Regulation 110/QD-TW stipulating the process of rotating officers in the Inspection sector of the Communist Party - how is it defined?
Is there Regulation 110/QD-TW on the Rotation of Personnel in the Communist Party Inspection Sector?
On July 06, 2023, the Central Executive Committee issued Regulation 110/QD-TW, 2023 on the rotation of personnel in the Communist Party Inspection sector.
In Clause 1, Article 3 of Regulation 110/QD-TW, 2023, it is stipulated that the rotation of personnel in the Communist Party Inspection sector involves assigning, appointing, and introducing personnel to leadership and management positions elsewhere in the Communist Party Inspection sector, from the Central level down to the district level, for a specified period to train and develop according to requirements, tasks, or planned positions.
At the same time, based on the regulations in Article 4 of Regulation 110/QD-TW, 2023, the scope, subjects, and principles of positioning rotation positions are regulated as follows:
Scope of Rotation:
- Personnel in the Communist Party Inspection sector from the Central level to the district level and equivalents; from upper to lower levels or lower to upper levels or same level.
Personnel in leadership and management positions in the Communist Party Inspection sector from the district level and above, excluding personnel under the management of the Politburo and the Secretariat; approved by competent authorities for planning leadership and management positions, include:
- Full-time members of provincial and district-level inspection committees and equivalents (chairperson, vice chairperson, members of the inspection committee).- Officials holding leadership and management positions in departments under the Central Inspection Commission and divisions under provincial inspection commissions.
Principles of Positioning Rotation Positions:
Primarily implement according to the principle of keeping equivalent positions to those currently being held.
In necessary cases, the competent authority can consider assigning higher positions to officials with outstanding qualities and capabilities, who can meet the requirements of the assigned position and ensure standards and conditions as prescribed.
Regulation 110/QD-TW stipulates the process of personnel rotation in the Communist Party Inspection sector. (Image from the Internet)
How is the Process of Personnel Rotation in the Communist Party Inspection Sector?
Based on the regulations in Article 7 of Regulation 110/QD-TW, 2023, the process of personnel rotation in the Communist Party Inspection sector is as follows:
Step 1. The Central Inspection Commission issues a plan for personnel rotation in the Communist Party Inspection sector according to the term, annually.
Step 2. Based on the need for personnel rotation, the Central-affiliated Party committees review and evaluate the personnel team in the local Communist Party Inspection sector, agency, unit to develop a rotation plan for submission to the Central Inspection Commission for consideration and guidance.
Step 3. The Central Inspection Commission consolidates proposals from localities and units, reviews the standards, criteria, and selects the areas, positions, and personnel for rotation.
Step 4. The Central Inspection Commission, in coordination with local Party committees and units, drafts the list of personnel and positions for rotation.
Step 5. The Central Inspection Commission and competent authorities, as per the management decentralization of personnel, direct and organize the implementation of the following steps:
- Obtain feedback and evaluation of the proposed personnel for rotation.- Send official letters for assessment from related agencies - coordinate with the current and prospective agencies on the proposed area, position, and personnel for rotation. Hold meetings with personnel to inform them of the purpose and requirements of the rotation; understand their thoughts and aspirations and outline their responsibilities.- Review, decide and lead, and direct the implementation (announce the decision or direct elections and other necessary tasks).
What is the Rotation Period for Personnel, and What are the Principles for Positioning Personnel after Rotation?
According to the regulations in Article 8 of Regulation 110/QD-TW, 2023, it is stated as follows:
Rotation Period and Policies for Rotated Personnel
1. The rotation period is at least 3 years (36 months). In special cases, the competent authority in charge of personnel management will consider and decide.
2. The regime and policies for rotated personnel in the Communist Party Inspection sector are implemented according to regulations.
The rotation period for personnel in the Communist Party Inspection sector is at least 3 years (36 months). In special cases, the competent authority in charge of personnel management will consider and decide.
The authority for rotating personnel in the Communist Party Inspection sector is as follows:
- The Central Inspection Commission decides on personnel rotation under its authority; proposes relevant Party committees to consider the decision on the rotation of personnel of inspection committees and inspection committee agencies of the Party committee.
- Provincial and district-level Party committees and standing committees conduct personnel rotation according to the personnel management decentralization.
Additionally, according to Article 9 of Regulation 110/QD-TW, 2023, it clearly states the principles for positioning personnel after rotation as follows:
- The assignment of jobs for personnel after rotation must be based on the personnel requirements of the Central Inspection Commission, political tasks, the personnel situation of local inspection committees, agencies, units; work results, abilities, strengths of the personnel tied to the execution of local political tasks, agencies, units, and personnel evaluations from competent authorities.
- In cases where the rotated personnel are decided by competent authorities to continue to be stably assigned at the destination local, agency, unit, they are no longer considered rotated personnel according to the regulations.