Quickly stabilize the health sector apparatus after disciplining and criminally handling a number of cadres, civil servants and public employees who commit violations in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 in Vietnam epidemic?

The Advisory Board asked me the following question: What are the requirements of the National Assembly on the organization of the medical apparatus after having disciplined and criminally handled a series of health workers who have committed violations in the prevention of the Covid-19 in Vietnam epidemic? 19?

Quickly stabilize the health sector apparatus after disciplining and criminally handling many health officials and civil servants across the country?

In recent days, the whole country has been stirred up about the discipline and handling of many cases of officials, civil servants and public employees in the health sector from central to local levels who have made mistakes in epidemic prevention and control. Covid-19 in Vietnam.

Faced with that situation, the National Assembly has made provisions in subsection 2.1, Section 2 of Resolution 63/2022/QH15 as follows:

- Continue to effectively implement the Program on COVID-19 prevention and control; strengthen inspection, supervision, review and evaluation of the implementation of Resolution No. 30/2021/QH15, policies on COVID-19 prevention and control to report to the National Assembly at the 4th Session (October 2022) ).

- Improve the quality and efficiency of health and population work in order to promptly meet the requirements of socio-economic development and disease prevention and control in the new situation. Immediately pay support for medical staff participating in epidemic prevention and control.

- To soon take measures to stabilize the organizational structure and psychology of cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees working in the health sector from central to local levels in the context of many cases being handled. discipline and criminally handle in order to continue to effectively carry out the work of caring for, protecting and improving the People's health; remove obstacles and inadequacies for bidding, procurement of drugs, medical equipment and supplies.

Accordingly, in the 3rd session of the 15th National Assembly, the National Assembly requested early measures to stabilize the organizational structure of the health sector and the psychology of cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees. industry in the face of social developments in recent days.

Quickly stabilize the health sector apparatus after disciplining and criminally handling a number of cadres, civil servants and public employees who commit violations in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 in Vietnam epidemic?

Quickly stabilize the health sector apparatus after disciplining and criminally handling a number of cadres, civil servants and public employees who commit violations in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 in Vietnam epidemic?

Which agency has the authority to appoint administrative officers in the health sector?

Pursuant to Article 28 of Decision 2969/QD-BYT in 2021 stipulating the authority to appoint managerial officers in the health sector as follows:

“Article 28. Authority
The competence to appoint public employees to hold managerial positions shall be decided by the head of the public non-business unit or requested to be decided by the competent authority according to the management decentralization on personnel work, specifically as follows:
1. The Minister of Health signs decisions on appointment, re-appointment, transfer, rotation, termination of positions, and dismissal of positions including: heads and deputy heads of heads of public non-business units established under the Ministry of Health; Director of a special class hospital under the Ministry of Health.
2. Heads of public non-business units under the Ministry of Health sign decisions on appointment, re-appointment, transfer, rotation, termination of positions, and dismissal of managerial positions at the unit, except for those deputy-level service of the head of a non-business unit under the Ministry, the director of a special-class hospital.
3. The Ministry of Health shall decide or agree in writing to the heads and deputy heads of the heads of public non-business units under the Ministry to concurrently hold other managerial positions. A person holding the position of head of a public non-business unit under the Ministry may not concurrently hold more than 01 (one) other head-level position.
4. Competence to sign decisions on appointment, re-appointment, transfer, rotation, termination of positions, and dismissal of managerial positions for units assigned to pilot comprehensive autonomy according to decentralization of competent authorities and current legal documents.”

Thus, the authority to appoint administrative officers in the health sector is carried out in accordance with the above provisions

What criteria must an individual meet in order to be appointed to managerial positions in a public non-business unit of the Ministry of Health?

Pursuant to Article 6 of Decision 2969/QD-BYT in 2021 stipulating the general standards of management positions of public non-business units under the Ministry of Health as follows:

“Article 6. General standards
1. In terms of politics and ideology: Loyalty to the interests of the Party, the nation, the nation and the people; steadfastly adhere to Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, goals and ideals of national independence, socialism and the Party's renewal line; have a firm stance, viewpoint and political bravery, do not waver in any situation, resolutely fight to protect the Party's Platform and lines, the Constitution and the laws of the State; putting the interests of the Party, the nation - the nation, the people and the collective above personal interests; willing to sacrifice for the cause of the Party, for the independence and freedom of the Fatherland, for the happiness of the people; work safely, strictly abide by the organization's assignment and complete all assigned tasks well.
2. Regarding ethics, lifestyle, sense of organization and discipline: Having pure moral qualities; honest, modest, sincere, simple lifestyle; need, thrift, integrity, impartiality; enthusiastic and responsible for work; no ambition for power, no pride; have a spirit of solidarity, construction, exemplary, love for comrades and colleagues; not corrupt, bureaucratic, opportunistic, self-interested and actively fight to prevent and repel the manifestations of degradation in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, and "self-evolving" expressions. “self-transformation” internally; resolutely fight against bureaucracy, power, corruption, wastefulness, individualism, opportunistic lifestyle, pragmatism, factions, group interests, saying no to doing; exercise fairness and integrity, make use of talented people, do not let relatives and acquaintances take advantage of their positions and powers for personal gain; adhere to and strictly observe the principles of organization and discipline of the Party, especially the principles of democratic centralism, self-criticism and criticism.
3. Competence and prestige: Having innovative thinking, vision and scientific working methods; have the ability to synthesize, analyze and forecast; having the ability to detect contradictions, challenges, opportunities, advantages, new problems, difficulties and limitations and inadequacies in practice; boldly propose appropriate, feasible and effective tasks and solutions to promote, promote or remove; have practical capacity, grasp and basic understanding of the actual situation in order to concretize and effectively organize the implementation of the guidelines and guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State in the field, assigned working area; industrious, hardworking, dynamic, creative, dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility and serve the people; have the ability to lead and direct; exemplary, gather and promote the synergy of collectives and individuals; trusted and trusted by cadres, party members and the masses.”

Accordingly, managerial positions in public non-business units under the Ministry of Health must ensure common standards such as political ideology; ethics, lifestyle, sense of organization and discipline; capacity and reputation according to the content of the above regulations.

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