08:40 | 05/05/2023

What are the powers of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam?

May I ask: What are the powers of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam? - Question from Mr. Hao (Binh Dinh)

What are the powers of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 6 of the Charter of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as the "Charter") issued together with Decision No. 315/QD-BNV in 2023 as follows:

1. Propagating the Association's principles and operating purposes
2. Representing members in domestic and foreign relations related to the Association's functions and duties in accordance with the law and the Association's Charter.
3. Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of members in accordance with the Association's operating principles and purposes as prescribed by law. Disseminating knowledge to members, guiding members to comply with the laws, regimes and policies of the Party and State, the Association's Charter, rules and regulations.
4. Participating in research programs, projects, research topics, consulting, criticism and social assessment at the request of state agencies; provide services on issues in the field of activities of the Association in accordance with the law.
5. Giving opinions on legal documents related to the Association's activities, make recommendations to competent state agencies on issues related to the Association's development and the field the Association operates in accordance with the law. To organize training, retraining and other service activities as prescribed by law.
6. Coordinating with relevant agencies and organizations to perform the Association's duties.
7. Establishing a legal entity under the Association in accordance with the field of operation, principles, purposes and according to the provisions of law.
8. Commending members with achievements in the Association's activities, admitting and removing members' names in accordance with the Association's Charter and regulations of law.
9. Raising funds for the Association on the basis of membership fees and revenues from business and service activities as prescribed by law to self-finance the operation.
10. Receiving legal funding sources from organizations and individuals at home and abroad according to the provisions of law. Receiving financial support from the State for activities associated with the tasks assigned by the State (if any).
11. Joining the respective international organizations and signing and implementing international agreements in accordance with the law and report to the state management agencies on the branches and fields in which the Association operates and the decision-making body permits the establishment of associations on joining the respective international organizations, signing and implementing international agreements.

Thus, the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam has 11 powers according to the above provisions.

What are the powers of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam?

What are the powers of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam?

What are the principles of organization and operation of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam?

In Article 5 of the Charter issued together with Decision No. 315/QD-BNV in 2023 on the principles of organization and operation of the Association as follows:

Principles of organization and operation
1. Voluntary, self-governing.
2. Democracy, equality, publicity and transparency.
3. Self-financed operating expenses.
4. Not for profit purposes.
5. Comply with the Constitution, laws and the Association's Charter.

Thus, according to regulations, the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam is organized and operates according to the above five principles.

What are the assets of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 21 of the Charter issued together with Decision No. 315/QD-BNV in 2023 as follows:

Finance, assets
1. Finance of the Association:
a) Income of the Association:
- Association membership fee, annual membership fee;
- Revenues from the Association's activities in accordance with the law;
- Funding, support of organizations and individuals at home and abroad according to the provisions of law;
- Other lawful revenues.
b) Expenditures of the Association:
- Expenses for the performance of the Association's tasks;
- Expenses for renting office space, purchasing working facilities;
- Expenses for implementation of regimes and policies for people working at the Association according to the provisions of the Association's Executive Board in accordance with the provisions of law;
- Expenses for rewards and other expenses as prescribed by the Executive Board.
2. The Association's assets include the head office, equipment and means for the Association's activities. The Association's assets are formed from the Association's funds; donated or donated by organizations and individuals at home and abroad according to the provisions of law.

Thus, according to the above provisions, the assets of the Association of Non-Public Vocational Colleges of Vietnam include:

- Headquarters;

- Equipment;

- Vehicles serving the Association's activities.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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