Shall an enterprise be issued with license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service if the enterprise does not have a web page?

Shall an enterprise be issued with license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service if the enterprise does not have a web page? Does an application for issuance of license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service consist of copies of enterprise registration certificate?

Shall an enterprise be issued with license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service if the enterprise does not have a web page?

Pursuant to Article 10 of the Law on Vietnamese guest workers 2020 on the eligibility for issuance of license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service:

Eligibility for issuance of license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service
1. An enterprise shall be issued with license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service if the enterprise:
a) has at least VND 5 billion of charter capital; has owners, members and shareholders who are domestic investors according to Law on Investment; and
b) has made deposit payments according to Article 24 of this Law; and
c) has Vietnamese nationals as legal representatives with at least higher education level and at least 5 years of experience in providing Vietnamese guest worker service or employment services; is not criminally prosecuted; has no criminal records regarding violation to national security, charges that violate life, health, self-esteem or dignity of human beings, fraudulence for appropriation, credibility abuse for appropriation, false advertisement, manipulating customers, organizing or allowing other individuals to migrate or stay in Vietnam illegally, organizing or allowing other individuals to travel abroad or stay abroad illegally, forcing other individuals to travel abroad or stay abroad illegally;
d) has adequate number of professional employees to implement provisions of Article 9 of this Law;
dd) has adequate facilities of enterprises or is continuously hired by enterprises to satisfy orientation education for Vietnamese guest workers;
e) has a web page.
2. Government shall elaborate this Article.

Thus, An enterprise shall be issued with license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service if the enterprise meet the above conditions, including having a web page.

An enterprise shall not be issued with license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service if the it does not have a web page.

Shall an enterprise be issued with license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service if the enterprise does not have a web page? (Image from the Internet)

Does an application for issuance of license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service consist of copies of enterprise registration certificate?

Pursuant to Article 12 of the Law on Vietnamese guest workers 2020:

Application, procedures and fees for license issuance
1. Application for license issuance consists of:
a) Written application for license issuance of enterprise;
b) Copies of enterprise registration certificate;
c) Documents proving satisfaction of eligibility under Article 10 of this Law.
2. Within 20 days from the date on which adequate application is received, Minister of Labor – War Invalids and Social Affairs shall consider and issue license for the enterprise; in case of rejection, respond in writing and specify reasons.
3. Fees for issuance shall conform to regulations and law on fees and charges.
4. The Government shall prescribe form of license; form for documents specified under Point a and Point c Clause 1 of this Article; cooperation between agencies in issuing license via electronic network.

Therefore, an application for issuance of license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service consists of:

- Written application for license issuance of enterprise;

- Copies of enterprise registration certificate;

- Documents proving satisfaction of eligibility under Article 10 of the Law on Vietnamese guest workers 2020.

Thus, an application for issuance of license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service consists of copies of enterprise registration certificate.

What details shall a license for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service have?

Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law on Vietnamese guest workers 2020:

License for provision of Vietnamese guest worker service
1. License for provision of Vietnamese guest workers (hereinafter referred to as “license”) shall have following details:
a) License No. and date of issue;
b) Enterprise name;
c) Enterprise ID number;
d) Head office address;
dd) Phone number;
e) Web page address.
2. The license shall be revised and reissued as specified under Article 13 and Article 14 of this Law.

Thus, license for provision of Vietnamese guest workers shall have following details:

- License No. and date of issue;

- Enterprise name;

- Enterprise ID number;

- Head office address;

- Phone number;

- Web page address.


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