What is the Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam? What are the duties and powers of the Inspector of the Ministry of National Defense?

What is the Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam? Duties and powers of Inspector of the Ministry of National Defense? Question of Nam from Lam Dong.

What is the Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam?

According to Clause 1, Article 10 of Decree 33/2014/ND-CP, the Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam is an agency under the Ministry of National Defense, assisting the Minister of National Defense in state management of inspection, complaint and denunciation settlement, receipt of citizens and anti-corruption;

Conduct administrative inspection of agencies, units and individuals under the management of the Ministry of National Defense; conduct specialized inspection of agencies, organizations and individuals under the scope of state management in the field of national defense of the Ministry of National Defense; settle complaints and denunciations, receive citizens and prevent and combat corruption in accordance with law.

What is the Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam? What are the duties and powers of the Inspector of the Ministry of National Defense?

What is the Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam? What are the duties and powers of the Inspector of the Ministry of National Defense? (Image from the Internet)

What are the duties and powers of the Inspector of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam?

Specifically, Article 11 of Decree 33/2014/ND-CP stipulates the duties and powers of the Inspector of the Ministry of National Defense as follows:

- In the state management of inspection within the scope of state management of the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry Inspectorate has the following tasks and powers:

+ Develop inspection plans and submit them to the Minister of National Defense for approval; organize the implementation of inspection plans under the responsibility of the Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense; guide, inspect and urge the formulation and implementation of inspection programs and plans by inspectors of agencies and units under the Ministry of National Defense;

+ Directing the work, guiding and fostering inspection skills for the contingent of defense inspectorates at all levels; participate in the management and use of inspectors in agencies and units under the Ministry of National Defense; guide, propagate and inspect the implementation of the law on inspection by agencies and units under the management of the Ministry of National Defense;

+ To request heads of agencies and units assigned to perform the specialized inspection function under the Ministry of National Defense to report on inspection work; summarize and report on inspection results under the state management of the Ministry of National Defense;

+ Monitor, urge and examine the implementation of conclusions, recommendations and handling decisions on inspection by the Minister of National Defense and Inspector of the Ministry of National Defense;

+ Carrying out preliminary, summarizing, drawing experiences, information, reports, scientific research, compiling professional documents on defense inspection.

- In inspection activities, the Ministry Inspectorate has the following tasks and powers:

+ To inspect or coordinate with inspectors of ministries, branches and localities in inspecting the implementation of national defense policies, laws, tasks, powers and state plans; regulations on national defense, professional and technical management of agencies, units, organizations and individuals under the state management competence of the Ministry of National Defense;

+ To inspect the implementation of policies, laws, tasks, powers, state plans on national defense, orders, directives and decisions of the Minister of National Defense for agencies, units, and individuals under the direct management of the Ministry of National Defense; inspect enterprises in the Army established under the decision of the Minister of National Defense;

+ To inspect other cases assigned by the Minister of National Defense;

+ To check the accuracy and legitimacy of inspection conclusions and post-inspection handling decisions of heads of agencies and units under the Ministry of National Defense when necessary.

- Assist the Minister of National Defense in state management of the settlement of complaints and denunciations and reception of citizens; perform the task of settling complaints and denunciations and receiving citizens in accordance with law.

- Assist the Minister of National Defense in state management of anti-corruption work; perform the task of preventing and combating corruption in accordance with the provisions of law.

How many defense inspection agencies are there?

Pursuant to Article 9 of Decree 33/2014/ND-CP stipulating as follows:

Defense Inspection Organization
1. Defense inspection agencies, including:
a) Inspector of the Ministry of National Defense (hereinafter referred to as Ministry Inspector);
b) National defense inspectorate of military zones;
c) Inspectors of the General Staff, the General Department of Politics and the General Departments;
d) Credentials Inspector;
dd) Inspector of the armed forces;
e) Inspector of the Border Guard;
g) Defense Inspector of Hanoi Capital Command; Defense Inspector of Ho Chi Minh City Command; National defense inspectorates of provinces and centrally run cities (hereinafter referred to as provincial-level defense inspectorates);
h) Inspecting corps, service and the equivalent.
2. The organization, staffing and equipment of defense inspectorates at all levels shall be prescribed by the Minister of National Defense.
3. The appointment, relief from duty and dismissal of Chief Inspector, Deputy Chief Inspector and other titles for defense inspectors at all levels shall comply with the Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army, the Law on Inspectors and other provisions of relevant laws.
4. National defense inspection agencies at all levels have their own seals and accounts as prescribed by law.

Thus, the organizational structure of defense inspection includes the following agencies:

- Inspector of the Ministry of National Defense (hereinafter referred to as the Inspector of the Ministry);

- Inspector of defense of military zones;

- Inspectors of the General Staff, General Department of Politics and General Departments;

- Inspector of Credentials;

- Inspector of the army;

- Inspector of the Border Guard;

- Defense Inspector of Hanoi Capital Command; Defense Inspector of Ho Chi Minh City Command; National defense inspectorates of provinces and centrally run cities (hereinafter referred to as provincial-level defense inspectorates);

- Inspecting corps, service and equivalent.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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