07:44 | 23/07/2024

Template for Requesting Re-issuance of the Certificate of Business Registration? In which cases will the Certificate of Business Registration be re-issued?

Hello Lawnet,I would like to inquire under what circumstances an enterprise will be reissued a certificate of business registration? How is the form for requesting reissuance of a certificate of business registration stipulated?Thank you!

What Information Does the Certificate of Business Registration Provide?

Based on Article 28 of the Law on Enterprises 2020, the regulation is as follows:

"Article 28. Contents of the Certificate of Business Registration

The Certificate of Business Registration includes the following main contents:

1. The name of the enterprise and the enterprise code;

2. The address of the enterprise's head office;

3. Name, contact address, nationality, legal document number of individuals for the legal representative of a limited liability company and a joint stock company; for general partners of a partnership; for the owner of a private enterprise. Name, contact address, nationality, legal document number of individuals for members who are individuals; name, enterprise code, and head office address for members who are legal entities in a limited liability company;

4. Charter capital for companies, investment capital for private enterprises."

The Certificate of Business Registration will provide information related to the contents regulated as above.

Sample Request Form for Re-issuance of the Certificate of Business Registration according to current regulations? In which cases will the Certificate of Business Registration be re-issued?

Sample Request Form for Re-issuance of the Certificate of Business Registration? In which cases will the Certificate of Business Registration be re-issued?

In Which Cases Will the Certificate of Business Registration Be Reissued?

Based on Article 27 of the Law on Enterprises 2020, the regulation is as follows:

"Article 27. Issuance of the Certificate of Business Registration

1. An enterprise will be granted the Certificate of Business Registration when it meets the following conditions:

a) The registered business lines are not prohibited from business investment;

b) The enterprise's name complies with the provisions of Articles 37, 38, 39, and 41 of this Law;

c) Having a valid enterprise registration dossier;

d) Paying the full enterprise registration fee as prescribed by the law on fees and charges.

2. In cases where the Certificate of Business Registration is lost, damaged, or destroyed in another form, the enterprise will be issued a new Certificate of Business Registration and must pay the fee as prescribed by law."

Accordingly, if the Certificate of Business Registration is lost, damaged, or destroyed, the enterprise will be reissued the Certificate of Business Registration.

How Long Does It Take to Reissue the Certificate of Business Registration?

Based on Article 68 of the Law on Enterprises 2020, the regulation is as follows:

"Article 68. Re-issuance of the Certificate of Business Registration and Confirmation of Changes in Business Registration Content

1. In cases where an enterprise wishes to be reissued the Certificate of Business Registration, confirmation of changes in the content of the business registration, the certificate of operation registration of a branch, representative office, confirmation of changes in the content of the branch, representative office registration due to being lost, burnt, torn, or destroyed in another form, the enterprise shall send a written request for reissuance to the Business Registration Office where the enterprise's head office is located. The Business Registration Office shall consider reissuing it within 03 working days from the date of receipt of the written request.

2. In cases where an enterprise wishes to be reissued the Certificate of Business Location Registration, confirmation of changes in the content of the business location registration due to being lost, burnt, torn, or destroyed in another form, the enterprise or branch with the business location shall send a written request for reissuance to the Business Registration Office where the business location is located. The Business Registration Office shall consider reissuing it within 03 working days from the date of receipt of the written request."

Accordingly, within 03 working days from the date of receipt of the written request for reissuance of the Certificate of Business Registration, the Business Registration Office must consider reissuing the Certificate to the requesting enterprise.

What Is the Latest Sample Request Form for Re-issuance of the Certificate of Business Registration?

Currently, when an enterprise needs to reissue the Certificate of Business Registration, it must submit the Business Registration Office a Request Form for Re-issuance of the Certificate of Business Registration as prescribed in Appendix II-18 issued together with Circular 01/2021/TT-BKHDT as follows:

Download the latest Sample Request Form for Re-issuance of the Certificate of Business Registration: Here.


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