Exam Notice to complete the exam procedures:

- Present the identification card (ID card) or the Citizen Identification card (collectively referred to as the Citizen ID card) and receive the Exam Card;

- If there are discrepancies regarding their name, middle name, date of birth, prioritized groups, or priority areas, they must immediately notify the exam proctors (CBCT) or responsible personnel at the exam site to rectify promptly;

- In case of losing their Citizen ID card or other necessary documents, they must report immediately to the Chief Examiner for consideration and resolution.

(3) Be present at the exam room on time for each exam session, follow the instructions of the Exam Council, and the proctors' guidance.

Candidates arriving more than 15 minutes late after the exam start signal will not be allowed to take the exam for that session.

(4) Comply with the following regulations inside the exam room:

- Present the Exam Card to the proctors; sit in the position marked with their exam number;

- For exam-taking purposes, candidates are permitted to bring into the exam room: pens, rulers, pencils, erasers, protractors, drawing tools, non-programmable calculators, Vietnam Geography Atlas compiled according to the 2006 Education Program (without any markings or added content);

It is prohibited to bring into the exam room: carbon paper, correction pens, alcoholic beverages; weapons and explosive substances, inflammable substances; materials, information transmission devices (receiving, broadcasting equipment, recording devices, cameras) or devices containing information for cheating during the exam;

- Before starting the exam, candidates must fully fill in their exam number and personal information on the exam paper, answer sheets, and scratch paper.

Upon receiving the exam paper, they must thoroughly check the number of pages and the printing quality; if any pages are missing, torn, damaged, blurry, they must immediately report to the proctors, no later than 05 (five) minutes from the beginning of the exam time;

- During their time in the exam room, candidates must maintain order; immediately report to the proctors if someone copies their work or deliberately interferes with their exam; they must not exchange, discuss, copy others' work, allow others to copy their work, use prohibited materials to complete the exam, or engage in any fraudulent actions; if they have a request, they must raise their hand to get permission from the proctors, and after being permitted, they must stand and openly present their request.

They must not mark or make specific symbols, or write with a pencil except to fill in answers on the answer sheet; only one ink color (not red ink) can be used;

- They are not permitted to leave the exam room before the time allotted for multiple-choice exams ends; for essay exams, candidates can leave the exam room and exam area after 2/3 (two-thirds) of the allotted exam time, provided they submit the exam paper along with the exam paper and scratch paper before leaving.

In necessary cases, candidates may leave the exam room only with the proctors' permission and must be supervised by the exam proctors.

Leaving the exam room or exam area for emergency reasons requires supervision by security and exam proctors until the exam time for that session ends, and it is decided by the Chief Examiner;

- When the exam time ends, they must stop writing and keep their exam paper intact.

When submitting essay exams, they must clearly state the number of exam pages submitted and sign the exam receipt form; candidates who do not complete their essay must still submit the answer sheet (for essay exams) and the answer form (for multiple-choice exams).

(5) When taking multiple-choice exams, in addition to the regulations in clause 4, Article 14 of the Vietnam National High School Graduation Examination Regulations issued together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT, candidates must adhere to the following regulations:

- They must complete the exam on the prescribed answer forms printed according to the Ministry of Education and Training’s regulations; only black pencil should be used to fill in the exam number, exam code, and answer slots; in case of incorrectly filling or changing answers, the pencil marks must be completely erased before refilling;

- They must accurately and sufficiently fill in the blanks on the answer form, including the exam number, filling in all digits (including zeros) in the leading spaces; accurately fill the exam code onto two exam receipt forms;

- Upon receiving the exam paper, they should check to ensure that all component subjects in each Natural Science or Social Science exam have the same exam code; if the codes do not match, they must immediately report to the proctors within 05 (five) minutes from when the exam papers are distributed; they must keep the exam paper under the answer form and not view the exam content before being allowed by the proctors;

- They must check the exam paper to ensure it has the correct number of questions and pages as stated in the instructions, and that all pages bear the same exam code;

- They are not permitted to submit the multiple-choice exam before the allocated time ends; upon completion, they must submit the answer form to the proctors and sign both exam receipt forms;

- Only after the proctors have checked the total number of answer forms for the entire exam room and allowed them to leave can they exit the exam room.

- Candidates taking only the first and/or second component subjects in the combined exam should return to the designated waiting area immediately after submitting their answer form, staying there until the end of the last subject before leaving the exam area.

During transit to and in the waiting room, they must maintain order and strictly adhere to the instructions of the supervising officers or waiting area staff.

In necessary circumstances, they may leave the waiting room only with permission from the supervising officer and under supervision outside the waiting area;

- Candidates taking only the second and/or third component subjects must be present at the calling station at least 10 minutes before the exam paper distribution to prepare. Early arrivals (15 minutes or more before the exam paper distribution) must wait in the assigned waiting room;

- Candidates taking both the first and third component subjects: Immediately after the first subject ends, they must remain in their seat, maintain order, place the answer form face down, and preserve it until the next subject starts.

(6) In case of unusual circumstances, they must strictly follow the guidance of the proctors and responsible individuals at the exam site.


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