06:51 | 26/06/2023

Vietnam: Can a candidate who was suspended from taking the high school graduation exam last year be able to retake the exam in 2023?

Can a candidate who was suspended from taking the high school graduation exam in Vietnam last year be able to retake the exam in 2023? Question of Ms. Thi Do from Ha Giang.

Can a candidate who was suspended from taking the high school graduation exam last year be able to retake the exam next year?

According to Clause 3, Article 54 of the Regulation on high school graduation exam in Vietnam promulgated together with Circular No. 15/2020/TT-BGDDT (amended by Clause 17, Article 1 of Circular No. 05/2021/TT-BGDDT) regulating suspension of taking the exam as follows:

Actions against candidates committing acts of malpractice
3. Suspension of taking the exam:
a) Suspension of taking the exam is issued for those who commit one of the following acts of malpractice: Have been warned for the first time but still commit acts of malpractice at reprimand or warning level; bring prohibited items specified in Article 14 of this Regulation into the exam room/waiting room or while moving between the exam room and waiting room; taking the question papers out of the exam room or bringing the answers from outside to the exam room; writing or drawing on the answer paper any content that has no relevance to the exam; threatening officials or other candidates; failing to comply with instructions from supervisors or managers of the waiting room while moving in the examination area and staying in the waiting room;
b) Invigilators shall issue a record, confiscate evidence (if any) and report the situation to the Manager of the Exam Place for decision on suspension. In case of disagreement in handling, the situation shall be reported to the Manager of Invigilation Board for final decision. Suspended candidates shall hand in the question paper, script/answer sheet and scrap paper to invigilators and leave the exam room immediately after the decision is issued. Suspended candidates are allowed to leave the examination area only when the exam session is over;
c) Results of all papers taken by suspended candidates in the exam year shall be cancelled.

Based on the above regulations, results of all papers taken by suspended candidates in the exam year shall be cancelled.

In addition, according to Point b, Clause 1, Article 12 of the Regulation on high school graduation exam in Vietnam promulgated together with Circular No. 15/2020/TT-BGDDT, stipulating the candidates and eligibility requirements for examination as follows:

Candidates and eligibility requirements for examination
1. Candidates include:
a) Students who have finished the high school program in the year of exam;
b) Those who had finished the high school program but have yet taken or did not pass the high school graduation exams of previous years;
c) Those who obtain high school graduation diplomas or Diploma Level 4 of VQF/ Intermediate Professional Education Diploma now take the exam as the basis for university and college admission;
d) Other special cases subject to decision of the Minister of Education and Training.

Thus, candidates who are suspended from the national high school graduation exam last year will only have the results of all exams/subjects canceled in that year's exam and are allowed to take the high school graduation exam in the following year if they meet the eligibility requirements for examination.

Vietnam: Can a candidate who was suspended from taking the high school graduation exam last year be able to retake the exam in 2023?

Vietnam: Can a candidate who was suspended from taking the high school graduation exam last year be able to retake the exam in 2023? (Image from the Internet)

What documents are required to apply for the national high school graduation exam in Vietnam?

According to Point b, Clause 2, Article 13 of the Regulation on high school graduation exam in Vietnam promulgated together with Circular No. 15/2020/TT-BGDDT (amended by Clause 4, Article 1 of Circular No. 06/2023/TT-BGDDT) stipulating as follows:

Registration for the exam
2. Application for the exam:
b) Regarding candidates in point b clause 1 Article 12 hereof, without regard to required documents in point a of this clause, the application for the exam shall also include: the confirmation of poor academic performance, as mentioned in Point b clause 2 Article 12, provided by the high school where the candidate studied for 12th grade or by the exam registration place; a copy of lower secondary graduation diploma; a confirmation of retention scores (if any) issued by the headmaster of the high school where the candidate took the exam in the previous year;

Thus, the application for the national high school graduation exam applicable to candidates who retake the exam includes the following documents:

- 2 identical exam registration applications; a master register or certified copy from the master register or authenticated copy extracted from the master register or copy enclosed with the master register (collectively referred to as “copies”) of the high school academic transcript or the continuing education academic transcript at the high school level or the assessment report of continuing education self-study student granted by the headmaster of a general school for comparison;

- Types of certificates valid to receive prioritization or incentive benefits (if any);

- Photo files (or 2 4x6 photos in case of registration via online methods), taken within 6 months before submitting the dossier;

- A confirmation of poor academic performance, as mentioned in Point b clause 2 Article 12 of Regulation on high school graduation exam in Vietnam promulgated together with Circular No. 15/2020/TT-BGDDT, provided by the high school where the candidate studied for 12th grade or by the exam registration place;

- A copy of lower secondary graduation diploma;

- A confirmation of retention scores (if any) issued by the head master of the high school where the candidate took the exam in the previous year.

What are the eligibility requirements for the national high school graduation exam in Vietnam?

According to Clause 2, Article 12 of the Regulation on high school graduation exam in Vietnam promulgated together with Circular No. 15/2020/TT-BGDDT (amended by Clause 4, Article 1 of Circular No. 05/2021/TT-BGDDT) stipulating candidates and eligibility requirements for examination as follows:

Candidates and eligibility requirements for examination
2. Eligibility requirements for examination:
a) Candidates prescribed in Point a Clause 1 of this Article must also meet the requirements that in 12th grade their conduct must be classified as Average and above and academic performance must not be classified as Poor. The classification of conduct is not required for continuing education learners in guided self-study mode and learners with no requirements of conduct classification;
b) Candidates prescribed in Point b Clause 1 of this Article must obtain lower secondary graduation diplomas and also meet the requirements that in 12th grade their conduct must be classified as Average and above and academic performance must not be classified as Poor. A person who was disqualified from the previous year’s high school graduation exam due to poor academic performance in grade 12 must take the final exam for any subjects with GPA below 5.0 (at the school in which they were in 12th grade or at the school registered for the exam) and the new GPA meets academic performance requirement as prescribed. A person who was disqualified from the previous year’s high school graduation exam due to poor conduct in grade 12 must obtain the confirmation of their compliance with local regulations and legal policies from the commune-level People’s Committee so that the high school where they were in grade 12 confirms their eligibility in terms of conduct according to regulations;
c) Candidates who have graduated post-secondary schools as prescribed in Point c Clause 1 of this Article must have studied and passed a given number of high school academic subjects as per the Education Law and its existing guiding documents of the MOET;
d) Candidates must register for the exam and submit all required documents in due time.

Thus, candidates taking high school graduation exams must meet the requirements as prescribed above.

Note: Candidates must register for the exam and submit all required documents in due time.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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