Resolution 101/2023/QH15: What is the report on salary policy reform roadmap and studying the plan to increase personal income tax exemptions in Vietnam at the 6th Meeting?

What is the report on salary policy reform roadmap and studying the plan to increase personal income tax exemptions in Vietnam at the 6th Meeting? - Tuyet (Vung Tau, Vietnam)

The National Assembly: To require a report on salary policy reform roadmap and studying the plan to increase personal income tax exemptions in Vietnam at the 6th Meeting?

In Resolution 101/2023/QH15, the Resolution comprehensively recognized the results achieved at the meeting, resolved many important policies to continue to support people and businesses and required the implementation of the decision, focus on many tasks and solutions.

The Resolution of the National Assembly has clearly stated the tasks that need to be implemented drastically and focused in the coming time, specifically as follows:

- Stabilizing and reinforcing the macro-economic foundation, controlling inflation, and increasing adaptive capacity and resilience of the economy to negative external impacts;

- Operating fiscal policy with a focused manner; studying the plan to increase personal income tax exemptions; flexibly adjusting environmental protection tax applicable to petrol and oil products; proposing policy measures that are appropriate for mechanism for global minimum tax and carbon tax

- Timely processing applications for refund of VAT in accordance with law. Mobilizing resources to implement salary reform and reporting to the National Assembly on salary policy reform roadmap at the 6th Meeting, the 15th National Assembly;.

- Operating monetary policy in a proactive, flexible and effective manner in close cooperation with fiscal policy and other macroeconomic policies in order to contribute to inflation control, stabilization of the macro-economic foundation and support for economic recovery.

- Administering interest rates in line with monetary policy objectives. Synchronously implementing solutions to remove difficulties, strengthen management and supervision of securities, insurance, corporate bond and real estate markets;

- Improving the quality of formulation of state budget revenue estimate. Strengthening the management of revenues from land, equitization of enterprises, taxes and fees, prevention of losses and tax evasion.

Resolution 101/2023/QH15: What is the report on salary policy reform roadmap and studying the plan to increase personal income tax exemptions in Vietnam at the 6th Meeting? (Image from the Internet)

Request to review and inspect the system of legal documents, encourage cadres to be enterprising?

In Resolution 101/2023/QH15 stating, the National Assembly assigned the Government to carrying out thorough inspection of the life insurance market with a focus on investment-linked insurance; strictly controlling the use of funding for granting loans; protecting interests of investors in accordance with the law.

At the same time, organizing review of the system of legal documents with a focus on laws on bidding, auction, planning, public investment, management and use of land, public property, state budget, public finance, public-private partnership, public investment in public services, investment, environment, construction, real estate trading, banking, finance, financial autonomy, securities, bonds, enterprises, assessment, valuation and other fields that have been proposed and recommended by inspectorate, supervision and audit teams, investigating, prosecuting, judging and judgment enforcement agencies or those with many problems proposed by local authorities, people and enterprises

Detecting and clearly identifying regulations that have conflicts, overlaps, loopholes, inadequacies and problems in relevant laws and sub-law documents, and reporting to the National Assembly on review results at 6th meeting, 15th National Assembly;

In addition, promoting decentralization and delegation in line with enhancement of inspection and supervision; upholding responsibilities of leaders, promptly and effectively overcoming the problem that officials and public employees pass the buck and strictly handling violations.

The National Assembly also suggested that the Government should soon propose promulgation of or promulgate within their competence documents specifying mechanisms for encouragement and protection of officials who dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility for mutual benefits;.

At the same time, strengthening administrative reform, especially administrative procedures, continuing to review and reduce business conditions and specialized inspection procedures and strictly controlling issuance of Circulars and guiding documents in order to avoid unsuitable or unfeasible procedures, "minor permits", standards and technical regulations.

Vietnam: What are the important policies approved by the 15th National Assembly?

In Resolution 101/2023/QH15, the National Assembly resolved many important policies, specifically:

(1) Reducing 2% of VAT according to regulations in Point a, Clause 1.1 Article 3 of Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 of the National Assembly on fiscal and monetary policies for supporting Socio-economic recovery and development program from July 01, 2023 to the end of December 31, 2023.

The Government is assigned to organize the implementation in a prompt and effective manner and strive to achieve objectives without affecting the estimate of state budget revenue and deficit in 2023 according to the Resolution of the National Assembly; and report on the implementation of the aforesaid policies and review implementation of Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 at the 6th Meeting of the 15th National Assembly.

(2) Resolution No. 93/2019/QH14 on investment policy on Ka Pet Reservoir Project, Ham Thuan Nam District, Binh Thuan Province is amended as follows: Land use area: 697,73ha. Project duration: From 2019 to the end of 2025;

The Chairperson of the People's Committee of Binh Thuan province is assigned to decide investment in the project; the procedure for formulation, appraisal and decision on investment in group-A projects under its management shall comply with regulations in the law on public investment and relevant laws; the project shall be completed on schedule;

Other contents shall continue to be implemented in accordance with Resolution No. 93/2019/QH14; it is necessary to adjust the investment policy on the project while the National Assembly is in recess, the National Assembly shall authorize the Standing Committee of the National Assembly to consider deciding.

(3) Approving additional investment guideline for increase in charter capital for the Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development in the 2021 - 2023 period, corresponding to the remaining profit actually remitted to the state budget in the 2021 - 2023 period of the Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (up to 17.100 billion VND).

In 2023, 6.753 billion VND of the central government budget has been allocated according to Resolution No. 70/2022/QH15 approved by the National Assembly; in 2024, a maximum of 10.347 billion VND of the state budget will be allocated according to regulations of the Law on State Budget.

The Government is assigned to direct the implementation of additional investment in charter capital in accordance with regulations of the law; and take responsibility to the National Assembly for the accuracy of data and the scale of additional charter capital for the Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.


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