The rent support for employees to be requested to speed up in Ho Chi Minh city?

I applied for rent support in Ho Chi Minh City 2 months ago. However, I haven’t received a response yet. Can LawNet tell me when I would receive this support? Thank you!

What is the deadline to confirm the application for rent support in Ho Chi Minh City?

According to Official Letter 3165/BHXH-QLT in 2022, HCMC Social Security requires the deadline to confirm the application for rent support:

- As the guidance of Decision No. 08/2022/QD-TTg on the deadline for submitting Form No. 03: Before the 15th of every month, the employer sends a list of employees requesting rent support according to Form No. 03 to the social insurance agency to confirm that the employee is participating in compulsory social insurance. The employer is responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the employee's information specified in Clauses 2 and 3, Article 8 of this Decision, does not specify the number of times to submit, does not stipulate that the list of employees must be submitted. labor of the preceding month. Therefore, it is requested that the social insurance agency of Thu Duc city and district notify the unit and urge the unit to urgently submit Form No. 03 before the 15th of every month (including the list of requests for monthly rent support in April 2022).

- Within 02 working days from the date of receipt of the request, the social insurance agency shall certify the employee's participation in compulsory social insurance.

- As of June 15, 2022, the whole City has confirmed 10,313 units with 217,791 employees requesting rent support policy, the confirmation of Form No. 02, Form No. 03 is very slow compared to progress. Up to now, there are only 02 months left to complete the confirmation of Form No. 02, Form No. 03.

- In order to timely confirm Form No. 02, Form No. 03 in accordance with the provisions of Decision No. 08/2022/QD-TTg, request the Head of Collection Management Department, Director of Social Security Administration of Thu Duc City and district direct officer to urge the unit to submit the dossier and confirm the dossier within the prescribed time (02 working days), not to keep the dossier, affect the interests of the employee.

- Request the Chief of Office, Heads of Professional Divisions and Directors of Social Security Administration of Thu Duc city and district to direct the implementation of the above instructions. In the process of implementation, if there are any problems, report them to the City Social Security (collection management department) for guidance.

The rent support for employees to be requested to speed up in Ho Chi Minh City?

What are responsibilities of the employers in Ho Chi Minh City?

According to Clause 2, Article 12 of Decision 08/2022/QD-TTg stipulating the responsibilities of employees as follows:

- Disseminate rent support policies to employees.

- Consolidate and make a list of employees applying for rent support, ensuring the accuracy and transparency regarding eligible entities and eligibility criteria as prescribed in Article 4 and Article 8 of this Decision.

- Preserve and store applications for rent support of employees for at least 5 years.

- Carry out procedures as prescribed in Article 7 and Article 11 of this Decision which is the basis for the District-level People's Committee to appraise the application and the province-level People’s Committee to approve the list and rent support funds for employees.

- Provide payment of rent support for employees as per regulation of this Decision; Provide payment and do final accounting of funds in accordance with the law.

What are the responsibilities of relevant agencies in implementing the rental support policy in Ho Chi Minh City?

According to Article 13 of Decision 08/2022/QD-TTg stipulating the responsibilities of relevant agencies in implementing the rent support policy as follows:

- The Ministry of Labor – War Invalids and Social Affairs shall:

+ Guide, inspect, and supervise the implementation of policies for employees in accordance with regulations prescribed in this Decision. The Minister of Labor – War Invalids and Social Affairs shall guide and settle arising matters during the implementation of this Decision.

+ Monitor, consolidate, and update reports on the implementation result of the support for eligible entities according to this Decision.

- The Ministry of Finance shall:

+ Rely on regulations of this Decision, regulations of relevant laws, and actual expenditures of administrative divisions (verified by Vietnam State Treasury) to consider providing timely support from the central budget for each administrative division. In case a large-scale epidemic occurs and the local budget is insufficient for implementation of policies, the Ministry of Finance shall, at the request of the province-level People’s Committee, supplement the local budget with an amount of up to 70% of the proposed central budget for timely implementation of policies. After administrative divisions have submitted reports on results of budget expenditures on rent support for employees (administrative divisions shall be responsible for the accuracy of the reporting data), the Ministry of Finance shall supplement or withdraw central budget estimates based on actual support provided for eligible entities as per regulation; consolidate and submit reports on the implementation result to the Prime Minister.

+ Cooperate with the Ministry of Labor – War Invalids and Social Affairs in inspecting and supervising the implementation of rent support policies for employees.

- The Ministry of Public Security shall provide guidelines on updating rental support results for employees to the national database on population.

- The Vietnam Social Security shall provide guidelines on the verification of the status of participation in social insurance of employees.

- People’s Committees of the provinces or centrally affiliated cities shall:

+ Organize the implementation of rent support policies for employees, ensuring publicity, transparency, and compliance with regulations.

+ Proactively use local resources and direct the implementation of policies prescribed in Chapter II and Chapter III of this Decision; report the implementation result according to the supporting progress and send the Ministry of Finance for consolidation and presentation to competent authorities for support.

+ Rely on its actual conditions and situations to submit reports to the People's Council of the province for consideration of decision on other eligible entities for support aside from eligible entities prescribed in Article 4 and Article 8 of this Decision from the local budget and other legal mobilization sources (regarding a People’s Committees of the province).

+ Direct specialized agencies and People’s Committees at various levels to cooperate with national public security forces in updating, inspecting, and verifying information of support eligible entities on the National Database on Population in order to ensure the provision of support to the correct entity, avoid duplication, and prevent exploitation for personal benefits and law violations.

+ On the 25th of every month, submit reports on the implementation result of rent support policies for employees to the Ministry of Labor – War Invalids and Social Affairs, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Planning and Investment for consolidation and presentation to the Government as per regulation.

- Ministries, ministerial agencies, and governmental agencies shall cooperate and implement this Decision according to their functions and tasks; if the implementation exceeds their entitlements, report to the Prime Minister for consideration of issuing decisions.

- The Vietnam Fatherland Front, Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and political union organizations shall participate in the dissemination and cooperation in implementing and supervising the implementation of this Decision.

Thus, according to Official Letter 3165/BHXH-QLT 2022 of Ho Chi Minh City Social Insurance dated June 17, 2022, it has requested relevant agencies and organizations to speed up the implementation of rent support documents.


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