Resolution 20-NQ/TW in 2022: What is the situation on the implementation of innovation, development and improvement of the collective economic in Vietnam efficiency of our country after 20 years of implementation?

Let me ask you, I heard about Resolution 20, which re-evaluated the implementation of renovation and collective economic development in our country, how did the Party evaluate it? Looking forward to helping answer questions, I thank you!

What is the current situation of innovation, development and improvement of the efficiency of the collective economy and the collective economic in Vietnam sector in our country?

According to Section I of Resolution 20-NQ/TW in 2022, the 5th session of the Central Committee, term XIII, is as follows:

- After 20 years of implementing the Resolution of the 5th Central Committee, term IX on continuing to innovate, develop and improve the efficiency of the collective economy, our country's collective economic in Vietnam sector has made positive changes.

- Awareness of collective economic in Vietnam development, which focuses on cooperatives in the political system and people's classes, has been raised.

- Policies and laws on the collective economy have been elaborated and perfected in accordance with each development stage.

- The cooperative has basically completed the transformation to a new model according to the provisions of law. The number of newly established cooperatives and unions of cooperatives has increased significantly, developed more diversified in professions, sizes and qualifications, better supported members, created jobs and increased incomes. regularly for employees.

- The cooperation group has a compact organizational structure, simple but practical operation content, better meeting the needs of flexible and short-term association of the people. Links between cooperatives, with businesses and other economic organizations initially developed.

- The collective economic in Vietnam sector has basically overcome the long-term poor love situation, contributing to the construction of a new countryside, ensuring social security, order and safety, step by step affirming its position. important role in the national economy.

Resolution 20-NQ/TW in 2022: What is the situation on the implementation of innovation, development and improvement of the collective economic in Vietnam efficiency of our country after 20 years of implementation?

Resolution 20-NQ/TW in 2022: What is the situation on the implementation of innovation, development and improvement of the collective economic in Vietnam efficiency of our country after 20 years of implementation? (Image from the internet)

What are the limitations on innovation, development and improvement of the efficiency of the collective economy and the collective economic in Vietnam sector in our country?

According to Section I of Resolution 20-NQ/TW in 2022, the 5th session of the Central Committee, term XIII, is as follows:

- However, the collective economic in Vietnam sector of our country has not yet developed as the target and required the Resolution to issue. Renovation and improvement of collective economic efficiency still face many difficulties.

- The growth rate, the proportion of the collective economic sector's contribution to GDP is still low and tends to decrease. Cooperatives develop unevenly among localities, regions, regions, between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors.

- Although the number of cooperatives increases, the average number of members in the cooperative tends to decrease; Many members participating in the cooperative's activities are still formal, have not fully exercised their rights and obligations in the cooperative. The internal capacity of the cooperative is still weak, the operational efficiency is not high, the organizational model is loose and inappropriate, and the level of management staff of the cooperative is still limited. Most cooperatives and cooperative groups have small scale, little capital, narrow scope of activities, low competitiveness and benefits to members; cohesion within the cooperative is still very weak; debt problems of cooperatives, capital appropriation has not been completely resolved.

- Joint venture and association activities between cooperatives and between cooperatives and other economic organizations are not yet popular. The number of cooperative unions is small; the organization and operation of the cooperative group is unstable; Many cooperatives have been transformed and reorganized in a formal way, but have not really changed in quality.

What are the reasons for the limitation of innovation, development and improvement of the efficiency of the collective economy and the collective economic sector of our country?

According to Section I of Resolution 20-NQ/TW in 2022, the 5th session of the Central Committee, term XIII, is as follows:

The causes of the above limitations and weaknesses are mainly due to:

- The awareness of many Party committees, organizations, authorities, officials, party members and people about the nature, position and role of the collective economy in the socialist-oriented market economy has not yet been established. complete, lacking in consistency, and also influenced by prejudices about the cooperative model in the subsidy period; doubts about the success of the collective economy.

- The leadership and direction of many Party committees and authorities are still formal, not really interested and lack of drastic measures. The work of guiding and directing the implementation of the Resolution has not been effective.

- The summary of theory and practice on collective and cooperative economy is not timely; The legal framework, including the Law on Cooperatives, has many problems, shortcomings, and is slow to be amended and supplemented. Preferential and supportive policies for the collective economy are many, but spread and scattered, mainly integrated, lack of concentration, are inconsistent, lack resources or are not feasible, Evaluation of effectiveness and contribution The contribution of the collective economy in the economy is not enough, leading to the lowering of the role and position of the collective economic sector in the national economy.

- The state management of the collective economy is not uniform, in some places it is loose or interferes too deeply; inspection and examination of the implementation of the law on collective economy is not regular. The state management apparatus of the collective economy has not been consolidated, with many shortcomings, inconsistencies, lack of rigor, fragmentation, and inefficiency.

- Cooperative staff is still weak and has not been intensively trained. Some cooperatives have not yet complied with the operating principles as prescribed by law; Cooperative members still rely on, rely on or expect support from the State.


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