07:46 | 23/07/2024

Sources of Information on Martyrs and Martyrs' Graves: Their Origins and Providers' Responsibilities

I would like to inquire about the sources of information regarding martyrs and martyrs' graves. Who is responsible for providing information about martyrs and martyrs' graves?- Question from Ms. Tran Thi Nguyet Mai from Long An

Source of Information about Martyrs and Martyrs' Graves: Where Does It Come From? Who Is Responsible for Providing Information about Martyrs and Martyrs' Graves?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 6 of Circular 80/2022/TT-BQP, the regulation is as follows:

Provision, Receipt, and Processing of Information about Martyrs and Martyrs' Graves

1. Source of information: Provided by organizations and individuals both domestic and abroad.

The source of information about martyrs and martyrs' graves is provided by organizations and individuals both domestic and abroad.

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 6 of Circular 80/2022/TT-BQP, the regulation is as follows:

Provision, Receipt, and Processing of Information about Martyrs and Martyrs' Graves


3. Responsibility for providing information about martyrs and martyrs' graves

a) Organizations and individuals possessing information about martyrs and martyrs' graves are responsible for providing this information to agencies, units, localities, specialized forces, and temporary forces tasked with searching and gathering the remains of martyrs;

b) Regimental-level units, brigades, divisions, Provincial Military Commands, political agencies (policies) of units under the Ministry, Policy Department, General Political Department provide information about martyrs, martyrs' graves upon the request of agencies, units, localities, specialized forces, temporary forces tasked with searching and gathering the remains of martyrs; and relatives of the martyrs.

The aforementioned agencies, organizations, and individuals are responsible for providing information about martyrs and martyrs' graves.

Source of Information about Martyrs and Martyrs' Graves: Where Does It Come From? Who Is Responsible for Providing Information about Martyrs and Martyrs' Graves?

Source of Information about Martyrs and Martyrs' Graves: Where Does It Come From? Who Is Responsible for Providing Information about Martyrs and Martyrs' Graves?

Which Agency Is Responsible for Receiving Information about Martyrs and Martyrs' Graves? What Does the Information about Martyrs and Martyrs' Graves Include?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 6 of Circular 80/2022/TT-BQP, the regulation is as follows:

Provision, Receipt, and Processing of Information about Martyrs and Martyrs' Graves


4. Responsibility for receiving information about martyrs and martyrs' graves

a) Policy Department, General Political Department - Office of the National Steering Committee 515, Permanent Agency of the Steering Committee 515 at the Military Region and Provincial levels; regimental-level units and equivalents, political agencies (policies) of units under the Ministry are responsible for receiving information about martyrs and martyrs' graves to serve the search and gathering of martyrs' remains;

b) Provincial Military Commands, agencies, units, localities tasked with searching and gathering martyrs' remains are responsible for checking, verifying, and processing information about martyrs and martyrs' graves;

When identifying the necessary and authentic elements, develop plans to search and gather martyrs' remains or provide for units tasked with searching and gathering martyrs' remains.

The agencies stated above are responsible for receiving information about martyrs and martyrs' graves.

Additionally, according to Clause 2, Article 6 of Circular 80/2022/TT-BQP, the information about martyrs and martyrs' graves includes:

For information about martyrs, it includes:

- Name, year of birth- Hometown, residence- Enlistment, discharge, reenlistment; rank, position- Unit before sacrifice; circumstance of sacrifice- Time, place of sacrifice; initial burial site- Information about the martyr's relatives

For information about martyrs' graves, it includes:

- Location, number of graves- List of martyrs; grave chart- Coordinates and other related information, documents, relics (if any).

How Is Information about Martyrs Handed Over?

Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 6 of Circular 80/2022/TT-BQP, the handover of information about martyrs is regulated as follows:

Regarding the responsibility for handing over information about martyrs:

Division-level units and equivalents, political agencies of units under the Ministry of National Defense separate the list of martyrs in the martyrs' data database and hand it over to the agencies, units tasked with searching and gathering martyrs' remains according to the place of sacrifice and the initial burial site by provincial jurisdiction;

Agencies, units tasked with searching and gathering martyrs' remains receive information about martyrs. For the list of martyrs, the grave chart for voluntary soldiers and Vietnamese experts who sacrificed in Laos and Cambodia, handover to the Provincial Military Command or the Political Department of the military regions assigned to search and gather martyrs' remains according to the designated area for reception;

For agencies of ministries and central authorities, hand over information, the list of martyrs of the agency to the Office of the National Steering Committee 515 to unify the management and organize the search and gathering of martyrs' remains.

Regarding the content of the handover of information about martyrs:

Content: List of martyrs, grave chart (if any), relevant information, documents.

Regarding the requirements for the handover of information about martyrs:

The handover document must be signed by the transferring and receiving parties; sent to the Permanent Agency of the Steering Committee 515 at all levels, the direct supervisory political agency, and the Office of the National Steering Committee 515.


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