Support people with disabilities who wish to apply for university or college education in early childhood education in a major suitable for their health conditions?

I have the following questions: For ordinary people, they will apply for admission to universities and colleges in Vietnam in preschool education according to the law. So, do people with disabilities have any conditions to apply and study?

Can people with disabilities apply for admission to universities and colleges in Vietnam in early childhood education?

Pursuant to Article 5 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 08/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulates as follows:

“Article 5. Subjects and conditions for recruitment
1. Candidates are determined at the time of admission (before the official announcement of admission results), including:
a) A person who has been recognized as a Vietnamese high school graduate or has a foreign diploma with recognized equivalent qualifications;
b) Those who have graduated from vocational secondary school in the same field of application and have fully completed the required volume of cultural knowledge at high school level as prescribed by law.
2. Candidates specified in Clause 1 of this Article must satisfy the following conditions:
a) Reach the entry threshold as prescribed in Article 9 of this Regulation;
b) Being healthy enough to study according to current regulations;
c) Having sufficient personal information and application documents as prescribed.
3. For a training program or a training discipline applying multiple enrollment methods at the same time, the training institution may specify the subjects and conditions to apply for each enrollment method but must comply with the principles specified at Point b, Clause 1, Article 4 of this Regulation.
4. For candidates with disabilities who have reduced learning ability, the training institution shall take necessary measures and create the best conditions for candidates who wish to register for admission and study in appropriate disciplines. appropriate to the candidate's health condition."

Accordingly, the subjects and conditions for admission in university and college admissions in preschool education must comply with the above regulations. In the case of candidates with disabilities, the training institution will provide the best conditions for candidates who wish to apply for admission and study the appropriate major at the training institution.

Support people with disabilities who wish to apply for university or college education in early childhood education in a major suitable for their health conditions?

Support people with disabilities who wish to apply for university or college education in early childhood education in a major suitable for their health conditions?

What are the principles of admission to universities and colleges in Vietnam in preschool education?

Pursuant to Article 4 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 08/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulates as follows:

“Article 4. Basic principles in enrollment
1. Fairness to candidates
a) About providing information: Each interested candidate is provided with complete, clear, reliable, consistent and timely information to make appropriate decisions and best prepare for enrollment;
b) Regarding the opportunity to apply: No candidate loses the opportunity to apply due to regulations unrelated to qualifications and capacity (except for regulations of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defense, which are specific in this field). defense and security sector); or because the enrollment process is troublesome or expensive;
c) Regarding competency assessment: Candidates must be assessed objectively, fairly and reliably about their learning ability and prospects for success, meeting the requirements of the training program and industry;
d) Regarding the chance of matriculation: Candidates must be given the highest chance of being admitted and the right to determine their priority aspirations among the eligible training programs and disciplines;
dd) Regarding the implementation of commitments: The training institution must fulfill the commitments to the candidates; advise, support and resolve complaints, protect the legitimate interests of candidates in risky cases.
2. Equality among training institutions
a) Regarding cooperation: Training institutions cooperate equally in order to improve the quality and efficiency of enrollment, and at the same time bring the best benefits to candidates;
b) Competition: Training institutions compete honestly, fairly and healthily in enrollment in accordance with the provisions of the law on competition.
3. Transparency towards society
a) Regarding information transparency: Training institutions are responsible for publishing enrollment information fully, clearly and timely through appropriate media for the society and state management agencies to jointly supervise. ;
b) Regarding accountability: Training institutions are responsible for reporting at the request of state management agencies and giving explanations to society in an appropriate form on major issues that cause frustration to students. people.”

Accordingly, the principles of admission to universities and colleges in preschool education are made according to the above regulations.

How is the method of admission to universities and colleges in Vietnam in preschool education regulated?

Pursuant to Article 6 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 08/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulates as follows:

“Article 6. Method of enrollment
1. The training institution shall decide on one or several methods of enrollment (entrance examination, admission examination or a combination of entrance examination and examination), which shall apply to the whole training institution or to some programs separately. program, industry, field and form of training. A program or training branch can use several enrollment methods at the same time.
2. Each method of enrollment must clearly specify the evaluation and admission criteria and how to use a combination of criteria to classify, rank and determine the admission conditions for candidates at the request of the candidates. training programmes. The criteria for assessment and admission must be based on the requirements of the background knowledge and core competencies that candidates need to study in the training program or major.
3. For the method of enrollment based on academic results, exam results for each subject (including summaries of high school subjects, exam scores of high school graduation subjects and other assessment results):
a) The combination of subjects used for admission consideration includes at least 3 subjects suitable to the characteristics and requirements of the training program (coefficients can be calculated for each subject), including mathematics or literature;
b) A discipline or training program may use several combinations of subjects simultaneously, in which the difference between these combinations may be specified when determining the conditions for admission;
c) Do not use more than 4 selection combinations for a discipline, a training program (except for the case where the combinations of subjects differ only in foreign languages).
4. For an industry or training program, there are separate criteria for each selection method or selection combination:
a) The allocation of criteria between the methods and combinations of selection must have a reasonable basis; not cause unfairness to candidates who choose different methods and combinations of admission;
b) The change or addition of the selection method or combination must have a reasonable basis and schedule; do not reduce the target allocation ratio of a method or combination used in the previous year by more than 30% (in the target structure of the sector or training program) unless such change or addition has already occurred. announced at least 1 year prior to the time of registration opening.
5. The training institution shall be responsible for explaining the scientific and practical bases in determining the enrollment method, the recruitment examination method, the selection selection combination and the allocation of enrollment quotas; which is based on analysis, evaluation and comparison of the academic results of the admitted students every year.”

Thus, the admission to universities and colleges in Vietnam of preschool education is carried out according to the above methods.

Circular 08/2022/TT-BGDDT takes effect from July 22, 2022.

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