The latest list of state secrets in the field of education and training? What are the prohibited acts in the state secrets protection in Vietnam?

The Government of Vietnam promulgates a list of state secrets in the field of education and training in 2023? Question of Mr. Do in Hanoi.

Promulgating a list of state secrets in the field of education and training in 2023?

On May 19, 2023, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 531/QD-TTg in 2023 promulgating the List of State secrets in the field of education and training.

According to that, the following documents, documents and information in the field of education and training will be on the list of state secrets according to the provisions of the 2018 Law on State Secrets Protection in Vietnam.

(1) State secrets classified as “secret” in the field of education in 2023

- Official exam questions, preparatory exam questions, answers to official exam questions, answers to preparatory exams of high school graduation exams, national excellent students selection contest, international Olympic team selection exam and undisclosed areas.

- Information about people in the People's Army, People's Public Security, and Ciphers sent for training at home and abroad should be protected at the request of the sending party.

(Compared to Decision No. 809/QD-TTg in 2020, the content classified as “secret” has been removed on plans, action programs, reports and documents attached to the report of the Ministry of Education and Training to implement the guidelines and policies of the Communist Party and State on the development of education and training to directly serve the national defense and security strategy which have not been made public).

(2) State secrets classified as “confidential” in the field of education in 2023

- Texts with contents reflecting, commenting and evaluating on the reality of ideology and life of teachers, education administrators, pupils and students that have negative impacts on politics, security, etc. foreign policy and social order.

- Information on the location of the exam and the printing of the exam paper; information about the personnel of the Board/Board that issues the exam questions and makes copies of the exam questions; The plan for transporting, preserving, storing and protecting exam questions of high school graduation exams, national excellent students selection exams and international and regional Olympic team selection exams has not been made public.

Compared to the previous one, the current regulations reduce the following categories from State secrets under Confidentiality:

- Reports on the organization of educational activities of religious organizations that affect politics, national defense and security have not been made public yet.

- Plans, dispatches and reports on ethnic and religious affairs related to ensuring security and order in the field of education and training have not been made public.

- Reports and directives of the Ministry of Education and Training on political security for teachers, education administrators and students have not been made public.

- Dossiers on admission of university graduates to train reserve officers every year have not been made public.

- Converted infantry weapons for defense and security education.

- Programs, projects and schemes of the Board of Education and Training directly performing national defense and security tasks have not been made public.

The latest list of state secrets in the field of education and training? What are the prohibited acts in the state secrets protection in Vietnam?

The latest list of state secrets in the field of education and training? What are the prohibited acts in the state secrets protection in Vietnam?

What are the principles of state secrets protection in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of the 2018 Law on State Secrets Protection in Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Principles of state secrets protection
1. State secrets shall be protected under the leadership of the Communist Party in Vietnam and unified state management; contributing to the construction and protection of the Fatherland, socio-economic development and international integration of the country; protecting national interest and legitimate rights and interest of regulatory bodies, organizations and individuals.
2. State secrets protection is the responsibility of all regulatory bodies, organizations and individuals.
3. State secrets shall be managed and used for the appropriate purposes, by authorized entities and according to the procedures regulated by law.
4. Active prevention; timely detection, prevention and strict handling of violations against regulations on state secrets protection.
5. Time limit for state secrets protection shall abide by the regulations of this Law, ensuring citizens’ right to access information as regulated by law.

According to the above provisions, state secrets are protected according to the above 5 principles.

What are the prohibited acts in state secrets protection in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 5 of the 2018 Law on State Secrets Protection in Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Individuals and organizations are prohibited from performing the following acts in state secrets protection:

- Divulgence, appropriation, selling and buying of state secrets; falsification and damage of state secret containers.

- Illegal collection, exchange, provision and transfer of state secrets; illegal copying, photographing, retention, transport, delivery, receipt, recall and destruction of state secret containers.

- Illegally taking state secret containers out of their storage.

- Exploitation or abuse of activities of state secrets protection or use of state secrets to conduct or conceal violations against regulations of laws, to commit violations of legitimate rights and interest or to obstruct operation of regulatory bodies, organizations or individuals.

- Creation or retention of a document containing state secrets in a computer or another device that has been or is being connected to the Internet, computer network or telecommunications network, excluding cases of state secrets retention regulated by cryptography laws.

- Uploading state secrets onto communications or telecommunications media against regulations of cryptography laws.

- Using a computer or another device that has been used to create, retain or exchange a state secret for another purpose before such state secret is removed.

- Use of a device capable of receiving and/or transmitting signals, recording or filming during a conference, seminar or meeting containing state secrets in any shape or form without permission from a competent person.

- Upload and distribution of state secrets on mass media, the Internet, computer network or telecommunications network.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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