07:46 | 23/07/2024

Decision 498/QD-TTg 2024: What are the new contents related to the criminal record certificate in 2024?

Decision 498/QD-TTg 2024 includes new contents related to the Criminal Record Certificate in 2024.

Decision 498/QD-TTg 2024: What are the new contents related to the Judicial Record Card in 2024?

Based on Article 1 of Decision 498/QD-TTg 2024 the decision is as follows:

Article 1. Approving the Plan to reduce and simplify regulations and administrative procedures related to the Judicial Record Card attached to this decision.

Thus, based on the above, the Prime Minister has approved the Plan to reduce and simplify regulations and administrative procedures related to the Judicial Record Card.

This reduction and simplification of regulations are expected to reduce time costs and administrative procedures for individuals and organizations while alleviating the pressure and workload for state agencies handling requests related to the Judicial Record Card.

Decision 498/QD-TTg 2024: What are the new contents related to the Judicial Record Card in 2024?

Decision 498/QD-TTg 2024: What are the new contents related to the Judicial Record Card in 2024? (Image from the Internet)

Decision 498/QD-TTg 2024 reduces and simplifies regulations and administrative procedures in which fields related to the Judicial Record Card?

According to the content of the Plan issued with Decision 498/QD-TTg 2024, the reduction and simplification of regulations and administrative procedures related to the Judicial Record Card will be implemented in the following fields:

- In the field of science and technology.- In the field of diplomacy.- In the field of internal affairs.- In the field of justice.- In the field of construction.- In the field of health.- In the field of state banking.- In the field of credit information.- In the field of culture, sports, and tourism.- In the field of labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs:+ The field of social protection;+ The field of child protection;+ The field of managing non-state labor;+ The field of labor - employment;+ The field of preventing social evils;- In the field of police.- In the field of national defense.- In the field of transportation.

Thus, according to the Plan issued with Decision 498/QD-TTg 2024, the reduction and simplification of regulations and administrative procedures related to the Judicial Record Card will be implemented in the 14 aforementioned fields.

Is it true that the requirement for the validity period of the Judicial Record Card when applying for Vietnamese nationality is abolished?

Based on item 12, Section VI of the Plan issued with Decision 498/QD-TTg 2024, the content is as follows:



12. Procedures for applying for Vietnamese nationality (code TTHC: 2.002039)

Simplification content:

- The administrative procedure-solving agency is responsible for requesting the agency managing the judicial record database to issue the Judicial Record Card for individuals applying for Vietnamese nationality residing in Vietnam. The regulation on the validity period of the Judicial Record Card is abolished.

Specific regulations on the method of performing the procedure for applying for Vietnamese nationality, adding regulations on the administrative procedure component implemented electronically according to the Nationality Law.

Reason: To ensure comprehensiveness, meet the requirement of promoting the implementation of online public services, simplify, save execution costs, and improve the quality of administrative procedure-solving.

b) Specific recommendations

- Amend and supplement point d, clause 1, Article 20 of the Nationality Law.

- Add specific regulations on the method of performing the procedure for applying for Vietnamese nationality, add regulations on the administrative procedure component implemented electronically according to the Nationality Law.

- Implementation timeline: 2025-2026.


Thus, according to the Plan issued with Decision 498/QD-TTg 2024, in the upcoming phase of 2025 - 2026, it is recommended to amend and supplement regulations related to the Judicial Record Card when applying for Vietnamese nationality.

Specifically, there are two important changes to be amended and supplemented in point d, clause 1, Article 20 of the Vietnamese Nationality Law 2008.

Firstly, under the Vietnamese Nationality Law 2008, individuals applying for Vietnamese nationality are currently required to undertake the procedure of applying for and providing the Judicial Record Card in the nationality application dossier.

After the change, individuals applying for nationality will no longer need to provide the Judicial Record Card themselves; instead, the administrative procedure-solving agency will be responsible for requesting the agency managing the judicial record database to issue the Judicial Record Card for individuals applying for Vietnamese nationality residing in Vietnam.

Secondly, under the current Vietnamese Nationality Law 2008, the validity period of the Judicial Record Card when submitting the nationality application dossier is stipulated to be within 90 days from the issuance date to the submission date. After the change, this validity period regulation will be abolished.

Additionally, according to the Plan issued with Decision 498/QD-TTg 2024, specific regulations on the method of performing the procedure for applying for Vietnamese nationality and on the administrative procedure component implemented electronically according to the Nationality Law are also to be added.


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