How is the process of electing Party committees carried out? Who is elected as the party secretary of the Party in Vietnam ?

The Advisory Board asked me about the following: I was recently recognized as a full member of the Party in Vietnam. In the coming time, if the Party Committee chooses a secretary or deputy secretary, can I be elected as a secretary or deputy secretary?

What is the current process of electing committees in the Party?

Pursuant to Article 19 of Decision 244-QD/TW in 2014 stipulating the election of party committees as follows:

“Article 19. Election of the Party Committee”
1. The presidium of the congress shall report to the congress on the requirements, criteria, structure and number of the new party committees prepared by the committees convening the congress; The congress discussed the requirements, standards, structure of the new party committee, voted on the number of members (according to the direction and guidance of the superior committees on the number of members at each party committee). ).
2- The presidium of the congress shall nominate a list of personnel to be prepared by the party committee convening the congress.
3- Conducting candidacy and nomination.
4- The Presidium shall compile a list of candidates, be nominated, propose cases of withdrawal and not be withdrawn from the electoral list, and report to the congress for consideration and decision.
Collect votes for opinions of the congress for candidates and nominations (if necessary).
5- Making the electoral roll; get the vote of the general meeting to approve the number and list of elections.
6- The Presidium introduces a list of the vote counting committee, consisting of a head and a number of members who are delegates not on the electoral roll. The meeting voted to approve the list of voting committees.
7- The Vote Counting Committee shall guide the voting method; check and seal the ballot box before voting; Distributing ballots to delegates. The congress conducts elections; the vote counting committee counts the total number of votes issued and collected to report to the general meeting; counting votes and announcing the results of the election of the new committee.
8- The first election is not enough for the number of new party committees, whether to vote again or not to vote again is considered and decided by the congress.
9. The branch congress directly elects the branch committee, then elects the secretary and deputy secretary from among the branch members; where no party committee is elected, the cell shall elect a secretary; if necessary, the cell's deputy secretary shall be elected.
10. Party congresses from grassroots level to Party committees directly under the Central Government, if direct election for the position of secretary is carried out, after the election of the Party committee, a ballot of introduction from party members or delegates shall be collected. congress for the position of secretary; summarizing the recommendation form, and report it to the superior party committee before conducting the election for the position of secretary. Only after the superior party committees have given instructions, the election for the position of secretary will be conducted.”

Thus, the election of the Party Committee is carried out according to the content of the above provisions.

Quy trình tiến hành bầu cấp ủy trong Đảng được thực hiện như thế nào? Đối tượng nào được bầu làm bí thư cấp ủy trong Đảng?

How is the process of electing Party committees carried out? Who is elected as the party secretary of the Party?

Who will be elected as party secretary and deputy secretary of the Party in Vietnam committee?

Pursuant to Article 23 of Decision 244-QD/TW in 2014 stipulating as follows:

“Article 23. Election of party secretaries and deputy secretaries
Comrades who stand for election or are nominated to the list to elect to hold the position of secretary or deputy secretary must be comrades who have been elected as members of the standing committee; where there is no standing committee, the comrades who stand for election or be nominated to hold the position of secretary or deputy secretary must be those who have been elected to the member level.
The number of deputy secretaries elected at each party committee level shall comply with the regulations of the Central Committee and the guidance of the superior party committees.
1- The Presidium of the conference shall report on the request for the election of secretaries and deputy secretaries.
2- The Presidium shall report to the conference the comrades recommended by the previous party committee and the immediate superior level to be elected to hold the position of secretary or deputy secretary; report on the results of the general meeting's recommendation ballot for the position of secretary (if any).
3- Conducting candidacy and nomination.
4- The Presidium shall report on the list of candidates and nominations; propose cases of withdrawal and not to be withdrawn from the electoral list, report to the conference for consideration and decision.
Collect ballots from the conference for self-nominated candidates who are nominated at the conference (if necessary).
5- Making the electoral roll; meeting to vote on the list to elect the secretary and deputy secretary.
6- Election (elect the secretary first, elect the deputy secretary later).
7- Count the votes and announce the election results.
After being elected, the secretary shall immediately run the work of the new party committee and sign documents with the title of secretary; the previous secretariat hands over the work to the new secretary within 15 working days from the date of appointment of the new secretary. In case the position of secretary has not been elected, a comrade-in-arms shall be authorized to sign documents with the title of deputy secretary."

Accordingly, the election of secretaries and deputy secretaries of the Party Committee will be carried out in accordance with the above provisions.

Regulations on electing delegates to the superior party in Vietnam congress according to current regulations?

According to Article 20 of Decision 244-QD/TW in 2014, it is stipulated as follows:

“Article 20. Electing delegates to superior party congresses
1- When electing delegates to the superior party congress, the list to elect the official and alternate delegates shall be made on the same list; elect the official delegates first, the rest elect alternate delegates. In case the official election of delegates is sufficient, but there are still a number of delegates with more than half of the votes elected than the number of convened party members or more than half of the convened delegates, the Alternate delegates are selected from among them according to the results of the election from top to bottom. If there is a shortage of alternate delegates according to regulations, whether to vote again or not to vote again is decided by the general meeting.
2- Whether the list for the next election will introduce additional delegates to the list for the previous election shall be decided by the general meeting.”

As such, the election of delegates to the superior party in VIetnam congresses shall be carried out in accordance with the above provisions.


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