Request for immediate payment of support costs for medical staff participating in the prevention of Covid-19 in Vietnam from July 31, 2022?

Hello advisory board, may I ask the following question: Did you mention anything in the recent session of the National Assembly on the issue of payment of support for medical staff participating in the prevention of Covid-19 in Vietnam?

Request for immediate payment of support for medical staff participating in the fight against Covid-19 in Vietnam?

Before the latest developments of the Covid-19 epidemic, Vietnam has recorded new cases of infection with the new variant BA.5 in the past few days.

On June 16, 2022, the National Assembly issued Resolution 63/2022/QH15 on the content of the 3rd session of the XV National Assembly. Accordingly, in subsection 2.1, Section 2 of Resolution 63/2022/QH15, there are the following provisions:

- Continue to effectively implement the Program on COVID-19 prevention and control; strengthen inspection, supervision, review and evaluation of the implementation of Resolution No. 30/2021/QH15, policies on COVID-19 prevention and control to report to the National Assembly at the 4th Session (October 2022) ).

- Improve the quality and efficiency of health and population work in order to promptly meet the requirements of socio-economic development and disease prevention and control in the new situation. Immediately pay support for medical staff participating in epidemic prevention and control.

- To soon take measures to stabilize the organizational structure and psychology of cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees working in the health sector from central to local levels in the context of many cases being handled. discipline and criminally handle in order to continue to effectively carry out the work of caring for, protecting and improving the People's health; remove obstacles and inadequacies for bidding, procurement of drugs, medical equipment and supplies.

Accordingly, the National Assembly has requested the immediate payment of support for medical staff participating in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic so that individuals working in the fight against the epidemic can safely perform their epidemic prevention tasks before the pandemic. New developments of the Covid-19 in Vietnam epidemic in our country.

Request for immediate payment of support costs for medical staff participating in the prevention of Covid-19 in Vietnam from July 31, 2022?

Request for immediate payment of support costs for medical staff participating in the prevention of Covid-19 in Vietnam from July 31, 2022?

How will medical staff participating in the prevention of Covid-19 in Vietnam receive support costs?

Pursuant to Article 2 of the Government's Resolution 16/NQ-CP in 2021, there are regulations on the anti-epidemic allowance regime as follows:

“Article 2. Anti-epidemic allowance regime
1. The anti-epidemic allowance of 300,000 VND/person/day is applied to:
a) Persons who go to supervise, investigate and verify translations.
b) Persons directly examining, diagnosing and treating people with COVID-19, suspected of having COVID-19 at the isolation area of ​​medical examination and treatment establishments.
c) Persons doing the work of taking samples, pooling samples, separating samples, people directly doing SASR-CoV-2 tests at medical establishments.
d) People who clean, disinfect and destroy pathogens at the COVID-19 treatment area.
2. The anti-epidemic allowance of 200,000 VND/person/day is applied to:
a) Persons transporting patients and specimens; preserving the dead body of the patient; the person who washes clothes, doctor's and patient's clothes; collect chemical bottles, jars and boxes; protect the isolation treatment area; cleaning, disinfecting and killing pathogens in isolation areas at medical examination and treatment establishments.
b) Persons in charge of epidemiological supervision, medical monitoring at home medical isolation establishments and medical isolation establishments as designated by state management agencies.
c) People who clean tools and prepare media at medical facilities to serve the SASR-CoV-2 laboratory.
7. Regimes for the Steering Committees for COVID-19 Prevention and Control at all levels
a) Members of the Steering Committees at all levels, sub-committees and assisting groups of the Steering Committee, when participating in epidemic prevention and control according to the groups specified in this Article, are entitled to the corresponding anti-epidemic allowance according to that group.
b) The members specified at Point a of this Clause during the days of performing their standing duties and directing the fight against the epidemic according to the assignment decision of the Heads of the Anti-epidemic Steering Committees at all levels are entitled to a allowance of 100,000 VND/person/day but not more than 1,500,000 VND/person/month.”

Accordingly, based on the job and location of the Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control to determine the level of support for medical staff participating in epidemic prevention and control.

How is the funding to support the cost of Covid-19 in Vietnam prevention and control done?

Pursuant to Article 3 of the Government's Resolution 16/NQ-CP in 2021, stipulating the funding sources for payment of support costs for Covid-19 in Vietnam epidemic prevention and control as follows:

“Article 3. Funding for implementation
1. The state budget shall be allocated in accordance with the current law on state budget and decentralization of the state budget. Central budget support for local budgets is still difficult to balance budget according to the Prime Minister's regulations.
2. The health insurance fund shall pay for medical examination and treatment expenses in accordance with the law on health insurance and this Resolution.
3. Aid, sponsorship and support sources of domestic and foreign organizations and individuals and other lawful capital sources.”

Accordingly, the funding used to pay support costs for medical staff participating in the prevention of the Covid-19 in Vietnam epidemic will be deducted from the state budget, donations, sponsorships and personal support. and organizations at home and abroad.

Resolution 63/2022/QH15 takes effect from July 31, 2022.

Lê Nhựt Hào

Covid-19 in Vietnam
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