What is the application for establishment of grassroots trade unions? What are the founding conditions of organization of grassroots trade unions in Vietnam?

What is the application for establishment of grassroots trade unions? What are the founding conditions of organization of grassroots trade unions in Vietnam? M.L - Khanh Hoa.

What is the application for establishment of grassroots trade unions in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Point b, Clause 12.3, Article 12 of Instruction 03/HD-TLD 2020 stipulates as follows:

Order and procedures for establishment and dissolution of grassroots trade unions according to Article 14
12.3. Responsibilities of the president of the grassroots trade union after the founding congress
a. Organize a meeting of the grassroots trade union executive committee within 10 working days from the end of the founding congress to elect the standing committee, vice president, inspection committee and head of the trade union inspection committee (if applicable). eligible). The preparation process requires contacting the superior union for guidance.
b. Within 15 working days from the end of the congress, the executive committee must prepare a dossier to request the superior union for consideration and recognition, including:
- Written request for recognition of trade union members and grassroots trade unions and election results of the executive committee, standing committee, inspection committee and positions of the executive committee and union inspection committee.
- List of union members and applications from workers to join the Vietnam Trade Union.
- List of resumes of members of the executive committee, standing committee, and inspection committee of the grassroots trade union.
- Minutes of the congress establishing the grassroots trade union.
- Minutes of vote counting at the congress to establish the grassroots trade union and election minutes at the executive committee conference (if any).
c. When recognized by the superior trade union, the grassroots trade union executive committee carries out the procedures for engraving the seal; At the same time, organize activities according to the provisions of the Charter and Instructions for implementing the Charter of the Vietnam Trade Union; The instructions of the superior union and the operational plan were agreed upon at the conference to establish the grassroots union.

Accordingly, the application file for recognition of a grassroots trade union includes the following documents:

- Written request for recognition of trade union members and grassroots trade unions and election results of the executive committee, standing committee, inspection committee and positions of the executive committee and union inspection committee.

- List of union members and applications from workers to join the Vietnam Trade Union.

- List of resumes of members of the executive committee, standing committee, and inspection committee of the grassroots trade union.

- Minutes of the congress establishing the grassroots trade union.

- Minutes of vote counting at the congress to establish the grassroots trade union and election minutes at the executive committee conference (if any).

What is the application for establishment of grassroots trade unions? What are the founding conditions of organization of grassroots trade unions in Vietnam?

What are the founding conditions of organization of grassroots trade unions in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 13 of the Trade Union Charter issued with Decision 174/QD-TLD 2020 stipulates as follows:

Founding conditions and forms of organization of grassroots trade unions and occupational organizations
1. A grassroots trade union is the grassroots-level body of the TUVN which is established at one or several lawful employing entities when there are at least 05 trade union members or 05 workers who voluntarily apply for admission to TUVN.
2. A grassroots occupational organization is an association of legal self-employed workers in the same trade, industry or profession, by the geographical areas or employers, which is established when there are at least 05 trade union members or 05 workers who voluntarily apply for admission to TUVN.
3. Forms of organization of grassroots trade unions and occupational organizations
a. Grassroots trade unions, grassroots occupational organizations without trade union groups, occupational organization groups, trade union subdivisions, occupational organization subdivisions, and grassroots trade union affiliates.
b. Grassroots trade unions, grassroots occupational organizations with trade union groups and occupational organization groups.
c. Grassroots trade unions, grassroots occupational organizations with trade union subdivisions, occupational organization subdivisions.
d. Grassroots trade unions with grassroots trade union affiliates.
4. The Presidium of Vietnam General Confederation of Labour shall elaborate on this Article

Thus, A grassroots trade union is the grassroots-level body of the Vietnam Trade Union, established in one or several legally operating employers, when the following conditions are met:

- there are at least 05 trade union members or 05 workers.

- these members voluntarily apply for admission to TUVN.

What are the duties of trade union members in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 19 of the Law on Trade Union 2012, duties of trade union members are regulated as follows:

- Complying and performing the Charter of Vietnamese Trade Union, resolutions of Trade Union; participating in activities of Trade Union, developing Trade Union organizations firmly and strongly.

- Studying and improving cultural and political level, professional and specialized skills; training quality of the working-class; living and working under Constitution and laws.

- Uniting, helping mates to improve professional level and skill, work effectively and protect legeal and legitimate rights and interests of laborers and Trade Union organizations.


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