Will there be an increase in income for the military and security forces after salary reform in Vietnam in 2024 according to Resolution 27?

Will there be an increase in income for the military and security forces after salary reform in Vietnam in 2024 according to Resolution 27? S.T - Hanoi

Will there be an increase in income for the military and security forces after salary reform in Vietnam in 2024 according to Resolution 27?

Pursuant to subsection 3.1, Section 3, Part II of Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018, there is reform content on the design of the new salary structure for officials, and public employees of the armed forces (regions). public sector) as follows:

Reform content
3.1. For officials, public employees and armed forces (public sector)
a) Design a new salary structure including: Base pay (accounting for about 70% of the total salary budget) and allowances (accounting for about 30% of the total salary budget). Additional bonus (bonus fund equals about 10% of the year's total salary fund, excluding allowances).
b) Develop and issue a new payroll system based on job position, title and leadership position to replace the current payroll system; Convert old salary to new salary, guaranteed not to be lower than current salary, including:

Accordingly, the new salary table for the military and security forces will be designed according to the following new salary structure:

- Base pay (accounting for about 70% of total salary budget):

Annul the current statutory pay rate and salary coefficient, build the base pay by a specific amount in the new salary table.

Develop and promulgate a system of 03 new salary tables for the military and security forces according to job position, title and leadership position to replace the current salary table system; Convert old salary to new salary, guaranteed not to be lower than current salary, including:

+ 01 salary table for military officers, officers, non-commissioned officers in police profession (according to position, title and military rank or rank);

+ 01 salary table for professional military personnel and police technical expertise

+ 01 salary table for defense workers and police workers (which maintains the salary correlation of the armed forces compared to the current administrative officials).

- Allowances (accounting for about 30% of total salary budget):

The rearrangement of the current allowance regime when reforming salaries for cadres, officials, public employees, and the armed forces is carried out in the following spirit:

+ Continue to apply part-time allowance; excess seniority allowance; regional allowances; work responsibility allowance; mobility allowance; Allowances for security, national defense and special allowances for the armed forces (army, police, cipher).

+ Incorporate preferential allowances according to occupation, responsibility allowance according to occupation and toxic and dangerous allowances (collectively referred to as allowances according to occupation) applicable to officials and public employees of occupations and jobs with Working conditions are higher than normal and there are appropriate preferential policies of the State (education and training, health care, courts, procuracy, civil judgment enforcement, inspection, examination, auditing, customs, forest rangers, market management,...). Combine special allowances, attraction allowances and long-term work allowances in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions into work allowances in especially difficult areas.

+ Annul seniority allowances (except for the military, police, and cipher to ensure salary correlation with officials); leadership position allowances (due to leadership positions in the political system, position salaries are determined); allowances for party work and socio-political organizations; civil service allowances (included in the base pay); toxic and dangerous allowances (because working conditions with toxic and dangerous elements have been included in occupational allowances).

+ Supplement regulations on allowances according to administrative unit classification for commune, district and provincial levels.

+ Consistently implement monthly allowance funds for part-time workers at the commune level, in villages and residential groups based on the regular expenditure rate of the Commune People's Committee; At the same time, regulate the maximum number of part-time workers for each type of commune, village, and residential group. On that basis, the People's Committee at the commune level submits to the People's Council at the same level to specifically stipulate the titles eligible for allowances in the direction that one title can undertake many jobs but must ensure the quality and efficiency of work. assigned job.

- Additional bonus (bonus fund equals about 10% of the year's total salary fund, excluding allowances).

Thus, according to the spirit of Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018, in addition to the current income from salaries and allowances, after implementing the expected salary reform from July 1, 2024, The military and security forces may receive additional income from bonuses (the bonus fund is equal to about 10% of the year's total salary fund, excluding allowances).

Will there be an increase in income for the military and security forces after salary reform in Vietnam in 2024 according to Resolution 27?

How to develop new salary tables for the military and security forces of Vietnam?

Based on point c, clause 3.1, Section II of Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018, there are 05 main elements to develop new salary tables for the military and security forces as follows:

- Annul the current statutory pay rate and salary coefficient, establish a base pay equal to a specific amount in the new salary table.

- Expand the salary relationship as a basis for determining specific salary levels in the payroll system, gradually approaching the salary relationship of the business sector in accordance with the State's resources.

- Complete the regime of regularly increasing salary levels and increasing salary levels ahead of schedule for officials, public employees and the armed forces in accordance with the regulations of the new salary table.

Vietnam: When will salary reform be implemented according to Resolution 27?

On the afternoon of September 19, 2023, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue delivered a closing speech at the Vietnam Socio-Economic Forum 2023, which emphasized the early implementation of fundamental wage policy reform in 2024.

The National Assembly Chairman also emphasized the early implementation of fundamental wage policy reform in 2024. This is also a boost for the labor market, contributing to stimulating domestic consumption demand.

"This is a reform, not a normal salary increase. If nothing changes, the time we can apply it is from July 1, 2024."

Thus, the salary policy reform is expected to apply from July 1, 2024.


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