Review, screen, and resolutely remove ineligible party members in Vietnam from the Party in order to correct party members who fail to fulfill their duties?

For those party members in Vietnam who are not qualified or fail to complete their tasks many times, how does the Party guide? Thank you!

Improving the quality of party members in Vietnam from political and ideological education?

According to subsection 2, Section III, Resolution 21-NQ/TW in 2022 issued by the Central Committee as follows:

Renovating and strengthening political and ideological education, training and improving political skills for party members in Vietnam

- To step up the work of political and ideological education, training and retraining to raise the level of political theory for Party members.

- Actively grasp the situation, ideological developments, timely orient Party members before problems arise; strengthen the responsibility of Party members in protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against wrong and hostile views.

- Researching, supplementing and perfecting revolutionary ethical standards in accordance with the new conditions and fine cultural traditions of the nation, serving as a basis for cadres and party members to cultivate and practice self-discipline.

- To step up revolutionary moral education, raise the sense of cultivation, practice political bravery, moral qualities, lifestyle, "self-examination", "self-correction", uphold honor and self-esteem importance of party members.

- To promote the role of news agencies and press in the work of information, propaganda and introduction of typical examples of Party members

Review, screen, and resolutely remove ineligible party members in Vietnam from the Party in order to correct party members who fail to fulfill their duties?

Review, screen, and resolutely remove ineligible party members in Vietnam from the Party in order to correct party members who fail to fulfill their duties? (picture from the internet)

Improving the quality of Party members from strengthening the management of party members in Vietnam?

According to subsection 2, Section III, Resolution 21-NQ/TW in 2022 issued by the Central Committee as follows:

- Strengthen the management of party members; promptly review, screen and remove from the Party members who are not eligible

+ The grassroots party committee must do a good job of managing party members; regularly inspect the Party cell and its members on the implementation of the Party activities regime and the Party member management work of the Party cell.

+ Party committees and branches assign specific tasks to party members, create conditions for and inspect and supervise the implementation of party members. Each party member must develop a plan of striving and training for the party committee to inspect and supervise, as a basis for year-end review, evaluation and grading.

+ Innovating the assessment and grading of party members' quality; discovering, rewarding and replicating outstanding and typical examples of Party members in various fields; promptly remind, educate and assist Party members who fail to complete their tasks or when there are shortcomings or violations.

+ Strengthen the management of Party members, especially in terms of politics and ideology, on the establishment and use of information sites on the Internet, social networks, Party members abroad and Party members going abroad to work and study. practice, work...; create favorable conditions in party activities for party members who are graduates, demobilized soldiers, and party members who go to work far from the place of permanent residence registration.

+ Strictly implement regulations on party activities for party members who retire from retirement, overcome the situation of arbitrariness, lax management, and improperly comply with regulations on submitting party member documents when transferring party activities; Exemption from party activities for party members who are old and in poor health and cannot participate in party activities.

+ Regularly review, screen and resolutely remove ineligible party members from the Party; promptly correct Party members who fail to fulfill their tasks and Party members who fail to comply with regulations on changing party activities; Party members violate party discipline and state laws; Party members lack exemplary, low prestige.

+ Strictly comply with regulations on responsibilities of working party members who regularly maintain contact with party organizations and people in their places of residence.

+ Thoroughly overcome the state of respect and avoidance in self-criticism and criticism, evaluation and classification of party members.

+ Strengthen administrative reform, apply information technology in party work, manage party members and party activities in accordance with the actual situation. Completing the database of grassroots party organizations and party members to ensure synchronization and connectivity throughout the Party.

Improving the quality of party members in Vietnam from promoting and improving the quality of party member admission?

According to subsection 2, Section III, Resolution 21-NQ/TW in 2022 issued by the Central Committee as follows:

- Enhance the responsibilities of the Party committees at all levels in the Party development work; formulating and effectively implementing plans on development of party members for both term and annual; create a favorable environment for the masses to realize their ideals, have pure motives, practice and strive to join the Party.

- Continue to increase the number and at the same time focus on improving the quality of developing party members; step up fostering and admitting to the Party elite members and members who have matured in labor, study and in the armed forces; interested in developing party members among workers, managers in enterprises, non-state sector, farmers, intellectuals, youth, students, religious people, in rural, mountainous and border areas , islands, ethnic minority areas according to the motto "Where there are people, there are party members", in order to create a source of cadres for the political system at all levels in the immediate and long term.

- Focus on consolidating and improving the quality of activities of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, trade unions and other socio-political organizations in the area, organizations and units that have not yet been organized. Party organizations, there are no party members to gather the masses, create resources, introduce union members and elite members, and build forces for the Party.

- The immediate superior levels of Party committees of grassroots Party organizations shall assign the members to be in charge, and the grassroots committees shall assign specific tasks to the cell in detecting, fostering and helping the masses to strive for the Party.

- Renovate the contents and training programs for new party recruits and members to ensure practicality, quality and effectiveness in the direction of focusing on basic issues about the Party, standards, conditions and tasks. , party members' rights, pioneering, exemplary, especially determining the right motivation to join the Party.

Thus, according to this Resolution, in order to improve the quality of the contingent of party members, the Central Committee directs the review, screening, and resolutely removes the ineligible party members from the Party and corrects the incomplete party members. mission.

Lê Nguyễn Cẩm Nhung

Party members in Vietnam
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