Technical regulation on groups of traffic and hydrological data layers in national topographic maps in Vietnam at scale 1:50,000, 1:100.000?

I have a question that I hope the advisory board can help answer the question. I would like to be asked about the regulation on the content of the traffic data layer group in the national topographic map in Vietnam at the scale 1:50,000, 1:100.000? Look forward to your feedback soon. Thanks for the advice.

Regulations on group content of traffic data layers in national topographic maps in Vietnam at scale 1:50,000, 1:100.000?

Pursuant to the provisions of subsection 2, Section II of the National Technical Regulation on the national topographic map of Vietnam at the scale 1:50,000, 1:100.000 promulgated together with the Circular 06/2022/TT-BTNMT on The national technical regulation on national topographic maps at the scale of 1:50,000, 1:100,000 promulgated by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, stipulates the specific content of traffic data layers as follows:

- Group of traffic data layers representing traffic networks and traffic-related works, including road systems, railways, waterways, bridges, tunnels, ports, railway stations, navigational objects, navigational signs, navigational signals and other traffic works.

- Presentation of the traffic system must ensure the connectivity of the traffic network, the reasonable correlation with traffic works and related technical infrastructure objects.

- The road traffic system is expressed by management level and technical level, including: highways, national highways, provincial roads, district roads, commune roads, urban roads and other types of roads.

- Show interconnected roads with a length on the map of 1 cm or more for sparsely populated hilly areas, 2 cm for densely populated areas. Unconnected lines are only shown when the length on the map is 2 cm or more for sparsely populated hilly areas, 3 cm or more for densely populated areas. Roads related to national borders and administrative boundaries must be fully shown.

- Types of traffic bridges are shown according to corresponding symbols to ensure correct reflection of the relationship between roads, bridges and related hydrological objects. The bridge's properties and specifications are not shown on the national topographic map at 1:50,000, 1:100,000 scale.

- Ferry routes, underground passages and ferry routes must be connected with roads on both sides of the river at the wharf and ferry terminal. The passage through rivers and streams in sparsely populated areas must be fully shown.

- Show large, directional traffic works such as ports, railway stations, ship locks, car terminals, parking lots, priority is given to objects that play the role of focal points and connecting routes.

- At places where there are many intersections that are not at the same level (roads with overpasses, underpasses for people's lives, etc.), objects are shown in a vertical projection from the top down. In case the objects overlap completely in geometry, on the map, only the top object is fully shown, the bottom objects stop at the obscured position.

- Show all railway lines. The objects of lighthouses, tidal stations in coastal areas represent well-known objects, have directional significance and when the map tolerance allows. Fully show navigational objects, marine records, marine signals, rescue stations, dangerous areas, forbidden zones, aquaculture cages.

- Show embankment and deep embankment sections of roads and railways with a length of 1 cm or more on the map and a height or depth of 2 m or more. Show the talus of the embankment, deep cut in case the distance from the top of the talus on the map reaches 5 mm or more. Only high embankment or deep cutting of railways, provincial roads, national highways and expressways are shown. Note the height scale, depth scale to meters for sections with a length on the map of 2 cm or more, and a height scale or depth of 3 m or more for the national topographic map of 1:50,000 scale. On the national topographic map at the scale of 1: 100,000, the high and deep rates are not noted.

- When the distance on the map of the top of the talus and the semi-scaled road is less than 0.2 mm in length, it is allowed to shift the top of the talus on the map by up to 0.2 mm to ensure the distinguishability. with line symbols but must ensure correlation with neighboring objects.

- Show names of traffic objects with scale, campus, directional meaning and famous in the specific area as follows:

+ Roads from the provincial level or higher;

+ Urban roads: show the names of main streets connected with provincial roads, national highways and highways;

+ Horizontal wharf, longitudinal wharf, ferry wharf and boat dock are shown only when connecting with provincial roads, national highways and highways;

+ Bridges, tunnels, ports, stations, locks; Show the full name of the bridge and ferry across the big river, the remaining bridges and ferries show the name when the map tolerance allows.

+ Car station, car park.

- Objects of traffic data class group content are shown by corresponding symbols in Section V, Appendix B of this National Technical Regulation.

Technical regulation on groups of traffic and hydrological data layers in national topographic maps in Vietnam at scale 1:50,000, 1:100.000?

Technical regulation on groups of traffic and hydrological data layers in national topographic maps in Vietnam at scale 1:50,000, 1:100.000?

Specify the content of the vegetation cover data layer group in the national topographic map in Vietnam at the scale 1:50,000, 1:100.000?

As for the regulations on the content of the group of vegetation cover data layers in the national topographic maps at the scale 1:50,000, 1:100.000, then in subsection 2, Section II, the National Technical Regulation on National Topographic Maps in Vietnam at scale 1:50,000, 1:100.000 promulgated together with Circular 06/2022/TT-BTNMT on national technical regulations on national topographic maps in Vietnam at 1:50,000, 1: 100,000 issued by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, specifically as follows:

- Group of vegetation cover data layers showing the types of natural plants and plants classified according to: level of forest development, type of tree, group of trees, habitat of trees (salinophilic, acidic alum. ..), distribution pattern (forest, clearing, perennials, annuals and other plants).

- Show vegetation areas with an area on the map of 15 mm2 or more. For forest areas: Display the symbol of the type of tree when the area on the map is 2 cm2 or more; Displays a note of the name of the tree when the area on the map is 4 cm2 or more.

- Vegetation zone with many types of interwoven plants, priority should be given to the type of vegetation that occupies the majority but must occupy at least 40% of the area or more. In case there are no plants that meet this criteria, it must be shown in accordance with regulations for mixed plants. Selectivity represents at most 2 types of dominant tree symbols.

- Boundaries of vegetation zones must be shown closed. In case the linear features are vegetative boundaries, these features are used instead of the vegetative boundary segments there.

- Shows the names of all nature reserves, national parks and forests with names.

- The content objects of the vegetation cover data layer group are shown by the corresponding symbol in Section VI, Appendix B of this National Technical Regulation.

Regulations on group content of hydrological data layers in national topographic maps in Vietnam at scale 1:50,000, 1:100.000?

According to the provisions of subsection 2, Section II of the National Technical Regulation on National Topographic Maps at the scale of 1:50,000 and 1:100.000, promulgated together with the Circular 06/2022/TT-BTNMT on the National Technical Regulations. National topographic map in Vietnam at 1:50,000, 1:10,000 scale issued by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, stipulating the content of hydrological data layer groups in the national topographic map in Vietnam. Vietnam ratio 1:50,000, 1:100,000 specifically as follows:

- Group of hydrological data layers representing the system of rivers, streams, canals, ditches, seas, islands, lakes, ponds, lagoons, lagoons, water sources and other hydrological objects.

- Fully show the water edges and shorelines of natural rivers, seas and large lakes when the distance between these two lines is 0.5 mm or more on the map. In case the distance between these two lines is less than 0.5 mm on the map, only the waterline is shown.

- Show rivers, streams, canals, ensuring the connectivity of the hydrological network, suitable to the topography; Show rivers, streams, canals with a length of 1 cm or more on the map. The rivers, streams, canals have important meanings, related to the border, the geographical boundaries are fully expressed.

- Shows the year-round and seasonal water characteristics of rivers, streams, and difficult-to-define sections of rivers and streams; flow direction, the direction of the flow is influenced by the tide.

- Show all ponds and lakes with an area of ​​2 mm2 or more on the map. For ponds and lakes with an area less than 2 mm2 but in a scarce water area, zoom in to 2 mm2 to show.

- Show waterfalls, rapids, mudflats, floodplains, coastal areas with corresponding symbols.

- Shown by symbols according to scale for alluvial flats, promontory, sand in river beds, lakes and seas with an area on the map of 1 mm2 or more. For alluvial and sand flats in river, lake and sea beds related to the delimitation of national borders and administrative boundaries with an area of ​​less than 1 mm2 on the map are still fully shown.

- Beaches (floating, sinking) along rivers, lakes and seas with an area of ​​15 mm2 or more on the map are fully shown. The islands are shown in full by the corresponding symbol, not showing the combination of islands

- Show the geographical features of the hydrological system including embankments, dams, dikes, irrigation culverts, water troughs according to corresponding symbols.

- Show names of hydrological objects as follows:

Depending on the system of rivers, streams, canals, seas, islands, ponds, lakes of each mapping area and the ability to tolerate content objects on the map at each scale, choose to represent the names of The following hydrological objects are suitable, reflecting the characteristics of the area. Priority is given to showing full names of hydrological features when the tolerability of the map allows. Rivers, streams, canals, ponds, lakes, seas, islands, archipelagos related to borders, geographical boundaries show full names.

+ Rivers, streams, canals and ditches with a length of 10 cm or more on the map and repeat notes with a distance of 10 cm to 15 cm;

+ Ponds and lakes with an area of ​​20 mm2 or more on the map;

+ Coastal floating, sinking, semi-submersible and semi-submerged beaches with an area on the map of 20 mm2 or more;

+ Beaches along rivers or in rivers with an area of ​​20 mm2 or more on the map;

+ Embankments, dikes, dams and culverts on major or important rivers, canals and ditches;

+ Waterfalls, rapids;

+ Large mineral water and hot springs are of great significance;

+ Notes on the sea, bay, river, lake, island, archipelago arranged according to the characteristics of the object's shape. In case it is not possible to make notes inside and according to the shape, make notes to the side, with the head of the letter facing the North and it must be easy to identify the right note with the object to be noted.

- The objects of the hydrological data class group content are shown by the corresponding symbol in Section VII, Appendix B of this National Technical Regulation, which distinguishes the canal objects according to specific widths such as: after:

+ On the national topographic map of 1:50,000 scale, canal objects with width from 8 m to 25 m represent 0.35 mm sharp force, canal objects with width less than 8 m show force. stroke 0.15 mm;

+ On the national topographic map of 1:100.000 scale, canal objects with width from 8 m to 50 m show force of 0.35 mm, canal objects with width less than 8 m show force. 0.15 mm stroke.

Circular 06/2022/TT-BTNMT takes effect from December 30, 2022.

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