The 15th National Assembly in Vietnam passed 05 Laws, 17 Resolutions, and commented on 06 Law Projects at the 3rd Session in 2022?

May I ask how many Laws has the National Assembly in Vietnam just met? Thank you!

05 Which Law was passed by the National Assembly in Vietnam at the 3rd Session in 2022?

According to Section I of Resolution 63/2022/QH15 at the 3rd session, the National Assembly in Vietnam considered and decided the following contents:

Passed 05 laws:

- Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Intellectual Property,

- Insurance Business Law,

- Law of Cinema,

- Law of emulation and reward

- Law of Mobile Police

17 What resolutions were passed by the National Assembly in Vietnam at the 3rd Session in 2022?

According to Section I of Resolution 63/2022/QH15 at the 3rd session, the National Assembly in Vietnam considered and decided on the following contents:

Passed 17 resolutions:

- Resolution on the Law and Ordinance Development Program in 2023, adjusting the Law and Ordinance Development Program in 2022;

- Resolution on piloting a number of specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Khanh Hoa province;

- Resolution on piloting the model of organizing labor activities, vocational guidance and vocational training for inmates outside prisons;

- Resolution on the monitoring program of the National Assembly in Vietnam in 2023;

- Resolution on establishing thematic monitoring team on “The mobilization, management and use of resources for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic; the implementation of policies and laws on grassroots health and preventive medicine”;

- Resolution on establishment of thematic monitoring team on "Implementation of the National Assembly's resolutions on the national target programs on building new rural areas in the period of 2021 - 2025, sustainable poverty reduction in the period of 2021 - 2025, socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period of 2021 - 2030";

- Resolution on continuing to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of policies and laws on planning and a number of solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles, accelerate the formulation and improve the quality of the planning period. 2021 - 2030;

- Resolution on questioning activities at the 3rd session of the 15th National Assembly;

- Resolution approving the state budget settlement in 2020;

- Resolution on investment policy of Ring Road 4 construction investment project in Hanoi Capital Region;

- Resolution on investment policy of Ho Chi Minh City 3rd Ring Road construction investment project;

- Resolution on investment policy of Khanh Hoa - Buon Ma Thuot expressway construction project phase 1;

- Resolution on investment policy of Bien Hoa - Vung Tau expressway construction project phase 1;

- Resolution on investment policy of Chau Doc - Can Tho - Soc Trang expressway construction project phase 1;

- Resolution to remove Mr. Nguyen Thanh Long from office of the 15th National Assembly deputies;

- Resolution approving the proposal of the Prime Minister on the dismissal of the Minister of Health for the term 2021 - 2026 for Mr. Nguyen Thanh Long

- Resolution of the 3rd session of the 15th National Assembly.

How is the responsibility for implementing the above resolution defined by the National Assembly in Vietnam?

According to Resolution 63/2022/QH15 at the 3rd session, the National Assembly:

- Standing Committee of the National Assembly, Government, Prime Minister, Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front, Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuracy, Ethnic Council, Committees of the National Assembly, the State Audit, ministries, branches and local authorities at all levels, according to their assigned functions and tasks, organize the effective implementation and strengthen the propagation, dissemination and education of the law in order to early implement the laws and resolutions passed by the National Assembly. Localities proactively and actively implement tasks under their authority according to the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Party, the 5-year socio-economic development plan and the socio-economic development strategy. 10-year association in accordance with the local situation and current practice.

- The National Assembly Standing Committee, Ethnic Council, Committees of the National Assembly, National Assembly Delegation and National Assembly deputies supervise the implementation of the Resolution.

- The Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations shall supervise and encourage the people of all classes to implement the Resolution.

Thus, the National Assembly passed 05 laws, 17 resolutions, and commented on 06 bills at the 3rd session on June 16, 2022, including the contents listed above.

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