Tuition fee management for national educational institutions: Guidance on procedures for applying the policy of tuition fee exemption and reduction, support for study expenses in Vietnam?

Can I ask if there are guidelines on tuition fee exemption and reduction for public educational institutions? Thank you!

To guide the order and procedures for tuition fee exemption and reduction; How to pay for tuition fee exemption and reduction and support for study expenses in Vietnam?

According to Official Dispatch 2696/BGDDT-KHTC in 2022, it is stipulated as follows:

- In the period of 2015-2020, the tuition fee policy is prescribed in Decree No. 86/2015/ND-CP dated October 2, 2015 of the Government on the mechanism of collection and management of tuition fees for educational institutions under the Government. the national education system and the policy of tuition fee exemption and reduction, and support for study expenses in Vietnam from the 2015-2016 school year to the 2020-2021 school year (Decree 86).

- Because the previous Decree 86 did not specify the order and procedures for tuition fee exemption and reduction;

- Method of payment for tuition fee exemption and reduction and support for study expenses in Vietnam, without specifying the process of estimating, allocating and finalizing funding sources for policy implementation; does not specify the application form for tuition fee exemption or reduction...

- Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs issued Joint Circular No. 09/2016/TTLT-BGDĐT-BTC-BLDTBXH dated March 30, 2016 guiding the implementation of a Article number of Decree 86 (Joint Circular No. 09), which specifically stipulates the following contents:

+ Regulations on dossiers and procedures for tuition fee exemption and reduction, support for study expenses in Vietnam;

+ Regulations on the mechanism of tuition fee exemption and reduction, support for study expenses in Vietnam;

+ Regulations on payment methods for tuition fee exemption and reduction and support for study expenses;

+ Regulations on the process of making, allocating, managing and finalizing funds for the implementation of the regime of tuition fee exemption and reduction, and support for study expenses;

+ Regulations on application forms for tuition fee exemption and reduction

Tuition fee management for national educational institutions: Guidance on procedures for applying the policy of tuition fee exemption and reduction, support for study expenses in Vietnam?

Tuition fee management for national educational institutions: Guidance on procedures for applying the policy of tuition fee exemption and reduction, support for study expenses in Vietnam? (Image from the internet)

What contents are integrated in the new Decree on the order and procedures for tuition fee exemption and reduction?

According to Official Dispatch 2696/BGDDT-KHTC in 2022, it is stipulated as follows:

- When the Ministry of Education and Training took the lead in developing and submitting to the Government for promulgation of Decree 81 to replace Decree 86, the ministries and sectors agreed to issue the Decree detailing, integrating, amending and supplementing the contents previously regulated by the Ministry of Education and Training. Joint Circular No. 09 into Decree 81 so as not to have to issue joint circulars between ministries detailing the Decree, because according to the provisions of Clause 8a, Article 4 of the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents ( has been amended and supplemented in 2020), there is no longer the form of joint circulars between ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies,

- Therefore, the contents previously specified in Joint Circular 09 have been reviewed, amended, supplemented and integrated into Decree 81, specifically as follows:

+ Regulations on dossiers and procedures for tuition fee exemption and reduction, study cost support, and tuition fee support are detailed in Article 19 of Decree 81.

+ Regulations on the mechanism of tuition fee exemption and reduction, study cost support and tuition fee payment support are detailed in Article 20 of Decree 81.

- Regulations on payment methods for tuition fee exemption and reduction and support for study expenses are detailed in Article 21 (for public educational institutions), Article 22 (for people-founded and private educational institutions). compliance) Decree 81.

+ The process of making, allocating, managing and finalizing the funding for the implementation of the regime of tuition fee exemption and reduction, study cost support and tuition fee payment support in Articles 23, 24, and 25 of Decree No. 81.

+ Detailed forms according to Appendix 1 to X attached to Decree 81.

Therefore, Decree 86 previously had only 5 Chapters and 17 Articles, but Decree 81 has 6 Chapters and 33 Articles due to detailed and complete provisions of Joint Circular No. 09 previously guiding. Thus, the provisions of Decree 81 have fully ensured the specific instructions for implementation.

In addition, in Clause 1, Article 31 of Decree 81, "The Minister of Education and Training and the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall, according to their competence, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in, directing guide the implementation of this Decree”:

+ This regulation is to assign responsibilities to the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to guide the implementation organization and respond to suggestions and problems in the process of implementation and implementation.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Training requests agencies and units to study Decree No. 81/2021/ND-CP and comply with regulations. In the course of implementation, if there are difficulties or problems, it is recommended to send documents to the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs according to state management competence for guidance and answers.

In which case is the tuition fee management and policy on tuition fee exemption and reduction and support for study expenses applied?

According to Decree 81/2021/ND-CP stipulating the mechanism of collection and management of tuition fees for educational institutions under the national education system and policies on tuition fee exemption and reduction, and support for study expenses; Service prices in the field of education and training are regulated:

- This Decree prescribes the mechanism for collection and management of tuition fees for educational institutions under the national education system, and policies on tuition fee exemption and reduction and support for study expenses; services in the field of education and training.

- This Decree applies to preschool children, pupils, students, trainees, graduate students (hereinafter collectively referred to as learners) studying at educational institutions under the national education system according to the provisions of this Decree. the provisions of the Law on Education, the Law on Higher Education, the Law on Vocational Education; educational institutions belonging to the national education system according to the provisions of the Law on Education, the Law on Higher Education, the Law on Vocational Education and related organizations and individuals.

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