Provincial and district code and font, font size, typeface used in business household registration, business name registration forms in 2022?
What is a place of business? The Business location registration in Vietnam form?
According to Clause 3, Article 44 of the Enterprise Law 2020 stipulates:
Business location is the place where an enterprise conducts specific business activities.
Location registration form is specified in Appendix II to the attached List. Circular 01/2021/TT-BKHDT as follows:
Download the form: here.
Provincial and district code and font, font size, typeface used in business household registration, business name registration forms in 2022?
Provincial and district codes used in business household registration?
Pursuant to Appendix VIII of the attached List Circular 01/2021/TT-BKHDT stipulates the provincial and district codes used in the business location registration in Vietnam as follows:
See the entire district code table: here.
How is the font, font size, font style used in the paper samples specified?
Pursuant to Appendix VIII of the attached List Circular 01/2021/TT-BKHĐT stipulating font, font size and typeface used in paper samples to the business location registration in Vietnam as follows:
Download the form: here.