07:49 | 23/07/2024

What is a Professional Soldier? How is the new salary structure for Professional Soldiers according to Resolution 27 on salary reform?

What is a Professional Soldier? What is the new salary structure for Professional Soldiers according to Resolution 27 on salary reform? Your question from Q.S in Ha Nam.

What is a professional military officer?

Based on Article 2 of the Law on Professional Military Officers, National Defense Workers, and Public Employees 2015, it is regulated as follows:

A professional military officer is a Vietnamese citizen with professional technical or service skills serving in the People's Army, selected or recruited according to position titles and conferred with military ranks as professional military officers.

- Active professional military officers are those serving in the regular forces of the People's Army.

- Reserve professional military officers are Vietnamese citizens with professional technical skills who have registered to serve in the reserve branch of the People's Army as regulated by this Law.

What is a professional military officer? What is the new salary structure for professional military officers according to Resolution 27 on salary reform?

What is a professional military officer? What is the new salary structure for professional military officers according to Resolution 27 on salary reform?

What is the new salary structure for professional military officers according to Resolution 27 on salary reform?

Based on Subsection 3, Section II of the Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018, the design of the new salary structure is mentioned as follows:

Content of reform

3.1. For officials and public employees and armed forces (public sector)

a) Design a new salary structure including: Basic salary (approximately 70% of the total salary fund) and allowances (approximately 30% of the total salary fund). Add bonuses (the bonus fund is approximately 10% of the annual total salary fund, excluding allowances).

The salary structure for professional military officers when implementing salary reform will include:

- Basic salary;- Allowances;- Bonuses.

What are the factors for building the new salary table for professional military officers?

Regarding the factors for building the salary table, based on Point C, Subsection 3.1, Section II of the Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018, the determination of specific factors to design the new salary table for officials and the armed forces is as follows:

Content of reform

3.1. For officials and public employees and armed forces (public sector)


c) Determine specific factors to design the new salary table

- Abolish the statutory pay rate and current salary coefficients, build a basic salary level with specific monetary amounts in the new salary table.

- Implement unified labor contract policies according to the provisions of the Labor Code (or service contracts) for those performing auxiliary duties (requiring sub-college education), not applying the officials and public employees salary table for these subjects.

- Determine the lowest salary level for officials and public employees in the public sector as the salary level for those performing tasks requiring sub-college education (level 1), not lower than the lowest salary level for trained labor in the enterprise sector.

- Expand the salary relationship as a basis to determine specific salary levels in the salary system, gradually approaching the salary relationship of the enterprise sector suitable with the State's resources.

- Perfect policies for regular salary increases and early salary increases for officials and public employees and the armed forces in accordance with the regulations of the new salary table.

Thus, the salary table for professional military officers from July 1, 2024, when implementing salary reform, will be built based on the above regulations. Highlights include:

- Abolition of the statutory pay rate and salary coefficients, establishing a basic salary level with specific monetary amounts in the new salary table.- Expanding the salary relationship as a basis to determine specific salary levels in the salary system, gradually approaching the salary relationship of the enterprise sector suitable with the State's resources.- Perfecting policies for regular and early salary increases for officials and public employees and the armed forces in accordance with the regulations of the new salary table.

What is the roadmap for salary reform goals until 2030 according to Resolution 27/NQ-TW 2018?

Based on Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018 on salary policy reform for officials and public employees, armed forces, and workers in enterprises.

The roadmap for salary reform goals until 2030 is determined according to Item 2.2, Subsection 2, Section II of the Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018.

To be specific, as follows:

Specific goals

(1) From 2018 to 2020

a) For the public sector

- Continue adjusting the statutory pay rate according to the National Assembly's resolution, ensuring it is not lower than the consumer price index and suitable with the economic growth rate; do not add new professional allowances.

- Complete the construction and issuance of new salary policies according to the content of salary policy reform, associated with the administrative reform roadmap, streamlining staff; innovating, reorganizing the apparatus of the political system; reforming public service providers according to the Central's resolution.

b) For the enterprise sector

- Adjust the regional minimum wage level regularly in line with the socio-economic development situation, the ability of enterprises to pay such that by 2020, the minimum wage level ensures the minimum living standard of workers and their families.

- Pilot managing labor and salary for state-owned enterprises according to the contents of the approved salary policy reform scheme.

(2) From 2021 to 2025 and the vision to 2030

a) For the public sector

- From 2021, apply a new unified salary policy for officials and public employees, and the armed forces throughout the entire political system.

- In 2021, the lowest salary level for officials and public employees equals the average lowest salary level of the regions in the enterprise sector.

- Regularly raise salary levels according to the consumer price index, economic growth rate, and the budget's capacity.

- By 2025, the lowest salary level for officials and public employees will be higher than the average lowest salary level of the regions in the enterprise sector.

- By 2030, the lowest salary level for officials and public employees will be equal to or higher than the lowest salary level of the highest region in the enterprise sector.

b) For the enterprise sector

- From 2021, the State will regularly adjust the regional minimum wage level based on the recommendations of the National Wage Council. Enterprises can implement salary policies based on negotiations and agreements between employers, employees, and collective representatives; the State does not directly intervene in the salary policies of enterprises.

- Manage labor and salary in state-owned enterprises by linking salary cost quotas to business tasks until 2025, progressing to linking business tasks by 2030.

The roadmap for salary reform goals until 2030 will be implemented according to the above content.

However, in the last two years, our country has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the 4th Session of the 15th National Assembly, the Assembly clearly stated that comprehensive salary policy reform according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018 has not yet been carried out.


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