02:31 | 20/02/2023

How can students who have graduated from school want to continue participating in health insurance in Vietnam? How long is the validity period of health insurance cards for students in Vietnam?

How can students who have graduated from school want to continue participating in health insurance? Question of Tung from Dong Nai.

How long is the validity period of health insurance cards for students in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 7, Article 13 of Decree 146/2018/ND-CP as follows:

Validity period of health insurance cards in Vietnam
7. With regard to policyholders specified in clause 3 of Article 4 hereof:
a) Health insurance cards shall be annually issued to students at general education institutions, including the following cases:
- As regards 1st - grade pupils, each health insurance card shall be valid from the 1st day of October of the first year of elementary education;
- As regards12th - grade students, each health insurance card shall be valid till the end of September 30 of that school year.
b) Each health insurance card shall be annually issued to pupils and students at higher education establishments and vocational training facilities, including the following cases:
- As regards first-year students of academic programs, each health insurance card shall be valid from the first date of the academic year, except the case in which 12th - grade students hold their health insurance cards remaining valid;
- As regards last-year students of academic programs, each health insurance card shall be valid till the last date of the final month of each academic program.

According to the above regulations, each health insurance card shall be annually issued to pupils and students at higher education establishments and vocational training facilities, including the following cases:

- As regards first-year students of academic programs, each health insurance card shall be valid from the first date of the academic year, except the case in which 12th - grade students hold their health insurance cards remaining valid;

- As regards last-year students of academic programs, each health insurance card shall be valid till the last date of the final month of each academic program.

How can students who have graduated from school want to continue participating in health insurance in Vietnam? How long is the validity period of health insurance cards for students in Vietnam?

How can students who have graduated from school want to continue participating in health insurance in Vietnam? How long is the validity period of health insurance cards for students in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

How can students who have graduated from school want to continue participating in health insurance in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 12 of the 2008 Law on Health Insurance in Vietnam as amended by Clause 6, Article 1 of the 2014 Law on Amendments to the Law on Health Insurance as follows:

Persons eligible for health insurance in Vietnam
4. The group of the insured whose insurance are supported by the State budget, including:
b) Students.
5. Group of the household insured including household members except for the ones prescribed in Clauses 1, 2, 3 and 4 this Article.

As analyzed above, the term of the final year student's health insurance card is valid until the last day of the month ending the course. Therefore, if final-year students want to continue participating in health insurance, they can switch to the forms of household health insurance, health insurance paid at companies or enterprises.

What are the regulations on the application for health insurance cards in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 17 of the 2008 Law on Health Insurance in Vietnam as amended by Clause 11, Article 1 of the 2014 Law on Amendments to the Law on Health Insurance stipulating as follows:

Issuance of health insurance cards in Vietnam
1. An application for the issuance of health insurance cards includes:
a) A written request for the provision of health insurance of the applicant with regard to the first-time applicant.
b) A list of the insured prescribed in Clause 1 Article 12 of this Law which is compiled by the employer.
A list of the household insured prescribed in clauses 2, 3, 4 and 5 Article 12 which is compiled by the People’s Committee of such commune except for the insured prescribed in point a, 1 and Decree Clause 3 and point b Clause 4 Article 12 of this Law.
A list of the insured under the management of The Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs which are prescribed in point n Clause 3 and point b Clause 4 of this Law, which is compiled by the education and vocational training centres.
A list of the insured under the management of the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security which are prescribed in point a Clause 1, point a and point n Clause 3, point b Clause 4 Article 12 of this Law, which is compiled by the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security.
2. The insured or their organizations and agencies shall be given the insurance cards by the health insurance organizations within 10 working days from the receipt of the complete applications.
3. The health insurance organizations shall provide the sample health insurance cards which is prescribed in Clause 1 this Article after the Ministry of Health reaches a consensus.

Thus, an application for the issuance of health insurance cards includes:

- A written request for the provision of health insurance of the applicant with regard to the first-time applicant.

- A list of the insured.


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