07:50 | 23/07/2024

Process for Issuing New Digital Certificates According to Decision 1862/QD-TCT - How Are New Digital Certificates Delivered and Received?

Procedure for the issuance of new digital certificates according to Decision 1862/QD-TCT. How is the new digital certificate delivered and received? Question from T,S in Gia Lai

How is the process for issuing new digital certificates in the tax sector according to Decision 1862/QD-TCT?

Based on Article 5 of the Regulations issued with Decision 1862/QD-TCT in 2023 stipulates the process for issuing new digital certificates as follows:

Process for issuing new digital certificates

1. Submitting a request for issuing a new digital certificate.

a) Entities eligible for digital certificates under Clause 1, Article 3 of these Regulations shall: Individual submits a request for issuing a personal digital certificate using Form 01-BM/CTS; Organization or unit (digital certificate manager of the organization) submits a request for issuing a digital certificate for the organization using Form 02-BM/CTS; For digital certificates for service equipment and software, the digital certificate manager submits a request for issuing a digital certificate for the equipment, service, and software using Form 13-BM/CTS as specified in the appendix accompanying these Regulations, and sends it to the IT Department.

b) The IT Department shall:

- Review, compile requests for issuing new digital certificates for individuals using Form 03-BM/CTS, requests for issuing digital certificates for organizations using Form 04-BM/CTS, requests for issuing digital certificates for equipment, services, and software using Form 14-BM/CTS as specified in the appendix accompanying these Regulations, and submit them to the direct management leader for approval and send to the higher-level unit as follows:

+ For requests for issuing individual and organizational digital certificates at the level of Tax Sub-departments, Regional Tax Sub-departments, the IT Department submits the requests for approval by the head of the Tax Sub-department, Regional Tax Sub-department, and sends to the Tax Department.

+ For requests for issuing individual and organizational digital certificates at the level of Tax Departments, the IT Department compiles all requests and submits them to the head of the Tax Department for approval and sends to the General Department of Taxation (through the IT Department).

+ For requests for issuing individual and organizational digital certificates at the level of the General Department of Taxation, the IT Department submits them to the head of the General Department for approval, while concurrently compiling all requests for the entire tax sector and sends to the Department of Digital Certification and Information Security.

- Archive the files using Form 01-BM/CTS and Form 02-BM/CTS, Form 13-BM/CTS.

2. Handover of the new digital certificates.

The transaction of handing over and receiving the new digital certificates is carried out in accordance with Article 8 of these Regulations.

Thus, issuing new digital certificates follows two steps:

- Submitting a request for a new digital certificate.- Handover of the new digital certificates.

Process for issuing new digital certificates according to Decision 1862/QD-TCT. How to hand over and receive new digital certificates

Process for issuing new digital certificates according to Decision 1862/QD-TCT. How to hand over and receive new digital certificates

How is the handover and receipt of new digital certificates in the tax sector regulated?

Based on Article 8 of the Regulations issued with Decision 1862/QD-TCT in 2023, the handover and receipt of digital certificates are regulated as follows:

(1) Sending and receiving secret key storage devices

The sending and receiving of secret key storage devices between units within the tax sector and individuals shall be carried out directly or through postal service providers (couriers). The decentralization of secret key storage device handover is as follows:

- At the General Department of Taxation:

+ After the Department of Digital Certification and Information Security hands over the secret key storage devices, the IT Department contacts the subscribers in the relevant Departments/Units under the General Department of Taxation to directly hand over to the individual issued with the digital certificate, and supports the installation of the secret key storage devices for the subscribers.

+ The IT Department hands over and guides the installation for the Tax Department (IT Department).

- At the Tax Department, the IT Department shall implement:

+ Contact the subscribers at the Tax Department and hand over to the individual issued with the digital certificate, and supports the installation of the secret key storage devices for the subscribers;

+ Hand over and guide the installation for the Tax Sub-department, Regional Tax Sub-department (the IT section at the Tax Sub-department, Regional Tax Sub-department).

- At the Tax Sub-department, Regional Tax Sub-department, the IT section contacts the subscribers at the Tax Sub-department, Regional Tax Sub-department and hands over to the subscriber issued with the digital certificate, and supports the installation of the secret key storage devices for the subscribers.

(2) The handover of secret key storage devices between units and individuals shall be carried out immediately after the devices are delivered to the units.


(2.1) Handover between units

- The unit handing over the device prepares a handover/receipt record for the secret key storage device as per Form 09-BM/CTS in the appendix accompanying these Regulations and hands it over to the receiving units.

- The receiving units must inspect the secret key storage devices, sign the handover/receipt record, and send one copy to the handing over unit.

(2.2) Handover between units and subscribers

- The unit directly managing the subscriber prepares a handover/receipt record for the secret key storage device as per Form 09-BM/CTS in the appendix accompanying these Regulations to hand over directly to each subscriber.

- The subscriber inspects the digital certificate, signs the handover/receipt record, keeps one copy, and changes the digital certificate password.

What is the processing time for issuing new digital certificates in the tax sector?

Based on the regulations stipulated in Article 10 of the Regulations issued with Decision 1862/QD-TCT in 2023, the processing time is as follows:

Processing time regulations.

The processing time starts from the moment all necessary information is received. Specifically:

- For cases of: issuing new digital certificates; revoking digital certificates or secret key storage devices; renewing, changing, or adding information to digital certificates:

+ The IT Department handles and submits to the direct management leader within a maximum of 3 working days.

+ The leader processes within a maximum of 2 working days.

- For cases of lost passwords; damaged or lost secret key storage devices: The IT Department reviews and submits to the direct management leader at each level within a maximum of 2 working days from the date the request with complete information is received from the individual.

Thus, the processing time for issuing new digital certificates is carried out according to the aforementioned regulations.


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