07:46 | 23/07/2024

Report on the Evaluation of Financial Proposals from Investors for Specialized Road Traffic Service Projects - Required Details

I would like to inquire about the required contents of the report evaluating the financial proposal dossier submitted by an investor for a specialized road transport service project. - question from Ms. Y (Hue)

What contents must a financial proposal evaluation report for road transport sector service projects clearly state?

Based on Clause 4, Article 29 of Circular 01/2023/TT-BGTVT, the financial proposal evaluation report for road transport sector service projects must clearly state the following contents:

- List of ranked investors;

- List of investors who do not meet the requirements and have been eliminated; the reasons for eliminating investors;

- Comments on the competitiveness, fairness, transparency, and economic efficiency during the investor selection process. In cases where competitiveness, fairness, transparency, and economic efficiency are not ensured, the reasons must be clearly stated and proposed solutions must be suggested.

What contents must a financial proposal evaluation report for road transport sector service projects clearly state?

What contents must a financial proposal evaluation report for road transport sector service projects clearly state?

Under what conditions is the contract award for road transport sector service projects approved?

According to Article 30 of Circular 01/2023/TT-BGTVT, the conditions for approving the contract award are as follows:

The investor is selected when meeting all the following conditions:

- Having a valid bid dossier.

- Having the capacity and experience that meet the requirements.

- Having technical proposals that meet the requirements.

- Having a proposed bid value that includes the following necessary components:

+ The proposed total project implementation cost (M1) is not lower than (m1) approved in the bidding documents;

+ The proposed value of compensation, support, and resettlement for the project (M2) is not lower than (m2) determined in the bidding documents;

+ The proposed value for the state budget contribution in cash beyond the investor’s legal obligations to the state budget (M3) is not lower than the floor price (m3) and is the highest;

+ In cases where multiple investors have the same value (M3), consider selecting the investor with the highest technical score;

+ Investors with technical scores meeting the requirements, and (M3) not less than (m3) will be listed for negotiation in descending order as stipulated in Article 32 of Circular 01/2023/TT-BGTVT.

How is the financial proposal for road transport sector service projects opened according to regulations?

Based on the provisions of Clause 1, Article 28 of Circular 01/2023/TT-BGTVT, the regulations are as follows:

Opening of financial proposals

1. Financial proposals of investors listed in the technical criteria meeting list shall be publicly opened at the time and place specified in the notice of the list of investors meeting the technical criteria. The bid opening minutes must be sent to all participating investors.

2. Representatives of the bidding party must sign the original bid form, the authorization letter of the legal representative of the investor (if any); the joint venture agreement (if any); bid security; the important contents of each financial proposal.

The financial proposals of investors listed in the technical criteria meeting list shall be publicly opened at the time and place specified in the notice of the list of investors meeting the technical criteria.

Note: The bid opening minutes must be sent to all participating investors.

Based on what contents is the validity of the financial proposal for road transport sector service projects evaluated?

Based on the provisions of Clause 2, Article 29 of Circular 01/2023/TT-BGTVT, the validity of the financial proposal for road transport sector service projects is evaluated based on the following contents:

A financial proposal of the investor is considered valid when it fully meets the following contents:

- Contains the original financial proposal dossier;

- Contains a valid financial bid form;

- The bid amount stated in the bid form must be specific, fixed in digits and words, and must be appropriate, logical, not proposing different amounts for the same content or including conditions that are disadvantageous to the Authority, Bidding Party, including:

+ The total project implementation cost proposed by the investor (M1);

+ The value of compensation, support, and resettlement for the project proposed by the investor (M2);

+ The proposed value for the state budget contribution in cash, beyond the investor’s legal obligations to the state budget (M3);

+ The proposed increase in the state budget contribution in cash beyond the investor’s legal obligations to the state budget, if any.

- The validity period of the financial proposal meets the requirements of the bidding documents.

Circular 01/2023/TT-BGTVT takes effect from May 01, 2023.


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