02:00 | 21/08/2024

Shall a CPV member who does not exercise their voting rights face any disciplinary actions? Shall a CPV member be expelled from the Communist Party of Vietnam for manipulating election results?

Shall a CPV member who does not exercise their voting rights face any disciplinary actions? Shall a CPV member be expelled from the Communist Party of Vietnam for manipulating election results?

What are disciplinary measures applicable to members of Communist Party of Vietnam who do not exercise their voting rights?

Based on Clause 1, Article 27 of Regulation 69/QD-TW of 2022 stipulating disciplinary measures for members of Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) who violate election regulations as follows:

“Article 27. Violation of election regulations

1. CPV members who violate any of the following cases causing minor consequences will be disciplined in the form of a reprimand:

a) Assigned task of organizing and conducting elections but failing to take responsibility in checking, verifying, and reviewing candidacy documents.

b) Failing to adhere, fully, to principles, authority, procedures, and processes regarding elections.

c) Not exercising their rights and duties regarding elections according to law or acting in a way that disrupts order at the election venue.”

Therefore, CPV members who violate election regulations in the aforementioned cases will be disciplined in the form of a reprimand.

CPV members who do not exercise voting rights causing minor consequences will be disciplined in the form of a reprimand.

How will a Communist Party member be disciplined for not exercising voting rights? Can a Communist Party member be expelled for falsifying election results?

Shall a CPV member who does not exercise their voting rights face any disciplinary actions? Shall a CPV member be expelled from the Communist Party of Vietnam for manipulating election results? (Image from the internet)

When are disciplinary measures of warning or dismissal applied to CPV members violating election regulations?

Based on Clause 2, Article 27 of Regulation 69/QD-TW of 2022 stipulating the disciplinary measures of warning or dismissal for CPV members who violate election regulations as follows:

“Article 27. Violation of election regulations

2. If already disciplined according to Clause 1 of this Article and repeat offenses or the first violation causing serious consequences or violations in any of the following cases, they will be disciplined in the form of a warning or dismissal (if holding a position):

a) Abusing position, power, or influence to intervene, influence, or put pressure on organizations and individuals with authority to nominate their relatives to leadership, management positions in party organizations, state agencies, the Fatherland Front, political-social organizations.

b) Self-nominate, accept nominations, and nominate positions in state agencies, the Fatherland Front, political-social organizations without permission from the competent party organization.

c) Having the responsibility of assessing and approving personnel but endorsing individuals who do not meet the conditions and standards for elections, appointments to leadership and management positions in party organizations, state agencies, the Fatherland Front, political-social organizations.

d) Dishonest in vote counting, declaring election results; fraudulent acts in implementing election regulations.

đ) Bribing, inciting, coercing, or unlawfully campaigning.

e) Dishonest in declaring, commenting, confirming, or verifying documents, resumes, assets, income of candidates according to election regulations.

g) Disobeying the introduction of the party organization to run for, nominate for positions in state agencies, the Fatherland Front, political-social organizations, social organizations, professional organizations.”

In cases where a CPV member who has violated election regulations has already been disciplined with a reprimand but continues to repeat the offense or the first violation causes serious consequences, or violates election regulations as stated above, they will be disciplined in the form of a warning or dismissal.

Shall a CPV member be expelled from the Communist Party of Vietnam for manipulating election results?

Based on Clause 3, Article 27 of Regulation 69/QD-TW of 2022 of the Central Executive Committee stipulating the disciplinary measure of expulsion for a CPV member violating election regulations in the following cases:

“Article 27. Violation of election regulations

3. If violating regulations in Clause 1, Clause 2 of this Article causing very serious consequences, or violating one of the following cases, they will be disciplined in the form of expulsion:

a) Organizing and conducting forgery of documents, election fraud, or distorting election results; threatening, obstructing others from exercising their rights to run for, nominate, or vote.

b) Acts and behaviors sabotaging the election.

c) Organizing forces, forming factions, family lines campaigning for self-nomination, accepting and nominating unlawfully for leadership and management positions in party organizations, state agencies, the Fatherland Front, political-social organizations.”

CPV members violating election regulations could face disciplinary action in the form of reprimand, warning, or dismissal, but if causing very serious consequences or violating any of the above-stated cases, they will be disciplined by expulsion from the Communist Party.


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