To participate in the civil service promotion exam in 2022, which criteria must be met by public employees in Vietnam?

I am working as an expert at a public university with the title of an officer, and now I want to take the exam for promotion to a main lecturer, what are the standard conditions according to the latest law? Thank you!

What are the standard conditions for an officer to take the exam for promotion to a major expert?

According to Official Dispatch 2466/BNV-TCCB dated June 10, 2022, public employees in Vietnam competing for promotion to main specialist in 2022 must meet the following criteria and conditions:

- Public non-business units in need.

- Officials are arranging specialist salaries, code 01.003.

- Being evaluated and rated at the level of completing tasks well or higher in 2021; have good political and moral qualities; not during the time of disciplinary action or in the process of disciplinary review by the competent authority.

- Satisfy the requirements for diplomas and certificates according to the standards of training and retraining qualifications of the main specialist rank specified in Circular No. 02/2021/TT-BNV.

- Must have a period of appointment and salary arrangement for specialists or equivalent from full 9 (nine) years or more (excluding probationary period or probationary period), of which the period of professional salary arrangement is at least 1 year (full time). 12 months) up to the deadline for submitting the application for the promotion exam.

In case a public employee, before being appointed or ranked expert, has had time to arrange salary according to the salary scale of state enterprises or officer-level salary, and this time is used as a basis for ranking specialists' salaries, That time is counted as equivalent to the time of appointment and salary ranking of experts to compete for promotion to main specialist.

- During the time of appointment and salary arrangement, experts and the equivalent have chaired or participated in research and development of topics, schemes, projects, scientific research programs, legal documents, documents professional and technical improvement initiatives in the industry, field, agency or unit where they work, certified by the head of the agency or unit managing the public employees in Vietnam

To participate in the civil service promotion exam in 2022, which criteria must be met by public employees in Vietnam?

To participate in the civil service promotion exam in 2022, which criteria must be met by public employees in Vietnam?

What are the standard conditions for an officer to take the exam for promotion to a lecturer?

According to Official Letter 2466/BNV-TCCB dated June 10, 2022, public employees in Vietnam who compete for promotion to the professional title (CDNN) of main lecturers (class II) in 2022 must meet the following criteria and conditions:

- Public higher education institutions in need.

- Officials holding lecturer's CDNN (class III), code V.07.01.03.

- Being evaluated and rated at the level of completing tasks well or higher in 2021; being commented by the head of the non-business unit under the Ministry of having professional qualities and ethics; not during the time of disciplinary enforcement or during the disciplinary review by a competent agency or unit.

- Meeting the requirements of diplomas, certificates, scientific topics, training books, scientific articles and other requirements on professional standards, qualifications, training and fostering qualifications of CDNNs main lecturer as prescribed in Circular No. 31/2021/TT-BGDDT6. Particularly for teaching staff at the National Academy of Public Administration: In addition to the above criteria, public employees must also have an intermediate level of political theory or higher, as prescribed in Point d Clause 2 Article 13 of Circular No. 01/2018/TT-BNV7.

- Having held the title of lecturer (class III) or equivalent for at least 9 (nine) years for master's degree holders, full 6 (six) years for doctoral degree holders; in which, must have at least 1 year (full 12 months) holding the professional title of lecturer (class III), code V.07.01.03 by the deadline for submitting the application for promotion exam.

What are the standard conditions for an officer to take the exam for promotion to an archivist?

According to Official Letter 2466/BNV-TCCB dated June 10, 2022, civil servants participating in the promotion exam for promotion to the professional title (CDNN) of chief archivist (class II) in 2022 must meet the following criteria and conditions:

- Public non-business units in need.

- Officials holding CDNN archives (class III), code V.01.02.02.

- Being evaluated and rated at the level of completing tasks well or higher in 2021; being commented by the head of the agency or unit under the Ministry to have professional quality and ethics; not during the time of disciplinary enforcement or during the disciplinary review by a competent agency or unit.

- Satisfy the requirements for diplomas, certificates, topics, schemes, works, articles, initiatives and other requirements on professional standards, professional qualifications, training and retraining levels of the archived foreign language CDN. main archiver in accordance with the provisions of Circular 13/2014/TT-BNV8 and the provisions of current law.

- Having held the title of archivist (class III) or equivalent for at least 9 (nine) years (excluding probationary period). In which, must have at least 1 year (full 12 months) of keeping a CDNN archiver (class III) and have graduated from university for 3 (three) years or more by the deadline for submitting the application for the exam. promoted.

What are the standard conditions for an officer to take the exam for promotion to a chief accountant?

According to Official Letter 2466/BNV-TCCB dated June 10, 2022, public employees in Vietnam competing for promotion to Chief Accountant in 2022 must meet the following criteria and conditions:

- Public non-business units in need.

- Officials are arranging salaries for accountants, code 06.031.

- Being evaluated and rated at the level of completing tasks well or higher in 2021; being commented by the head of a non-business unit under the Ministry of having professional qualities and ethics; not during the time of disciplinary enforcement or during the disciplinary review by a competent agency or unit.

- Satisfy the requirements for diplomas, certificates, topics, schemes, works and other requirements on professional standards, professional qualifications, training and retraining qualifications of the main accountants' CDN as prescribed. in Circular No. 77/2019/TT-BTC9.

- Must have a period of appointment, salary arrangement of accountants or equivalent from full 9 (nine) years or more (excluding probationary period, probationary period), of which must have at least 1 year (full 12 months). salary ranking of accountants by the deadline for submitting the application for promotion.

What are the standard conditions for an officer to take the exam for promotion to a principal researcher?

According to Official Letter 2466/BNV-TCCB dated June 10, 2022, public employees who compete for promotion to professional title (CDNN) main researcher (class II) in 2022 must meet the following criteria and conditions:

- Public non-business units in need.

- Officer holding a researcher CDNN (class III), code V.05.01.03.

- Being evaluated and rated at the level of completing tasks well or higher in 2021; being commented by the head of a non-business unit under the Ministry of having professional qualities and ethics; not during the time of disciplinary enforcement or during the disciplinary review by a competent agency or unit.

- Meet the requirements for diplomas, certificates, scientific tasks, monographs, scientific articles and other requirements on professional standards, professional qualifications, training and retraining levels of the research CDN. main member specified in Circular 08/2021/TT-BKHCN10.

- Having held the title of researcher (class III) or equivalent for at least 9 (nine) years. In case of equivalent time, must have at least 1 year (full 12 months) holding the title of researcher (class III) by the deadline for submitting the application for promotion competition.

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