Why does the National Assembly hold extraordinary sessions? Guidance of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on the organization of the extraordinary National Assembly session in Vietnam?

Why does the National Assembly hold extraordinary sessions? How is the organization of the extraordinary National Assembly session guided? - Question from Mr. Suong (Hanoi)

How does the Standing Committee of the National Assembly guide the organization of extraordinary National Assembly sessions in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Chapter II of Resolution No. 31/2023/UBTVQH15, the National Assembly Standing Committee guides the organization of the extraordinary session as follows:

(1) Regarding the request for an extraordinary session

- In case the Chairman or the Prime Minister requests to hold an extraordinary session, a written document clearly stating the necessity, contents and expected time of holding the extraordinary session together with dossiers and documents if required. The proposed content is under its responsibility to prepare to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly 07 days before the proposed date of the extraordinary session, except for dossiers and documents related to personnel work.

The scheduled time for holding an extraordinary session must be at least 1 day before the expected opening date of the next regular session.

- In case a member of the National Assembly requests to hold an extraordinary session:

+ A member of the National Assembly shall send a document specifying the necessity, content and expected time of the extraordinary session to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly. A written request to hold an extraordinary session may be signed by one or more National Assembly deputies at the same time;

+ The Standing Committee of the National Assembly directs the Secretary General of the National Assembly to summarize the requests of the National Assembly deputies within the period from the opening date of the last previous session to 8 days before the expected opening date of the next regular session;

+ The National Assembly Standing Committee shall consider and convene an extraordinary session when at least one-third of the total number of National Assembly deputies request the same content.

- In case the Standing Committee of the National Assembly requests to hold an extraordinary session, the proposed content and time of the extraordinary session shall be reported to the National Assembly.

(2) Regarding the handling of requests for an extraordinary session

- When the Standing Committee of the National Assembly makes its own request or when it receives a request from the Chairman, the Prime Minister or at least one-third of the total number of National Assembly deputies to hold an extraordinary session, the Committee The Standing Committee of the National Assembly is responsible for requesting relevant agencies, organizations and individuals to prepare the contents and send dossiers and documents to the Ethnic Council and the National Assembly's Committees for verification and submit it to the National Assembly Standing Committee for consideration and opinions before submitting it to the National Assembly at its session.

In the request, the National Assembly Standing Committee clearly states the time limit for agencies, organizations and individuals to send dossiers to agencies of the National Assembly and National Assembly deputies.

- When examining dossiers and documents submitted to the extraordinary session, the Ethnic Council and Committee of the National Assembly are responsible for clearly expressing their views on the conditions and quality of the dossiers and documents.

- On the basis of reviewing dossiers and documents submitted by competent agencies, verifying opinions of the Ethnic Council, Committees of the National Assembly, and Standing Committee of the National Assembly, decide to convene an extraordinary session.

(3) Regarding the consideration and decision on the content at the extraordinary session

- Order and procedures for reviewing and deciding on the contents of the extraordinary session;

- Dossiers and documents of the extraordinary session; Information on extraordinary sessions shall comply with the provisions on sessions of the Law on Organization of the National Assembly, the Law on the Promulgation of Legislative Documents, the Law on Supervision activities of the National Assembly and the People's Council, and the Rules on the National Assembly sessions and other relevant provisions of law.

Why does the National Assembly hold extraordinary sessions? Guidance of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on the organization of the extraordinary National Assembly session in Vietnam?

Why does the National Assembly hold extraordinary sessions? Guidance of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on the organization of the extraordinary National Assembly session in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Why does the National Assembly of Vietnam hold extraordinary sessions?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 1 of the Rules promulgated together with Resolution No. 71/2022/QH15 stipulating as follows:

National Assembly sessions
2. The National Assembly holds regular sessions twice a year.
At the request of the Chairman, Standing Committee of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister or at least one-third of the total number of National Assembly deputies, the National Assembly holds an extraordinary session to discuss and decide on issues within its duties and powers, except for contents periodically submitted to the National Assembly as prescribed by law.

Thus, the reason that the National Assembly holds an extraordinary session is to discuss and decide on issues within its duties and powers, in which the contents discussed at the Extraordinary National Assembly session will not include the contents periodically submitted to the National Assembly as prescribed by law.

Who has the right to convene extraordinary National Assembly sessions in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 92 of the 2014 Law on Organization of the National Assembly of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Convening National Assembly sessions
1. The Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall decide to convene a regular or an extraordinary National Assembly session no later than 30 days or 7 days respectively before the session opens.
2. The first session of a newly elected National Assembly shall be convened within sixty days from the date of election of National Assembly deputies.
3. The decision to convene a session together with its tentative agenda shall be sent to National Assembly deputies.

Thus, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall decide to convene a regular or an extraordinary National Assembly session no later than 30 days or 7 days respectively before the session opens.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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