The latest form of Vietnam delivery receipt? The goods are being held by the consignee, who is responsible for the risk of loss or damage?

May I ask about the sample delivery note, what content does it contain? Where the goods are in the possession of the consignee, who is responsible for the risk of loss or damage? Thank!

Sample of receipt of goods delivery in 2022?

The current form of a receipt for goods delivery according to current regulations includes the following contents:

Như vậy, mẫu biên bản giao nhận hàng hóa gồm những nội dung theo mẫu như trên.

Tải mẫu biên bản giao nhận hàng hóa: Tại đây

Regulations on delivery and receipt of goods in the contract of sale of goods?

Pursuant to Article 34 of the 2005 Commercial Law, regulations on delivery and documents related to goods are as follows:

"Article 34. Delivery of goods and documents related to goods

1. The seller must deliver the goods and documents as agreed in the contract on quantity, quality, way of packing, preserving and other provisions in the contract.

2. In the absence of a specific agreement, the seller is obliged to deliver the goods and related documents in accordance with this Law."

Pursuant to Article 56 of the 2005 Commercial Law stipulating the receipt of goods in a goods sale and purchase contract as follows:

"Article 56. Receiving goods

The buyer is obligated to receive the goods as agreed and to do all reasonable work to help the seller deliver the goods."

Thus, the receipt of goods in a contract of sale of goods is specified as above.

The latest form of Vietnam delivery receipt? The goods are being held by the consignee, who is responsible for the risk of loss or damage?

Mẫu biên bản giao nhận hàng hóa mới nhất? Hàng hoá đang được người nhận hàng nắm giữ thì rủi ro v mất mát hoặc hư hỏng sẽ do ai chịu trách nhiệm? (Hình từ internet)

Place and time of delivery of goods, documents related to goods are regulated?

Pursuant to Article 35 of the 2005 Commercial Law, the delivery location is specified as follows:

"Article 35. Delivery location

1. The seller is obliged to deliver the goods at the agreed place.

2. If there is no agreement on the place of delivery, the place of delivery shall be determined as follows:

a) Where the goods are objects attached to land, the seller must deliver the goods at the place where such goods are located;

b) If the contract contains provisions on transportation of goods, the seller is obliged to deliver the goods to the first carrier;

c) If there is no provision in the contract for the transportation of goods, if at the time of entering into the contract, the parties know the location of the warehouse, the place of loading or the place of production or manufacture of goods, the seller must deliver the goods at that place;

d) In other cases, the seller must deliver the goods at the seller's business location, if there is no business location, the goods must be delivered at the seller's place of residence determined at the time of entering into the contract. purchase."

Thus, the place of delivery is prescribed by law as above.

Pursuant to Article 37 of the 2005 Commercial Law, the time limit for goods delivery is specified as follows:

"Article 37. Time limit for delivery

1. The seller must deliver the goods at the time of delivery as agreed in the contract.

2. Where there is only an agreement on the delivery term without specifying a specific delivery time, the seller has the right to deliver the goods at any time within that time limit and must notify the buyer in advance.

3. If there is no agreement on the time limit for delivery, the seller must deliver the goods within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the contract."

Thus, the time limit for delivery of goods is specified as above.

Pursuant to Article 42 of the 2005 Commercial Law, the delivery of goods-related documents is prescribed as follows:

"Article 42. Delivery of goods-related documents

1. Where there is an agreement on the delivery of documents, the seller is obliged to deliver the documents related to the goods to the buyer within the time limit, at the place and by the agreed method.

2. In case there is no agreement on the time limit and place for delivering goods-related documents to the buyer, the seller must deliver the goods-related documents to the buyer within a reasonable time and at a reasonable place to Buyer can receive the goods.

3. Where the seller has delivered documents related to the goods before the agreed time limit, the seller may still remedy the shortcomings of these documents within the remaining time limit.

4. When the seller performs the remedy for the shortcomings specified in Clause 3 of this Article, which causes disadvantages or causes unreasonable expenses to the buyer, the buyer has the right to request the seller to remedy the disadvantage or bear that cost."

Thus, the delivery of documents related to goods is prescribed as above.

Hàng hoá đang được người nhận hàng nắm giữ thì rủi ro về mất mát hoặc hư hỏng sẽ do ai chịu trách nhiệm?

Căn cứ Điều 59 Luật Thương mại 2005 quy định về chuyển rủi ro trong trường hợp giao hàng cho người nhận hàng để giao mà không phải là người vận chuyển được quy định như sau:

"Điều 59. Chuyển rủi ro trong trường hợp giao hàng cho người nhận hàng để giao mà không phải là người vận chuyển
Trừ trường hợp có thoả thuận khác, nếu hàng hoá đang được người nhận hàng để giao nắm giữ mà không phải là người vận chuyển thì rủi ro về mất mát hoặc hư hỏng hàng hoá được chuyển cho bên mua thuộc một trong các trường hợp sau đây:
1. Khi bên mua nhận được chứng từ sở hữu hàng hoá;
2. Khi người nhận hàng để giao xác nhận quyền chiếm hữu hàng hoá của bên mua."

Trên đây là mẫu biên bản giao nhận hàng hóa và những nội dung liên quan đến vấn đề giao nhận hàng hóa mà người đọc có thể tham khảo.

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