What criteria and conditions must the collective achieve to be considered for the title of Cờ thi đua at all levels?

Hi LawNet, may I ask the following question: Will there be any changes in the law in the near future regarding the conditions and criteria for awarding the “Cờ thi đua” title at all levels?

What are the criteria to achieve the title of Cờ thi đua Chính phủ?

Pursuant to Article 25 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 25. Title of “Cờ thi đua Chính phủ”
1. The title of " Cờ thi đua Chính phủ" to be presented annually to outstanding representative collectives among the leading collectives in emulation clusters or blocks organized by ministries, departments, provinces and meeting the following standards:
a) Having excellent achievements, exceeding the emulation targets and assigned tasks in the year;
b) Internal solidarity; clean and strong party and mass organizations; taking the lead in practicing thrift, fighting waste, preventing and combating corruption, negativity and other social evils.
2. The title of "Cờ thi đua Chính phủ " to be presented annually to the leading collective in an emulation cluster or block organized by the Central Committee for Emulation - Commendation.
3. The title of " Cờ thi đua Chính phủ" shall be given to the collective leading the emulation movement launched by the Prime Minister with a duration of 05 years or more when preliminarily and summarizing the movement.
4. The Government shall detail this Article.”

Thus, in order to be awarded the Cờ thi đua Chính phủ title, the collective must meet the conditions and standards as prescribed above.

What criteria and conditions must the collective achieve to be considered for the title of Cờ thi đua Chính phủ at all levels?

Tập thể phải đạt được những tiêu chuẩn, điều kiện nào để được xét tặng danh hiệu Cờ thi đua các cấp?

What are the conditions to receive the titles of Cờ thi đua của Bộ, ban, ngành, tỉnh?

Pursuant to Article 26 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 of Vietnam stipulates as follows:

“Article 26. Titles of Cờ thi đua của Bộ, ban, ngành, tỉnh
1. The titles of Cờ thi đua của Bộ, ban, ngành, tỉnh annually present to the collective leading the emulation movement of an emulation cluster or block organized by a Ministries, central authorities, provincial authorities and meet the following standards:
a) Exceeding emulation targets and assigned tasks in the year; is a typical outstanding collective in the Ministries, central authorities, provincial authorities;
b) Internal solidarity; clean and strong party and mass organizations; actively practice thrift, fight waste, prevent and combat corruption, negativity and other social evils.
2. The title of Cờ thi đua của Bộ, ban, ngành, tỉnh to be presented to the collective leading the emulation movement according to the theme launched by the ministry, department, branch or province for a period of 03 years or more when summary of the movement.
3. Ministries, central authorities, provincial authorities shall, within the ambit of their tasks and powers, detail and guide specific subjects and criteria for consideration and award of Cờ thi đua của Bộ, ban, ngành, tỉnh title.”

Thus, the titles of Cờ thi đua của Bộ, ban, ngành, tỉnh will be awarded to collectives that meet the criteria and conditions as prescribed above.

In which case will you receive the title of Tập thể lao động tiên tiến, Đơn vị tiên tiến?

Pursuant to Article 27 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 27. Titles of “Tập thể lao động tiên tiến”, “Đơn vị tiên tiến”
1. The title of "Tập thể lao động tiên tiến" shall be awarded annually to a collective that meets the following standards:
a) Successfully completing the assigned tasks;
b) Actively participate in regular, practical and effective emulation movements;
c) Having 100% of the individuals in the collective complete the assigned tasks, of which at least 70% of the individuals have won the title of "Lao động tiên tiến";
d) There is an individual who has won the title of “Chiến sĩ thi đua cơ sở”;
d) Internal solidarity, exemplary observance of the Party's guidelines, policies and laws of the State.
2. The title of "Đơn vị quyết thắng" shall be given to a collective belonging to the people's armed forces that meet the standards specified at Points a, b, d and dd, Clause 1 of this Article, with 100% of the individuals in the group. able to complete assigned tasks, of which at least 70% of individuals achieved the title of "Chiến sĩ tiên tiến".
3. Ministries, central authorities, provincial authorities, within the ambit of their tasks and powers, detail and guide specific subjects and criteria for consideration and commendation of the title of “Tập thể lao động xuất sắc”, “Đơn vị quyết thắng”.”

Thus, the consideration and commendation of the titles of “tập thể lao động xuất sắc” or “danh hiệu đơn vị quyết thắng” shall be carried out to the collectives that satisfy the conditions as prescribed above.

Which collectives are awarded the titles of Tập thể lao động tiên tiến and Đơn vị tiên tiến?

Pursuant to Article 28 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 28. Titles of “Tập thể lao động tiên tiến”, “Đơn vị tiên tiến”
1. The title of “Tập thể lao động tiên tiến” shall be awarded annually to a collective that meets the following criteria:
a) Complete the assigned tasks well;
b) Participate in regular, practical and effective emulation movements;
c) There are at least 70% of individuals in the collective achieving the title of “Lao động tiên tiến” and no individual has been disciplined in the form of warning or higher;
d) Internal solidarity, well observe the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State.
2. The title of “Đơn vị tiên tiến” shall be conferred on collectives of the people's armed forces that meet the criteria specified at Points a, b and d, Clause 1 of this Article, with at least 70% of the individuals in the collective winning the title of "Chiến sĩ tiên tiến" and no individual was disciplined in the form of warning or higher.
3. Ministries, departments, branches and provinces, within the ambit of their tasks and powers, detail and guide specific subjects and criteria for consideration and award of the titles of “Tập thể lao động tiên tiến”, “Đơn vị tiên tiến”.”

Thus, the awarding of the title of “Tập thể lao động tiên tiến”, “Đơn vị tiên tiến”shall comply with the above regulations.

The Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022 of Vietnam will take effect from January 1, 2024.

Luật Thi đua, khen thưởng 2022 sẽ có hiệu lực từ ngày 01/01/2024.


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