08:14 | 28/08/2024

What are general regulations for e-cards for officials and public employees in Vietnam according to Decision 838/QD-BNV in 2023?

What are general regulations for e-cards for officials and public employees in Vietnam according to Decision 838/QD-BNV in 2023? S.P - Gia Lai

General regulations for e-cards for officials and public employees in Vietnam

According to Clause 1, Article 2 of Decision 838/QD-BNV year 2023, the general regulations for e-cards for officials and public employees are as follows:

- The electronic card for officials and public employees is a card equipped with electronic devices (RFID chip), containing basic personal information as well as information related to the employing agency, unit, position, title, and job role of the official or public employee.

The card is issued to officials and public employees in state administrative agencies and public service providers for use in public duties and missions; entrance and exit, travel, presentation, time control at workplaces, supporting the reduction of paper documents, etc. Depending on the needs, officials and public employees can utilize other conveniences of the card to facilitate daily life and access public services, thereby promoting office modernization, enhancing the sense of responsibility, public service communication culture of officials and public employees, increasing the effectiveness of state management on officials, public service, administrative reform, digital transformation, gradually forming digital officials and public employees, building the Government of Vietnam, e-government, and smart cities.

- Information printed on the card and stored in the chip is derived from the National Database on officials and public employees in state agencies.

- The Ministry of Home Affairs centralizes the management of technical standards for card blanks and the electronic card database; ministries, sectors, and localities manage the card blanks and E-Cards (including card withdrawal, card blocking) and organize the printing of card blanks; individualizing, printing cards for issuing, and replacing the cards for officials and public employees under their management authority.

- According to management requirements, technical requirements, and the degree of office modernization, ministries, sectors, and localities select technical regulations in this Decision and other related regulations to apply to workers, part-time workers at commune level, and other subjects; expanding the features and functions of E-Cards (integration with banking card services, social insurance cards, health insurance cards, access control, electronic time attendance...) suitable to the actual situation.

General Regulations for Electronic Cards of Officials and Public Employees according to Decision 838/QD-BNV year 2023

General Regulations for E-Cards of Officials and Public Employees in Vietnam according to Decision 838/QD-BNV year 2023

Regulations on the Form and Content of E-Cards for Officials and Public Employees in Vietnam

According to Clause 2, Article 2 of Decision 838/QD-BNV year 2023, the regulations on the form and content of E-Cards for officials and public employees are as follows:

* Front Side:

- National Emblem, logo: The National Emblem printed in color as per regulations (mandatory for administrative units) or logo, symbol for other units.

- Name of the managing agency or unit: Name of the ministry-level, province-level agency or equivalent, or the superior agency of the direct user agency, organization, or unit.

- Name of the user agency or unit: Name of the direct user agency, organization, or unit of the official or public employee (working unit).

- Personal information: Portrait photo (as regulated); full name; position, title, job role of the official or public employee.

- Chip symbol: To distinguish an electronic card for officials and public employees (chip card) from a regular official and public employee card.

- Card number structure: [Ministry, sector, locality code] + “ ” + [Citizen Identification Number] + “ ” + [Type]


+ [Ministry, sector, locality code] is regulated in Decision 20/2020/QD-TTg on the electronic identification code of agencies and organizations for data connection and sharing with ministries, sectors, and localities;

+ [Citizen Identification Number]: Citizen identification number;

+ [Type], denoted as follows: “CB” - Official; “CC” - Civil Servant; “VC” - Public Employee; “XA” - Commune-level official; “XA0” - Part-time worker at commune level; “HĐ” - Labor contract, others.

- QR Code (maximum length of QR Code is 130 characters with 12x12 mm size), containing basic information separated by the “ ” character, including:

+ Card number (random): Maximum length of 4 alphanumeric characters;

+ Full name: Maximum length of 25 characters, in Vietnamese format;

+ Date of birth: Maximum length of 10 characters, in DD/MM/YYYY format (day/month/year);

+ Gender: Maximum length of 3 characters, in Vietnamese format;

+ Citizen Identification Number: Maximum length of 12 numeric characters;

+ Working agency or unit code (user unit): Maximum length of 9 alphanumeric characters;

+ Managing agency or unit name: Maximum length of 30 characters, in Vietnamese format.

+ Position, title, job role: Maximum length of 17 characters, in Vietnamese format.

+ URL to check information and card status (active card, blocked card, revoked card, expired card,...): Maximum length of 20 alphanumeric characters.

- Stripe (double), corresponding to subjects under administrative hierarchy: 1) Red stripe: Senior management level officials and public employees (department-level, equivalent, and above); 2) Dark blue stripe: Civil Servants, public employees (including commune-level officials); 3) Cress green stripe: Part-time workers at commune level, labor contracts, and other subjects.

* Back Side:

- Dark red background, with the National Emblem printed in gold following regulations.

- Name of the Ministry, sector, locality in gold.

- Information of intermediary payment organization, credit organization (if any).

What Responsibilities Does the Ministry of Home Affairs Have in Implementing the Decision on Technical Regulations for E-Cards for Officials and Public Employees in Vietnam?

According to Clause 1, Article 3 of Decision 838/QD-BNV year 2023 on the implementation of the Decision on technical regulations for E-Cards for officials and public employees, the Ministry of Home Affairs has the following responsibilities:

- Assign the Information Center to lead the execution:

+ Guide the implementation; assess technical standards of electronic card blanks to ensure they meet the technical requirements for individualization and card printing.

+ Provide technical support, technological solution consultation; develop software: receive needs, individualize cards, check cards,…; card database, connect with the Ministry of Home Affairs’ electronic portal.

- Assign the Public Servant and Employee Department to lead the execution:

+ Monitor and urge the implementation of this Decision.

+ Urge the update of the National Database on officials and public employees, ensuring it is "Accurate - Complete - Clean - Live" as a basis for deriving information for individualization and printing E-Cards for officials and public employees.

- Assign the Ministry Inspectorate to lead the execution:

+ Inspect and examine the management, usage, and policies related to wearing E-Cards, regular cards for officials and public employees of ministries, sectors, and localities.


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